Oh, and the other key to using .44 Magnum to successfully stop a large grizzly bear attack is HAVING IT ON YOUR PERSON. 44 mag ammo for bear can be a life-saving tool, but only if it is used correctly. The 44-magnum pistol that I occasionally shoot is a Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan model.
44 Mag against Grizzly ? | Shooters Forum Many laud the .44 Magnum as real bear medicine, and it's got plenty of power for a bear defense handgunas long as you remember that it's still not a rifle. Your personal decision to sit on your ass too much. I APPRECIATE BEARS PLACE IN NATURE, DO NOT HUNT THEM PERSONALLY ( ELK YES, TASTES BETTER TO ME) AND RESPECTFULLY KEEP MY DISTANCE WHEN POSSIBLE. No, Dean said he read someone elses reseach (greatwhitehunter), and he provided a link to read it.Its fine that he did so. If so, theyll need a no-safety, round-in-the-chamber-already handgun that doent get a longer barrel turned sideways under a billion pounds of pre-shot and still-biting-you-bear. For hiking and camping, I prefer a chest rig. Cause theyd be weaponless from the a _ _ rape theyd get coming through Canada. I stood in a dumbfounded stupor. The 44 magnum does deliver less energy on target than the other calibers in our comparison tables. and it bounced around inside its cranium it might stop it. If I carried any handgun for self defense, Id only load it with one roundfor myself. To my surprise, the buckle was actually a snap and the strap peeled away. 44 Magnum ammo should do the trick though! For example, I said Ive made lower-48 black bears leave my campsites a lot more than 29 times just by sounding irritated. Now that you mention it, my wife was the one that told me Right after asking if the life insurance was up to date, It might have continued on to hit the spine, resulting in the instant collapse of the bear.. DO NOT GO INTO LOT ABOUT GRAINS AND SUCH AS I THINK THESE INDIVIDUAL CHOICES BASED ON SHOOTERS PREFERENCE AND SITUATION. Youtubes pretty good, and even has spray vs. grizzly vids too, readers. At anytime I can simply reach forward, undo the straps, grab my rifle and Im good to go, or so I thought. How many people were attacked by humans in the last 40 years? I looked in the direction of Reed only to once again see the bear charging at me. . 10 BEST PADDLE BOARD AND KAYAK COMBOS 2023 WITH BUYING GUIDE, Grizzly 300 Grain Cast lead bullet wide flat nose, Buffalo Bore 300-grain hard cast flat nose bullet, Buffalo Bore 300 grain jacketed flat nose. With a 3-inch barrel and a six-shot cylinder combining for a weight of just 25 ounces, this gun was made to be both carried and shot. That sentence wasnt even English. Take a deep breath and realize this is an anonymous Internet forum. CALLED BUFFALO BOAR AND USING ONE OF ROUNDS THEY RECOMMENDED FOR MY SITUATION AND BEARS. You can easily see in this chart how the different calibers using standard factory loads compare in delivered energy down range. Heard that from: a city weenie whos never met a bear. When hunting black bear, use a rifle with good sights and a scope.
The Best Bear-Defense Guns and Cartridges | MeatEater Gear As Nelson has seen in bear defense training, many shooters have cycling issues with the 10mm due to the limp-wrist syndrome, something that isnt an issue with a revolver and is the last thing you want to happen during a bear charge. However, bigger is not always better in my opinion. Neither survived.
The Best Black Bear Cartridges of 2023 | Field & Stream Dean made a claim and provided evidence, then you made a claim and provided none, and when asked to provide evidence you refused and essentially said it was up to Dean to disprove your claim, which is not an intellectually honest way of aproaching a discussion. He never said pistols were 100% effective. On Thursday, 19 March, 2015, a woman with a .44 magnum stopped a polar bear from attacking Jakub Moravec, 37, in the Svalbard archipelago. There are some books out on bear attacks as well. Along with delivered energy, we must also consider bullet weight and velocity. The major reason is that they dont want to waste expensive ammo on the range. Very few handguns can stop a 600 lb. No Time For My 338 or the 12 gauge we had in camp, I got up slowly, turned and fired a shot from my S&W Alaskan Backpacker 44magnum, that was just enough to turn the Big Boar, he leaped the 20 foot distance between us in one bound, and landed just to our left, ( my partner fired ( as the Boar was flying through the air) and hit the Boar, through the the lungs with his Backpacker 44 mag, the Boar hit the ground and leaped away from us, (this would be a V shaped leap) we found him the next morning about 80 yards from camp back in the woods, Dead!! I can't imagine anyone feeling comfortable packing a .44 mag. We have to do better. Great story. My hunting friend swears by his Ruger Red Hawk Alaskan. First, I give you credit for confronting a critic, and also for being civil. I dont look for bear but if one came my way I am ready. Heard that from a park ranger or game warden, no doubt. WTF is your .44 doing up in a tree without your butt still attached to it? Zero. We must not have read the same post. We have to think. Overall, the 44 magnum revolvers are lighter weight than the larger caliber handguns. .45-70 GovernmentFirst adopted by the U.S. military in 1873, the .45-70 Government has been one of the longest-standing big-game cartridges of all time. Upon second thought, I think you just honestly misunderstood my meaning, and I may have misunderstood yours in the reply I just wrote. The guys got lucky.. How in the hell did our ancestors kill them with a rock tied on the end of a stick? You have access to the Internets, just as others do. The dog was close enough however that the spray did hit the dog right in the face. Male grizzlies will defend their territory to the death. Need to read Elmer Keiths accounts of animal attacks in Hell, I was there. Unless and until you provide evidence to support the claim, thats all it is; a claim. Dont know if anyone else remembers his encounter in Alaska with a grizzthat had been following him and a guide in a bad storm. If you live and work in bear country, you know the importance of being prepared for that chance encounter with a bear who has malintent and you for a target. However, as far as stopping power on even the largest grizzly bear, it delivers enough energy to get the job done. At this kind of range the accuracy of the longer barrel doesnt much matter nor does the penetration, which doesnt much matter anyway. 3) Self defense from a bear attack with a pistol is a cautionary tale at best, correct? Will a 44 Magnum stop a grizzly bear? It provides fantastic retention without the need for any straps, buckles, or the like. (Another was uncovered after I wrote the last article.) And they dont work well if you dont shake the cans from time to time, just like spray paint. For 43 years Ive read so many detailed reports men who were mauled after grizzlies were shot, I almost cant count em all. Every 1.5 pages, it tells you that youre now at the exact trail spot where yet another guy from yet another sawmill was killed by a grizzly on such and such a date. Likely a happy accident for them due other evolutionary happenstances, but they are around because the weaker ones arent. LOL! Check the following. I am not so much concerned with how well the revolver will shoot as I am about how well I can shoot the revolver. In a .44 Magnum a 240-grain JSP or a 220-grain or heavier silhouette-style bullet like Federal loads commercially and other bullet makers offer for handloading are also fine choices. My Uncle Allen used a 12gauge (rifled slug) center mass at 30 feet. And if you go into the North Bush influenced by Weingarten, he just might get you killed. 44 Magnum ammo should do the trick though! Holy shit you have some serious issues. So, show us the instances that will change the percentages. The 44 magnum is no exception. Smith & Wesson Model 629. I could not figure out how it held the gun in place, so I grabbed the buckle and attempted to rip it off. Putting aside your irrelevant propagandizing about the Philippine insurrection, there is clear evidence that when comparing ball ammo, the .45 ACP is better than the .38 special and the .45 Long Colt was better than the .38 Long Colt. People claim there are multiple instances where people with pistols failed to stop the attack and/or kill the bear. So thst you can show all the unknowable how absurd and violent they behive. Ive clearly enraged you to the point where your more of a danger to yourself and others. He was a brave soul. As for his own writing, yeah, I sure do criticize it. Please dont take out your rage on your wife or kids tonight. Among firearms platforms, a rifle delivers more energy and is effective to greater distances, making it the first choice. FRIEND HAD BEAR COME THRU WINDOW ONE NIGHT SO NUFF SAID. Thats a cool chest rig. Why the Alaskan was designed as a snubbie? Im comfortable carrying the .38, with better bullets, where I hunt. Male grizzlies will defend their territory to the death. Penetration is key, so hard cast lead is the way to go. That poor bear, he was just turning his life around. Sherman, set the wayback machine for September 7th, 2006. Kim had a Glock model 20 10 mm pistol with him. 44 mag ammo can help you do just that. Its chambered in nearly every major manufacturers rifle and has a plethora of ammunition choices as well. However, if we are considering the average person on an outdoor adventure, we need to look at the best fit option. Any large caliber pistol is going to deliver often punishing recoil. It is better to have and not need than to need and not have, in my opinion. Scotty, or Cisco or whatever his current intertube name is; I believe may be afflicted with the same disability as my unfortunate nephew. Even bear spray would make more sense than peeving it off. .454 Casull Developed by Dick Casull and Jack Fulmer in 1957, the .454 Casull is a dangerous game hunters dream come true. Hunting grizz is much easier than defending against a charge but both my uncles stoped charges. There is no doubt in my mind that the .44 magnum cartridge is a viable choice as a bear defense gun. No, they had whole *lot* of time to think about how to do it, holed up in a drafty, cold cave with *nothing* to do but listen to cave-wife bitch and cake-kids squabble. The 44 magnum when compared with the other large-caliber bear defense cartridges is rather lightweight in the recoil department. You need to drop it in its tracks and firing off many multiple rounds, otherwise with that much recoil will be like the miracle in Pulp Fiction. Developed in 1976 by Ken Waters as a wildcat cartridge, the 7-30 Waters is based on the .30-30 Winchester necked down to 7mm to improve velocity and trajectory, with a significant drop off in felt recoil. Bruh it's a black bear not a Grizzly. While it is extremely effective, the main reason its been so widely-used is because shotguns like the Remington 870 and Mossberg 500 are a fraction of the price of bolt-guns and, in turn, thats what the government has provided to its employees. But they dont press that fear button like bears, do they? If you end up underneath a Grizzly that mauling your ass pre-shot and still-biting-you theres a common, two word, phrase for that kind of situation. The article was about pistols being used to defend against bears. But bears are all-natural and organic, and everybody knows that anything that is all-natural and organic is safe and good for your health, right? However, if you are dealing with an especially large or aggressive bear, you may need something more powerful. Because of intense interest from his family and friends, Doug wrote a detailed account of the attack and the aftermath. I have a more-than-full-time job except when I have the flu,like today,and Im not going to write your articles for you. Nelson continues to teach a bear defense course in Alaska, instructing geologists and representatives from other government agencies how to operate a wide variety of firearms platforms in a bear defense situation. Like a man. That may no longer be entirely true, but the 44-mag cartridge is still a formidable piece of kit. I have fifteen articles on the Alaskan revolver in my archives, and i learned something from them all. I found the account as I was searching for bear attacks where pistols had been used as a defensive measure. His backup in case of a bear attack is a 500 S&W.
When Bears Attack Top Sidearms to Carry in Bear Country I bothered to read the articles about last weeks the bear attack in Florida, unlike you. The 44 Mag does have its downsides. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/04/140415-black-bear-florida-attack-habitat-wildlife-conservation/ akgunners comment HELPS people and makes them smarter. No big bears. A 9, 38, or 45 isnt an adequate round for something as large as a bear, with think hide, fur and muscles. I am thinking I would allways have a friend with me to watch my back, if indeed I was to be in a situation of a bear encroachment. A 240-grain +P Buffalo Bore projectile carries roughly 1,600 ft.-lbs. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. TWO OR FOUR LEGS , SLITHERS OR SWIMS( ATTACKED BY SHARKS ONCE, HAD .223 BANG STICK THANK YOU VERY MUCH, END OF SHARK AND ATTACK) BE PREPARED. If I was in the wilderness thered be a gun on me at all times. This powerful ammunition can help you take down even the biggest bears. What is the title of Craig Boddingtons book? Dude you should stop before you have a heart attack.
Quora - A place to share knowledge and better understand the world Caliber: .44 Magnum Barrel length: 4.125 inches Overall length: 9.6 inches Weight: 41.5 ounces Grips: synthetic Sights: front red ramp, rear adjustable white outline Action: double action Finish: polished stainless Capacity: 6 rounds Price: $949 Featured image: Doug Larson Discussion Think about it. You criticize Dean, he responds and asks you to provide a source for your criticism, and then you refuse, and do so in a self-righteous manner? ======================================================================.
I've killed big bear with one shot (usually .338 mag) but I was also in on a bear kill with my hunting partner when things didn't go well. It isnt pleasant but I can shoot the 44 Magnum one-handed and manage a reasonable follow-up shot. The first time a strong cross wind completely redirected the spray 90degrees to the side. NAM TAUGHT ME SH#T, SHOWER, SHAVE, SLEEP WITH WEAPON. https://leeprecision.com/mold-6-cav-c430-310-rf.html A female grizzly will do almost anything to protect her cubs. Using the Mag. WHEN CLOSE TO HOUSE CHEST RIG WITH SHORT BARREL S/W .44 MAG OR SUPER RED HAWK .44 LONG BARREL. Gun Watch. In the ever-evolving world of social media, we are constantly looking for new ways to connect with our readers.
Handgunning Magazine - How to Hunt Black Bear - Bear Loads I believe I said the other day, .44 Rem Mag FTW! Clint Eastwood made the 44-magnum cartridge famous with his words Its the most powerful handgun in the world.. Aim for the head or heart if possible. It might have continued on to hit the spine, resulting in the instant collapse of the bear. Is it fun to shoot? LAST TIME CALLED BUFFALO BORE GOT THE OWNER AND MUCH TALK AND HELP ON CARBINE AND PISTOL ROUNDS NEEDED FOR A SITUATION SINCE I AM ARMED ESCORT FOR LIVING. Im thankful that Ive never had to defend myself against anything but an overly aggressive dog. Best wheelgun, .44 Rem Mag $1195 at Guns.com Jump to Details Best Lever Gun Marlin Model 1895 Reliable, durable, chambered in .45-70 Government $1199 at Brownells Jump to Details Editor's Pick Rifle CZ 550 American Safari Magnum Popular for a reason, heavy hitting, .375 H&H $1299 at Palmetto State Armory Jump to Details Best Shotgun Unfortunately, most everything else on this page is hogwash! He had a long explanation for why this happens, which I boiled down to two sentences above. I READ STORIES ABOUT THE GUIDE WHO KILLED THE BEAR WITH A 9MM ( LUCKY ALL I CAN SAY AND HE KNEW BETTER ME THINKS THAN TO CARRY SUCH IN BEAR COUNTRY) AND ALSO THAT MONSTER GRIZZ SHOT IN ALASKA AFTER HE KILLED AT LEAST TWO HIKERS AND TOOK ON GOVERNMENT HUNTER ON DEER HUNT WHO EMPTIED 7MM INTO HIM AND BEAR FINALLY DROPPED AT HIS FEET. Any way you slice it, the .357 has proven itself as a worthy close-range bear stopper. The heaviest I have found without casting my own is 265 gr. Favorites include, from top, an S&W in .44 Mag, a Dan Wesson in .445 SuperMag and a single-action Ruger chambered in .41 Magnum. He includes several photographs. I dont know if I would call it a design. I use Lyman no. .45-70 Government (405gr SP at 1,330fps)(1,590 ft lbs): 35.2 In conclusion, using a cartridge such as the .44 Magnum is recommended when hunting black bear in order to ensure a quick and humane kill. Startled bears can be extremely volatile as can those with a fresh kill if they perceive that you are threatening to take their dinner. *** Ive watched, while working out, flossing, but never sittingI dont sit while I watch TVpretty much every documentary on bears ever shown, including the one on crazy, brave, brilliant, dead Timothy Treadwell. DO NOT SEE THE MTN LIONS MUCH BUT THEY ARE OUT THERE AS SEE THE TRACKS AND A GLANCE OUT THE WINDOW ONCE IN A WHILE. No it didn t. NOT UNUSUAL TO HAVE BEARS CLOSE TO CABIN EATING BERRIES OR GETTING A DRINK. Be prepared to take down more than one bear if necessary. Depends on what type of bear. Smith & Wesson. The first was simply a test to see how far it would spray. Yes you do want a magnum. As stated by Marshall and Sanow in Stopping Power, As a general trend, and all else being equal, stopping power increases as the size of the recovered bullet increases., In addition, their table Caliber Comparison on page 335 shows a significant advantage for .45 ACP over .38.special. 2. ONE DEAD HIKER EMPTIED .38 IN HIM AND CAN SEE HOW WELL THAT WORKED. Two questions: Im pretty sure Ive seen you as a full-time, Soros-funded troll over at The Federalist. Always remember to check local regulations when traveling in bear country. Bear spray is worthless Ive used it three times. We made a simulated bear and shot it with a Desert Eagle! The minimum caliber for black bear is .30-06 Springfield. 357 Mag, and says, when it comes to handguns and bears, what matters is getting the most hits on target in the shortest amount of time. I was driving along an overland trail, about to cross a small creek and pop back out onto the beach of our lake. Never needed it, but I remember he let me shoot it, almost knocked me over! As he fell, he bit at the ground and ended up with a mouthful of sod. akgunners command of language, his clarity of thought, and his thinking were just superb today. Caliber: .44 Magnum. The 9mm has 350 to 450 ft/lbs. Does a 44 Magnum rifle kick? It is loaded with the best bear ammo that their internet research recommends. The bear was just as startled as I. Bear will win every time. He said that handguns stop attacking bears almost 100% of the time. MY BEST ADVICE HAVING HAD TO DEFEND MY SELF MANY TIMES IN WAR AND CIVILIAN LIFE IS BE AND STAY PREPARED WITH BEST EQUIPMENT CAN AFFORD AND BEST ADVICE YOU CAN SEEK. He or she could have one of the following, a 44 or larger with at least 300 grain flat nose, or a 12 guage shorty with 00 buck or a Brennicke slug. They have not released their data, but they found handguns to be 84% effective against bears, surprisingly, more effective than long guns. And you have no idea how much anybody here spends in Bear Country. Ruger just took a Super Redhawk and cut the barrel even with the frame extension. 5. You might have learned that if you didnt try to snub total strangers over the internet and instead tried to speak as intelligently as the author just did when he disputed my claims just now. Stay safe out there!
8 Best Charge-Stopping Bear Cartridges - An Official Journal Of The NRA The 10mm is also coming into popularity because of capacity. I see youre suddenly changing from Jesse Pinkman language to an exact imitation of Donald Trump-tweet language.Why? Would I be able to stop a bear attack if it happened to me? Pistolero Magazine in the 1980s when shooting barnyard hogs found that there was no difference in killing power between the .357 magnum, .45 acp, 38 special and 919. The dozen or so times Ive encountered bears out here, theyve either minded their own business or run the other way. Several folks have even successfully killed bears with a 9mm. My partner had never been Face To Face with a Bear before, but he did well (said he never heard a word I said) You just do what you have to do, thats all. I am still looking for some 300 grainers. But I always heard that bear spray worked better than a gun. Hell, no. A charging grizzly bear can reach speeds of 35 mph an hour for short distances and their acceleration rate is phenomenal. Its good to be prepared regardless how many times you visit the wilderness. 1. Copyright 2023 National Rifle Association, Women On Target Instructional Shooting Clinics, Volunteer At The Great American Outdoor Show, Marion P. Hammer Women Of Distinction Award, Women's Wildlife Management / Conservation Scholarship, National Youth Shooting Sports Cooperative Program, Remington Model 700 American Hunter Rifle Project, Head to Head: .338 Winchester Magnum vs. .375 H&H Magnum, Head to Head: .375 Ruger vs. .375 H&H Magnum, Head to Head: .35 Whelen vs. .375 H&H Magnum, Head to Head: 9.3x62mm Mauser vs. .375 H&H Magnum, Behind the Bullet: 7-30 Waters | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Little Guys To The Rescue: Federals Force X2 Shorty Shotshells | An Official Journal Of The NRA, CMP Milsurp Ammo In High Demand, .30 Carbine Online Sales Exhausted In One Week | An NRA Shooting Sports Journal, New For 2023: Winchester 400 Legend | An Official Journal Of The NRA, American Buffalo Introduces Sunset Series Tumble Weed Knife, Redding Reloading Adds Die Set for .300 HAM'R, Hardware: Henry Single Shot Turkey Shotgun, New For 2023: Glock 28 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, First Look: Vortex Razor HD 4000 GB Ballistics Rangefinder | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New for 2023: Henry Rifles Chambered in .360 Buckhammer | An Official Journal Of The NRA, First Look: Henry Big Boy Revolver | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Smith & Wesson Model 350 | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Ruger American Rimfire Go Wild | An Official Journal Of The NRA, #SundayGunday: Davidson's Weatherby Vanguard Cipher | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Review: SIG Sauer Tango6T And Alpha4 Mount | An Official Journal Of The NRA, 5 Mistakes New Shooters Make | An Official Journal Of The NRA, How to Set Up Your Truck for Hunting | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Exploded View: Mauser K98k | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Review: Frankford Arsenal X-10 Progressive Press | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Members Hunt: A Priceless Deer | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Putting the HammerDown | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Twist Rate: How Hornady's 7mm PRC Fared in Africa | An Official Journal Of The NRA, American Hunter 2023 Golden Bullseye Award Winners | An Official Journal Of The NRA, New for 2023: Primary Arms Optics SLx and GLx | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Springfield Launches New Online Shopping Experience | An Official Journal Of The NRA, Find More Great NRA Publications Perfect For Every Interest, Discover Everything That The NRA Has To Offer. It doesnt mean anything. It was a statement that very few of us are in the far north, so very few of us are in the far-north areas where black bears are so much bigger, aggressive, and dangerous. Please send your references, links preferred. Youve been evasive, sneaky, and weak four times in a row instead of manning up and admitting that you said something that isnt true, that a bear just killed a man in Florida, which was a mistake. The statistics lie with the .44 magnum as an effective handgun against a grizzly bear attack. It stretched from the peak of the cabin to the ground. I carry both, with bear spray on my left side and a .44 on my right, so IF the bear spray fails Im not completely f-ed. Craig Boddingtons new book dispels the myth that carrying a handgun in big bear country is effective in stopping a bear. I heard that bear was a friend of Cecil the lion.
Defense Against Bears with Pistols: 97% Success rate, 37 incidents by I digress..and of course firing in tandem at said target with the the other rounds by your partner. .73 (2 3/4) 12 GA Slug 437.5 gr @ 1560 FPS (2363/ ft lbs): 71 They have been documented stalking humans, attacking without provocation, eating humans they killed and more. How many you need? In general, you should always try to avoid any conflict with bears if possible. Next to Bison, they are the second largest cause of fatalities and mauling s in Yellowstone Park.