I keep imagining them returning to find the farmer had turned the car into a chicken coop (or something else very practical). One makes an offering; the other pins something to the shrine: a sketch of "Heisenberg." By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Their actions are by far the most vicious and brutal we had seen on the show at that point. They walk away as the vehicle is engulfed in flames. What is this brick with a round back and a stud on the side used for? At one point, the Cousins and some of their men corner Nacho in a motel parking lot, but Marco kills one of his own men for trying to kill Nacho when they are supposed to be taking him alive. A Member of Townsquare Entertainment News. What caused Walt's working relationship with Gus Fring to deteriorate? Marco and Leonel Salamanca, commonly known as The Cousins, are twin brothers, deadly enforcers, and prolific hitmen for Don Eladio Vuente's drug cartel. Schuler decides to off himself via Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and locks himself in the company bathroom to do this.
Breaking Bad (TV Series 2008-2013) - IMDb Ximenez frantically slams on the brakes, but it's too late: the truck hits the strip, blowing out the tires. Maybe chapter one? Leonel was taken to the hospital but later died from cardiac arrest due to a lethal injection by Mike Ehrmantraut at the request of Gus. After this, the killing scene approaches. Then they leave after setting the truck on fire. They killed the immigrants and truck driver to avoid having witnesses that could identify them. They killed the immigrants and truck driver to avoid having witnesses that could identify them.
How to combine several legends in one frame? En route to being smuggled into the US, they hid with other undocumented immigrants in the back of a hay truck, and shot and killed the entire group when one recognized them by their silver skull boot tips. They then go to walk past the couple's daughter, who is with a tethered goat. In Breaking Bad, the Cousins are rarely seen talking. A young man called Olive Oil brags to the Cousins about painting cars for Michoacan gangsters, but clams up when he notices the silver skulls on their boots. wasn't irregular enough to trigger the shock. Santa Muerte is a female folk deity and a cult image in Mexico. Marco and Leonel Salamanca were raised by their uncle, Don Hector Salamanca. Deceased They used a camera trick to make the truck seem closer to the brothers to ensure safety. How did the Enterprise return to their own timeline at the end of First Contact? Marco and Leonel Salamanca That kid would have blabbed to anyone about who he rode with (like the DEA) and their whereabouts could have been discovered.
Why did the cousins kill everyone on that hay truck? Hank, who has just been suspended and forced to surrender his weapon after beating Jesse up, is unarmed when he receives a mysterious phone call. A few seconds later, the Twins (ax-wielding hitman brothers) pull up their car, get out and join the prostrated crowd in the crawling act. Gus Fring intervenes, saving the life of his lucrative chemist by siccing the cousins on Walt's brother-in-law Hank Schraeder, who'd actually pulled the trigger on Tuco. Jack quips, referring to the complexity of Walt's plan, that "whacking bin Laden wasn't this complicated." No wonder Jesse failed this guy's class; Walt is a brutal instructor. Where did it go? Already, given the potential value of the targets to the DEA, this is a tall order. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Character information But after Gus leaves and the injured cousin dies as Gus had hinted, Walter realizes that the whole thing was planned from the start. The Cousins returned in Better Call Saul season 4 after Hector suffered from a stroke. and our Unfortunately, things don't go quite so smoothly. So not only does the cool shot that opened the series make no sense, but the version we see later doesn't sync up with it. ("Hermanos"), A photograph of Marco and Leonel when they were infants is seen briefly in Hector's nursing room. They then go to walk past the couple's daughter, who is with a tethered goat. 2002 Occupation Characters from Breaking Bad in Better Call Saul, https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/File:LeonelQuote.mp3, https://breakingbad.fandom.com/wiki/File:MarcoQuote.mp3, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Her favorite slasher icon is Ghostface, but Michael Myers still gives her nightmares. They are Tuco's cousins and they've come to get revenge on Walter White. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? The Cousins learning a harsh lesson from Hector. He is portrayed by Michael Mando and was created by Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould . Kara Hedash is a Jr. Lead Editor and writer for the Features team at Screen Rant. Appearances in Better Call Saul In Better Call Saul, they are minor antagonists in Seasons 2 and 5 . And, he had the brains to clear out his lab set-up before the cops turned up, but . Maybe he'd survived Walt's poisoning too, just like Krazy-8 (who was bike locked to a pipe in the basement). (I havent rewatched the show in a long time incase Ive missed something). To be fair, neither did the bathtub (or that entire floor of the house). Hank viciously fought back, killing Marco in the process. The two are joined by Nacho and Arturo partway through the doctor's explanation. Marco prepares to shoot him in the face, but he then decides that it is "too easy" and goes back to the car to retrieve his signature axe.
1 yr. ago Makes sense now Getting the Cousins out of the country was a major advantage in Gus' takeover of the territory. In the season 3 finale "Full Measure," Mike breaks into a small compound where the cartel is holding Gus Fring's chemical supplier, Duane Chow, hostage. The driver, hearing the commotion, stops, goes to the back of the truck, and asks what is going on. And something Jesse never would've let Walt forget. For dramatic effect. They grab their bag of weapons, kill the guard in the entrance and walk inside shooting. The real question is: why did they ditch the car in the first place? Gus, however, says that they may kill him whenever he is finished with Walt. Why typically people don't use biases in attention mechanism? And two, how did he manage to send a bullet through the wall without leaving a hole? She definitely didn't have time to wolf the first one down and open a second in the time we're shown, and we're fairly certain she didn't regurgitate the half she'd eaten back onto the stick for seconds. They knew they would get into trouble after but didn't care.They had tried to get permission from Gus but he refused. Similar to the previous event, the Cousins visit a shrine of Santa Muerte somewhere in the New Mexico desert. As their activities have drawn police attention, The Cousins return to Mexico. But all of this becomes clear when they place a sketch of Walter White in front of the Santa Muerte deity. It deserves every single one of the awards it's won, its vision and character development will be studied by jealous storytellers across all mediums for decades, and it pushed the limits of what was possible to show and explore on TV in much the same way The Sopranos and The Wire did a few years before. He grabs one of the two handguns Emilio and Krazy-8 (Jesse's contacts through which he and Walt had hoped to sell their first batch of meth before things went very, very wrong) had brought with them, and stuffs it in his underpants. Privacy Policy. As The Cousins were making their way into the US to kill Heisenberg ( Breaking Bad, Season 3, Episode 1), they turn their Mercedes in at a humble farm and take clothes from the line to swap for their suits, as the farmer (with a look) warns his wife not to interfere. The Cousins execute him on orders from Don Hector after he fell for an ambush and lost Hector's drug money. Nobody cleaned anything up until after Gus left. Why were the villagers and the cousins crawling towards this shrine? Check it out.
Arms Dealer | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom The Cousins join them, leading up to a path toward a candlelit shrine to Santa Muerte. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. As The Cousins were making their way into the US to kill Heisenberg (Breaking Bad, Season 3, Episode 1), they are at one point riding in the back of a truck (concealed within walls made from bales of hay). Luckily, we were all too wrapped up in what was happening to care one way or the other. When Kara's not busy writing, you can find her doing yoga or hanging out with Gritty. DING! The truck careens onwards, swerving back and forth as Ximenez struggles to maintain control . When Gus messaged the cousins, they assumed they were finally going to be given permission to kill Walt, so they left hoping they would be able kill Walt without repercussions at a later time PPWieners that makes zero sense. They learned of the death of their cousin, Tuco Salamanca, so they targeted Heisenberg without knowing his identity. Continue with Recommended Cookies. But then, after what's clearly a day one introduction to the subject, he immediately asks the students to turn to chapter six so they can discuss ionic bonds, as if they were halfway through the semester. What is Wario dropping at the end of Super Mario Land 2 and why? Problem is, even if the man had attached electrodes properly enough for the device to detect his heartbeat, which he didn't, said heartbeat wasn't irregular enough to trigger the shock. They kick open the back, he starts to run, they shoot him as well. A noted example was seen when purchasing vests from a black market arms dealer, who was wearing one of the bullet proof vests they were seeking to purchase and after shooting the dealer to test the effectiveness of the vests and seeing that it worked well, they paid the money owed for the vests and left the dealer alive rather than killing him and taking the vests free of charge. Interpreting non-statistically significant results: Do we have "no evidence" or "insufficient evidence" to reject the null? Moments later, the Cousins kill all the passengers in the truck, including the driver. Gus, who has a vested interest in deciding Hector's fate as revenge for Max, arranges for a skilled therapist fluent in Spanish to see to Hector's recovery and explain his health to The Cousins. After Jesse kills Walt's planned replacement, Gale Boetticher, the two plead their case to Gus that they're his only hope of delivering the chemically pure meth Fring's customers have come to expect, and doing so on time. They proceed to use a machete to decapitate Tortuga as punishment for him betraying the cartel. The voice on the other end, distorted by a modifier, warns Hank that he has one minute before the Cousins arrive to kill him. Thing is, she didn't nick him and she didn't miss. When questioned by Nacho, Lalo simply states that he will get a message to the Cousins later. The Cousins The attack was set up by Gus, Hector's biggest rival, with the help of Nacho, but the ambush was pinned on the Espinosa Gang. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Breaking Bad Crawling Scene Explained - Moovy Scooby In the first shot of the series (a flash forward to the end of the pilot), we see Walt's khakis float gracefully through the air and land in the dirt, right before an RV runs them over. ("Rock and Hard Place"), A photograph of Marco and Leonel when they were infants is seen in Hector's nursing room when Lalo calls him where he falsely states that he couldn't find proof against Gus and sticks to striking at Gus that night. However, the two are forced to admit that they never heard Lalo's phone calls to Hector and that they had seen Lalo's body after the assassination attempt. I have a theory that everyone else on the truck had already noticed their shoes and recognized them as cartel members and that's why they didn't join in on the boy's conversation. So let us see what this is all about. How does Walt deduce that he was the prime target of the Cousins? But things go south when they try to kill him, and the result is a flurry of bullets, crashing cars and silver-tipped axes stuck in the pavement. Daniel Moncada (Leonel)Luis Moncada (Marco)Victor Munoz-Soto (young Leonel)Ruben Munoz-Soto (young Marco) His plan was to take Walt across the border to cook for him full-time, mentioning that his cousins would be arriving to help them across, but before the Cousins were able to arrive, Walt and Jesse escaped and Tuco was shot dead. By using Fanpop, you agree to our use of cookies. Weird. Why did US v. Assange skip the court of appeal? Jane Margolis rebukes Jesse in front of her father, Donald. Moments later in the same sequence, Walt's panicked driving causes him to crash the RV in some underbrush. and criminals consider her as their patron saint. Portrayed by Another display of their rarer emotional side is their relationship with Nacho Varga, to whom they showed a greater deal of loyalty to. Traditionally, crawling on their knees all the way to the shrine is a form of devotion and is performed to ask for favors from the Saint Death. Lalo later prepares to have the Cousins pick him up at the same spot they dropped off the bail money, but changes his mind after finding Saul's wrecked car. As Gus and his men leave, the Cousins carry their uncle over to Nacho's body and provide him with a gun which Hector unloads into Nacho's body. As he appeared in 1989. Cookie Notice While Hank is in surgery and in critical condition, Leonel is conscious fairly early much to the disgust of Hank's friends and family, although both of Leonel's legs are amputated as a result of Hank's attack.
One Minute | Breaking Bad Wiki | Fandom To conclude, I think the second reason is most likely. One stops, looks at the girl, takes the car key from his pocket, and hangs it on the goat's horn, before walking on. Lalo subsequently asks if the Cousins paid Saul which he confirms. The Cousins with Hector during Nacho Varga's final moments. What is intriguing about the twins is that they have this strong, silent persona, yet they are not shy when it comes to flair. Cookies help us bring you Fanpop. Breaking Bad Season 3 The Arms Dealer meets with Leonel and Marco Salamanca in the a remote and empty parking lot where he reveals the armaments and supplies in his trailer. Upon finding him shot and bleeding out in the desert, they provide a blood transfusion to him to save his life, and later share a nod of respect to him when he accompanies them to take out a rival gang. There is no solid reason behind their silence, but there can be a few interpretations based on my judgment of the show. After Hank's death, Walt demands Skyler and Walt, Jr. pack their things and flee with him. A few days later, a tribal police officer who is investigating her disappearance shows up at the house and finds the woman's corpse in the backyard, the officer stumbles upon Leonel and surrenders him with his shotgun, but Marco approaches the officer from behind with his axe and strikes him in the head, killing him instantly. Why did Skyler return to Beneke Fabricators right after saying she couldn't be a part of the accounting fraud there? Secondly, when the story finally catches up to this moment at the end of the episode, we get a different version of the same event in which the pants do fly backwards.
Michael Mando on 'Unbelievable' 'Better Call Saul' Season 6 - Newsweek Despite being cold-blooded killers, they seem to have a sense of morality and fairness, despite rarely showing it. Still, though: please, please, please do not try this at home or get into the meth business and have to worry about corpse disposal to begin with. Nacho also confesses to trying to kill Hector, leading to his stroke. Why did the cousins murder the other people in the smuggling truck?
Understanding the probability of measurement w.r.t. ("Negro y Azul"), The Cousins' dramatic arrival in the U.S. ("No Ms"). Why ruin a good thing? It seems you are only restating the scene as proof of your answer. Both were blindly loyal to the Cartel and followed any order without question and killed whoever they were ordered to, notably Tortuga and even when minutes away from killing Walter they followed orders by abandoning the hit, despite their strong desire to murder him. New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. After Mike was approached by Hector to clear Tuco's assault charges, the Cousins were sent as intimidation. She is invoked to protect against accidents, assaults, and violent death. May 4, 2009 (Marco)May 5, 2009, 20:43 (Leonel) He heads outside to get his bearings, puts his shirt back on (luckily only the pants went flying) and, hearing approaching sirens, runs back inside to throw a last-minute plan into motion. Those two are cousins; relatives of Tuco. And Kuby couldn't have just parked the truck anywhere, since his doing so off the side road intersecting the tracks would've certainly triggered the exact robbery alarms the whole plan was designed to get around. It's even less fun than the show makes it look. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. As they were shown to be able to effectively do their jobs without saying a word on multiple occasions. before any of them get any ideas such as to try and over power us or escape, etc.". With Walt having (temporarily) retired from the meth business in order to salvage what's left of his home life, Jesse commits to being "the bad guy" (his words) and recruits his idiotic friends to continue cooking and selling Blue Sky on his own. The Cousins track Hank down to a store parking lot. Gus' actions have severe consequences.Episode Overview:Though Jesse feels like hes dodged a bullet now that the RV has been destroyed, his relief is short-lived when an angry Hank shows up at his house looking for satisfaction. Appearance in El Camino Dialogue that introduces Saul Goodman in the Breaking Bad episode "Better Call Saul" mentions . ("Wine and Roses", "Carrot and Stick"), After finding Nacho's wrecked stolen truck, Marco searches a nearby field and he nearly catches Nacho hiding in an abandoned oil tanker. Main We had heard about Tuco's cousins, but at that stage, we still don't even know for sure that it's them. The Salamancas never forgive the death of one of their own ("I.F.T."). right now. After graduating college, writing began as a part-time hobby for Kara, but it quickly turned into a career. Not believing Hector's claims, Eladio has the Cousins take Hector to bed for the night. At the hospital where Jesse is being treated, Saul tells him that the assault is tantamount to a get-out-of-jail-free card. Manage Settings While this allowed them to come off as stoic, unemotional individuals, they would often convey their emotions in looks to one another. In a flashback to 1980's Mexico, two young boys fight over a toy while their uncle, Hector Salamanca, disparages the "chicken man" during a phone call. Mike later found outside Walt's house a chalk drawing of a scythe, which he believed The Cousins have left to send the message that their murder of Walt was imminent. The hardcore criminal mentality also comes into play here. But we already knew that. The Cousins become impatient and visit Gus at Los Pollos, sitting silently in a booth for the duration of the restaurant's hours. When they do, it is either in short sentences or in words. At the tail end of the first half of season 5, after Walt has dealt with Mike and right before Hank has a little epiphany on the toilet, Walt hires the services of white supremacist Jack Welker and his neo-nazi gang to eliminate the imprisoned witnesses Hank is trying to break in order to unmask the still-at-large Heisenberg. They also provide him with a fair fighting chance against them when they set out to capture him after the hit on Lalo, even shooting one of their own men for nearly killing Nacho, and are shown to be genuinely hurt by Nacho's vicious words against their family before his suicide. Now that would've been a sight. Because they were essentially on an undercover mission and couldn't risk word getting out in case their target caught wind. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. rev2023.4.21.43403. They later meet with Saul Goodman in desert spot designated by Lalo. Gus is exceedingly cautious, has an impeccable ability to read people, and with one major exception, of course always seems to be 10 steps ahead of his enemies. Before joining Screen Rant, Kara served as a contributor for Movie Pilot and had her work published on sites such as The Mary Sue, Reel Honey, and Pure Fandom. Marco asks if the vests work and he responds by showing them that he is actually wearing one. 2008 He wants to get a crew together and ambush the gang at night, but the Cousins decide to attack right away in the middle of the day. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. ("Bagman"), After handing over Lalo's bail money, Saul discovers that the Cousins put an extra $100,000 into the bags to pay him as Saul had requested of Lalo. The Cousins were still in Mexico at the start of Breaking Bad season 3. Cue a million early Breaking Bad teasers and post-finale compilations which featured the line. Breaking Bad Answers centralohioguy said: Those two are cousins; relatives of Tuco. Breaking Bad Movie Has A Hank Schrader Easter Egg, Breaking Bad Movie Theory: How Walter White Can Return In El Camino, That 70s Show Theory Finally Explains Those Timeline Issues, The MCU Multiverse Is Continuing A Great Marvel Trend, Picards Finale Forgot Rikers Star Trek Promotion. But things go south when . In Breaking Bad, who warned Hank (Dean Norris) about the cartel hit and saved his life? agent Hank Schrader. In 'Sicario', what was the purpose of raiding the tunnel? Finally, after losing his badge and gun as a result of his statement admitting responsibility for the assault, Hank learns Jesse has decided not to press charges after all. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Hank managed to take Leonel's gun and surprises Marco by shooting him multiple times in the chest, but the bullets end up being absorbed by his Kevlar vest, Marco then shoots Hank twice, one shot in the chest and the other in the abdomen. It was the exact scene that left so many of us scratching our heads. In the present day, Hector is confined to a wheelchair thanks to a stroke, and can only communicate with a bell. Hollow-point bullets, known by the natives as Black Death. So whenever Gus makes a . ("Breathe"), The Cousins are called to rescue Nacho in the desert after him and Arturo got supposedly ambushed by an unknown foe (in reality, this ambush was all staged by Gustavo Fring). Even Mike, hardly a virgin to violence, is stunned at this display of monstrous brutality. Leonel and Marco Salamanca, better known as "The Cousins," were a pair of antagonists in Breaking Bad, but their deeper connection to Gus Fring wasn't explained until Better Call Saul. American. What is intriguing about the twins is that they have this strong, silent persona, yet they are not shy when it comes to flair.
How does Walt deduce that he was the prime target of the Cousins? Who are those 2 Latino twins? Why did they murder all those - Fanpop By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Leonel pulls out his gun and shoots the dealer point blank in the chest, when he survives, the Cousins decide to buy the vests. Last When Mike is waiting to shoot Hector from a hilltop with a sniper rifle, he sees The Cousins shoot and kill the Salamanca's ice cream truck driver and drug smuggler Ximenez Lecerda, who Mike had robbed a few days earlier. " No Ms " (Spanish for "No More") is the first episode of the third season of the American television drama series Breaking Bad. First Meanwhile, the cartel hit men meet with an arms dealer to prepare for a chance to take down the DEA agent who was responsible for their cousin Tucos death Hank Schrader.After falsely accusing Gale of making a mistake in the lab, Walt tells Gus that he wants to fire him and hire Jesse instead.