Rescuers with a rescue group license or official fosters of licensed rescue groups shall be exempt from the photograph and profile sheet requirement for those animals that are temporarily being housed at the location for less than four (4) months. Noise & Nuisances - Neighbor Law - Guides at Texas State Law Library If the owner wishes to dispose of the dangerous dog, the owner shall return the dog to the department. Each sellers permit shall be valid for one (1) animal or one (1) litter. This chapter is enforced by the Leon Valley Police Department. What is a multi-family residential building? 2023Copyright San Antonio Bar Association. The San Antonio Bar Foundation was formed in July 1984 to promote justice through educational and charitable activities. No person shall operate a rescue group as defined in this chapter within the City, without first obtaining a license from the department. (3) All dogs and cats must have a registered microchip . Checks or money orders are to be made payable to: Lucy Adame-Clark, Bexar County Clerk. A person who obtains a pet shop license or rescue group license shall not be required to obtain a sellers permit under this section. (a) The department shall have authority to determine whether any dog has engaged in the behaviors specified in section 5-82. (1) The letter shall include the history of past violations, compliance requirements and instructions regarding the appeal process and deadlines. Sec. (1) Applications for an original or renewal grooming shop license shall be submitted to the department and shall be approved or denied by the department. Joint animal vaccination drives. Review upon frequent violations. To submit a Rule Interpretation please see Information Bulletin 555. Review of the 2021 Ch. Sec. To see if Development Services is currently offering any continuing education classes please visit the Training Section of our website. Checks or money orders are to be made payable to: Lucy Adame-Clark, Bexar County Clerk. When visiting downtown San Antonio for Bexar County offices we recommend the Bexar County Parking Garage. (a) Any animal not claimed by its owner after being held for two (2) days excluding the day the animal is impounded and any days the animal care services facility is not opened shall become the property of the city. Sec. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read the PDF files. Outdoor cats. Prohibiting sale of baby chicks, ducklings or other fowl and rabbits. All other past due taxes are surrendered for collection on July 1st of the year the taxes became delinquent and are also subject to the additional 15 or 20% collection fee. For media questions, contact: Ximena Copa-Wiggins,, or 210.207.0221. Hearing to determine compliance with dangerous dog requirements. Sec. Sec. Failure to appeal within the time allotted shall result in the animal permit hearing officers determination as final. Such standings shall be located under the roofed areas and shall be the size of the roofed areas. (a) In addition to the issuance of a citation, the animal care officer may return an animal found at large to the known owner. The Bexar County Planning Department, located in San Antonio, Texas, ensures the construction of safe buildings, primarily through the development and enforcement of building codes. 5-113. Sec. This listing is voluntary and will be only used by the Code Enforcement Section. Code Compliance issues include, but are not limited to: High Weeds Rubbish (Must be visible from a public right-of-way) Junk Vehicles (Must be visible from a public right-of-way) Refuse Vector issues (mosquitoes, rats, etc.) (3) An owner who is denied a permit or whose permit is revoked has the right to appeal the denial or revocation by submitting written notice to the director within fifteen (15) working days of the denial or revocation. 5-81. Refer to Codes/Ordinances for current codes. Sec. (2) Failure to apply for a license prior to the opening of such a commercial animal facility, or within thirty (30) days after the renewal date, shall constitute a misdemeanor offense. Upon taking ownership, the department has the authority to immediately dispose of the animal(s) as determined by the department. (3) The dangerous dog must be kept in an enclosure as defined in section 5-1 of this chapter; You may make your request by E-filing, Mail or in person. 5-13. ; Display sensitivity to the needs, desires and aspirations of the community of persons with disabilities; Present all items for Committee consideration from persons to be heard. 4-84. (b) The owner may redeem an impounded animal during normal business hours by paying the impoundment fee, sterilization fees if any, boarding fees, and the pre-release rabies vaccination fee if required by law for the subject species and proof of valid current vaccination cannot be produced. If a dog is determined to be aggressive, it will remain in confinement as directed by the department. (7) If the dog does not have a registered microchip, the owner shall authorize the department to implant a registered microchip beneath the skin of the dangerous dog for positive identification of the animal; County Clerk: Birth & Death Certificates, County Clerk: Probate, Civil, and Criminal Cases, County Clerk: Withdrawing Court Registry Funds, County Manager: Budget Process Suggested Improvements, County Manager: Commissioners Court Suggested Improvements, Economic & Community Development - DCS/Energy FAQ, SBED - Conference & Veterans Resource Questions. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). (e) At the conclusion of the hearing, if the municipal court judge finds that the owner has failed to comply with the dangerous dog requirements, the judge shall order the seizure of the dog in accordance with section 822.042 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. Sec. Community Supervision & Corrections Department, SMWBE/Small Business & Entrepreneurship Program, Mental Health First Response (S.M.A.R.T. (2) Dogs classified as level 2 dogs shall be confined within a secure enclosure whenever the dog is not on a leash. Such enclosure shall be of such size as to permit the snake reasonable freedom of movement; Upon delivery of a written Notice to Remove Livestock by the department, an animal owner or any adult occupant of the premises identified in said notice shall abate the therein described animal nuisance on the premises within ten (10) days from the date of notice. Review upon frequent violations. ANIMAL NUISANCES; IMPOUNDMENT. Under certain circumstances tree permits can be issued in lieu of a preservation plan by completing a tree affidavit application and submitting required information and fees. 5-104. If an animal care services officer is not present and the owner/keeper does not surrender the animal to the animal care services facility within twenty-four (24) hours of the incident occurring, the director or any appointed animal care officer shall seize and impound any animal for rabies observation upon the sworn affidavit of any person with knowledge that the animal has bitten a person. Sec. County Clerk's webpage for marriage information, Jury Services webpage for more information, Have a disability or must have knowledge/experience in working with persons with disabilities; and. A requested hearing will be scheduled no earlier than the eleventh (11) day after the date of the service of notice at a date and time determined by the court. San Antonio, TX 78204. Includes visitor check in information and safety measures at DSD. 5-132. As amendments are submitted between Oct. 1 and Feb. 1, an updated list will be posted on this page. Fri: 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. 6400 El Verde Road, Leon Valley, TX 78238 | (210) 684-1391 | Staff DirectoryHOURS: MON - THU: 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM, FRI: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. This Chapter is enforced by the Community Development Staff, Public Works Department, and the Leon Valley Police Department. San Antonio, TX 78204 Dogs found to be free of restraint shall be subject to mandatory sterilization at the owners expense within thirty (30) days of notification of the violation; (b) The owner or keeper shall not allow animals being held on their property to create a noise disturbance in such a manner, to annoy, distress or disturb within the vicinity of hearing thereof. The Chairperson will develop all items in coordination with the Liaison. Terms are staggered among the membership. Welcome to Bexar County As the 4th largest county in Texas and the 17th largest county nationally, Bexar County is steeped in rich history and tradition, while at the same time rapidly growing with a population approaching two million. Regulation of aggressive dogs. (a) Any veterinarian or person having knowledge of an animal having bitten, scratched or injured a person, within the city shall report the incident to the director who is also the local rabies control authority immediately. Built into the UDC is a once every five year update program where amendments may be submitted for consideration and recommendation through various boards and commissions. Planning Commission & Technical Advisory Committee, Contractor Registration & Licensing Overview, Chapter 16-Licenses and Business Regulations, Chapter 35 - Unified Development Code (UDC), 2021 International Existing Building Code, IEBC, 2021 International Energy Conservation Code, IECC, 2021 San Antonio Property Maintenance Code (based on the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code), effective Feb. 9, 2023, 2021 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code, ISPSC (adopted by City Council on Sept. 3, 2020). 5-154. 211 South Flores StreetSan Antonio, TX 78207Phone: 210-335-2700View Map and Get Directions. The facilities shall be subject to inspection by the department. Sec. The Unified Development Code (UDC) is updated every five years. 211 South Flores Street San Antonio, TX 78207 Phone: 210-335-2700 Aggressive dogs; levels defined. (c) Any citizen reclaiming or adopting any animal under the provisions of this section shall be liable for any applicable fees. III (Noise Ordinance). This Chapter addresses solid waste collection, private water wells and water service, sewers, discharge and disposal of waste, stormwater management, telecommunications, utility construction permits, utility easements, water conservation and drought management regulations. Delivery shall be accomplished either by hand to the animal owner or keeper or any adult occupant of the residence, or by posting in a conspicuous place on the main entrance fence gate of the premises or main entrance door of the structure on the premises, or by certified mail, return receipt requested. Official City Initiatives - City of Sandy Oaks (1) The owner must have adequate facilities to house the rabbits and ensure adequate sanitation. The Planning Commission appoints 18 locally recognized community members to the Technical Advisory Committee for overlapping two-year terms. All other past due taxes are surrendered for collection on July 1st of the year the taxes became delinquent and are also subject to the additional 15 or 20% collection fee. Court sometime in the 1980s and it includes the minimum standards deemed necessary to minimize or eliminate flood damage to the areas within Bexar County and outside of incorporated cities. Blocking drainage easements Illegal Dumping Failing septic systems Codes Enforced If you need additional documentation concerning this issue, please see the Residential Permitting & Certificates Compliance. Sec. A dog determined to be dangerous under this chapter shall not be offered for adoption, rescue or sale or be given away. In accordance with City Code Sections 10-14(a)(5), the Citys Building-related and Fire Codes Appeals and Advisory Board (BRFCAAB) established the Sign Code Committee to review the current sign code and propose amendments. 5-117. (a) If an animal is identified by the department as requiring sterilization in accordance with this chapter, the department will issue the owner a notice of compliance notifying the owner of the sterilization requirement and allow the animals owner thirty (30) days to provide proof of sterilization to the department. 1901 S. Alamo St. San Antonio, TX 78204 Phone: 210-207-1111 Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Mon - Fri) Closed on City Holidays Codes & Ordinances Under Review The Development Services Department is often reviewing codes and ordinances to ensure they meet latest national, industry, and safety standards, as well as current state laws. Upon final determination and after appeals are exhausted, the owner will have thirty (30) days to sterilize the animal. Sec. The director has the authority to determine the requirements necessary with regard to risk to public safety or the safety of the animals for each event. Jurors parking at the garage will receive a discounted rate, please bring your parking ticket for validation at Jury Services. Municode for Code of Ordinances . (b) Upon payment of the applicable fee, if any, the animal care services facility will provide euthanasia of dogs, cats, and other small animals upon the signed request of an owner who resides within the city and residents of unincorporated Bexar County as long as the city and county maintain a joint animal control program through contractual agreement. It also addresses drains and drainage easements and unlawful acts such as throwing trash, fencing in an easement, and dumping in an easement or any open drains. Appeal of aggressive dog determination to municipal court. Sec. If the property to be constructed on has not been platted, BCFMO must have an Authorization to Issue Permit form completed by Public Works and returned with the permit application. Chapter 2: Animal Control 17, 2022 meeting: For more information, send us an email 6400 El Verde Rd. Some quick links to help you find what you need: For questions about PCTAC Agendas, contact thePolicy Administration Team.. Term: Members serve a two-year term, and may be re-appointed. Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 343. (d) At the conclusion of the hearing, the municipal court may affirm or reverse the aggressive dog determination. (b) It shall be a prima facie violation of this section that the traps proscribed in this section were, in fact, set up by the person in question, or were allowed to be set up by the person in question; no intent or further culpable mental state shall be required to prove such a prima facie violation. It is the policy of the City to preserve existing trees and habitat to the greatest extent possible. (d) The municipal court judge shall be the finder of fact. It shall be unlawful to permit or allow fly breeding on premises on which livestock are kept, and permitting or allowing such shall authorize the denial, suspension or revocation of a permit by the department. Microchipping required. Municipal Code Corporation may without notice to you, but shall have no obligation to, refuse, edit and/or remove any User Generated Content that Municipal Code Corporation determines in its sole discretion to be unlawful, fraudulent, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable. Chapter 5: Fire Prevention and Protection You may not use this site for the purposes of furnishing consumer reports about search subjects or for any use prohibited by the FCRA. (c) The sale of live animals from the animal care services facility for research and pound seizures is prohibited. 2023 County Office. It shall be unlawful to house any animal on a surface that permits the feet or any portion of the foot to pass through any opening. (a) A person commits an offense under state law, pursuant to the Texas Health and Safety Code, if the person is the owner of a dangerous dog and the dog makes an unprovoked attack on another person outside the dogs enclosure and causes bodily injury to the other person. Each permit applicant shall be required to have taken in the prior two (2) years a department approved responsible pet ownership course prior to the approval of a sellers permit. Declassification of aggressive dogs. The fungus is transmitted when these beetles feed on the fungal mats and carry fungal spores to fresh wounds or cuts on healthy oak trees. Makes sure that the Committee adheres to the agenda; Sees that the Vice-Chairperson is left in charge in his/her absence; Assures that a "persons to be heard" time will be on each agenda; Is available for consultation or will coordinate consultation at the request of the County Commissioners; Will bring all statements proposed by individual members to be made on behalf of the Committee before the entire Committee; and, Will report to the Committee communications he/she has received or send out related to his/her position as Chairperson of the Committee, Takes place of the Chairperson in his/her absence; and. 5-127. The owner may be represented by counsel. There is no ordinance or specifically outlined law about a noise curfew in Bexar County outside of a city limits. - How Code designated and cited. Source materials used in the preparation of the Code were the 1959 Code, as supplemented through December 1, 1983, and ordinances subsequently adopted by the council. The owner or keeper shall not permit the dog to be off the owners or keepers premises unless the dog is muzzled and restrained by an adequate leash and under the control of a capable person. (1) An owner must comply with the following with regard to domestic fowl: I'm building in the San Antonio ETJ, what other requirements must I comply with? 5-8. 5-19. (2) The animal was currently vaccinated against rabies when the exposure incident occurred; Three appointees terms expire September 30, odd years; two appointees terms expire September 30, even years.Attendance: A member must notify the County Staff Liaison (the Liaison) when not able to attend meetings. **Proof of fifteen (15) hours of continuing education credits (e.g. The City of San Antonio is now one of the more than 3,400 towns and cities across the nation recognized as a Tree City USA. (b) Animal care officers and other law enforcement officers may issue the owner or owners of animals creating an animal nuisance, as defined in this chapter, a citation to appear in municipal court to answer the offense charged. c. The Municipal Court shall issue an order of resolution following the conclusion of the hearing. In addition, the department may require the owner or keeper to obtain and maintain proof of public liability insurance in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00). (e) The result of the administrative appeal hearing is final. The filing of a complaint by the person will result in the issuance of a court summons to the owner or owners of the animal in question. Whether confined in the animal care services facility or a veterinary hospital, the owner shall bear the expense of the confinement. Report violations by calling 210.207.SAPD (7273) Mayor's Emergency Declaration No. (2) Release the animal to the owner if the animal was found unrestrained outside the owners premises, but the owner readily presents himself and agrees to restrain the animal in the future. CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE - 1959 CODE; CODE COMPARATIVE TABLE - ORDINANCES modified; STATUTORY REFERENCE TABLE modified; Sec. Sec. The Committee may formally excuse absences for good cause. Sec. How do I obtain a certified copy of a document? (6) The owner shall post a sign on his premises warning that there is a dangerous dog on the property. 821.022 of the Texas Health and Safety Code. In addition, all domestic fowl must be kept in a coop and run not less than fifty (50) feet from any business or dwelling occupied by any person other than the owner. An operator of a petting zoo or recreational animal ride shall first submit a written request to the department for a petting zoo permit and pay a permit application fee to cover the cost of inspecting the facility where the animal(s) are kept and shall contain information as to the kind and number of animals involved, and the name and address of the person or business that will keep, feed, and confine the animal(s). Any person who, as the operator of a motor vehicle, strikes a domestic animal, livestock, or any wild animal over five (5) pounds in weight, shall at once report the accident to the city customer services/311 department. Sec. Litter permit; sterilization required for violation. A previous valid complaint can be grounds for the denial of a permit request. Closed on City Holidays. (1) The dog must be registered with the department and shall annually obtain a dangerous dog permit; 5-153. The owner shall be notified of the animal permit hearing officers findings and determination by certified mail, return receipt requested. The owner or keeper of any animal in the city is responsible for the behavior and conduct of that animal at all times including the creation of a public nuisance. 5-12. A dog while in the enclosure in which the animal was being kept acts to cause a person to reasonably believe that the animal will engage in an unprovoked attack and cause bodily injury to that person; or (a) All animals shall be kept in a sanitary manner. It shall be unlawful for any owner within the city to conceal, sell, give away or otherwise dispose of an animal that has bitten or scratched another animal or a human, or to otherwise permit the animal to be taken beyond the limits of the city after having knowledge of the animals having bitten or having so injured another animal or a person as to cause an abrasion of the animals or persons skin, until such animal is released by the director. This chapter creates the Fire Department, defines the duties of the Fire Marshal, adopts the 2006 edition of the International Fire Code as published by the International Code Council, provides rules for outdoor burning and fire lanes, prohibits wood shake shingles as a roof covering, provides for rewards for information that leads to conviction of arson. (d) The keeping of more than the maximum number of livestock permitted under this chapter is hereby declared to be an animal nuisance, and may be abated after notice has been provided to the owner and an opportunity to voluntarily come into compliance has been given by the director. The director may require an inspection and evaluation as part of the approval process or upon the receipt of a complaint after approval. Confinement of animals infected with or exposed to rabies. Code Compliance | Bexar County, TX - Official Website The secure enclosure must be located so as not to interfere with the publics legal access to the owners or keepers premises. (g) The municipal court judge may compel the attendance of the applicant, any known witnesses, the dog owner against whom the application was filed, and the director or his representative who investigated. Litter permit; sterilization required for violation. (2) Attaching a copy of the determination from the department; and - Rules of construction. For example, an On-Site Sewer System permit may be required if there is no developed sewer system available. (d) Animal care officials shall liberally utilize the authority granted by section 821.022 of the Texas Health and Safety Code to seize and impound any animal that has been or is being cruelly treated. (b) If there is a change in contact information of an owner or keeper of a registered microchipped equine, dog or cat, the owner or keeper shall update contact information, including new address or telephone number, with the microchip registration company within thirty (30) days of the date of the change in contact information. (b) Any veterinarian or other person having knowledge of an animal diagnosed as having any reportable zoonotic disease shall report same to the director within five (5) days. Section 5-164: Mandatory Sterilization Requirements. ), Technical Advisory Committee for Persons with Disabilities (TACPD), Precinct 1 Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores, Bexar Metro 911 Network District Board of Managers, Cibolo Canyons Special Improvement District, City / County Citizen's Bond Oversight Committee, City / County Joint Commission on Elderly Affairs, Espada Special Improvement District Number 1, San Antonio HIV Health Services Planning Council, West Side 211 Public Improvements District, BC Boards & Commissions: Child Welfare Board, Historical Commissioners Court Min. (2) Fail to notify the department of a change of status as set out in section 5-80; or Trees in an ETJ: Ruling from the Fourth Court of Appeals District of Texas on Milestone Portranco Development Ltd. v. City of San Antonio "Milestone Potranco Development, Ltd. appeals the trial court s judgment declaring that the City of San Antonio s Tree Preservation Ordinance and Streetscape Tree Planting . (b) If a dog is held in impoundment by the department for more than twenty (20) days, the owner of the dog must pay the actual costs accrued for the first twenty (20) days of impoundment, and every twenty (20) days thereafter until the matter for holding the dog has been finalized. Effective on July 1, 2015, all construction documents must comply with the 2015 International Fire and Building Codes and the amendments contained in the Bexar County Rules for the Enforcement of the Fire and Building Codes. 5-111. In April 2016, the City of San Antonio (COSA) officially became a Tree City USA. Such license shall be issued after inspection and approval of the facilities, taking into consideration the type of construction as it relates to sanitation, the health and welfare of the dogs and cats, and related zoning regulations. Sec. (c) No person shall tether their dog using a collar exceeding one and one-half (1) inches wide for any dog weighing less than sixty (60) pounds. This amendment cycle included 234 amendments, 191 internal and 43 external. Phone: (210) 335-3182, Hours of Operation Hours: An owner with fifty one (51) or more domestic fowl must keep the animals in a coop and run not less than one hundred (100) feet away from any business or dwelling occupied by a person other than the owner and have a business license that demonstrates a need to house over fifty (50) domestic fowl.