But reported incidents of motor vehicle theft have nearly doubled from 2021, from 9,933 to 19,238. This chart is current as of July 8, 2020 and will not be updated. Tom Schuba, Andy Grimm and Frank Main are Sun-Times staff reporters. /* Progress and audio bars */ Some research shows that public demand drives coverage of bad news that people have a negativity bias, a predisposition to focus on and remember negative information, possibly an evolutionary adaptation. Its not altogether surprising that overall crime would drop in 2020; it has fallen in 26 of the last 28 years, including each of the last 17 years. Former President Donald J. Trump repeatedly criticized Chicago, saying it was worse than Afghanistan. "[39] By 2016, Chicago's murder clearance rate had dropped to only 21%, and its detective force had dwindled from 1,151 in 2009 to 863 as of July 2016. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-horizontal-volume-slider .mejs-horizontal-volume-current, asked Newsmax reporter William Kelly. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. By comparison, the nationwide crime rate was approximately 23.6 crimes per 1,000 residents in 2020. Email: You get what you pay for and that includes email. [120] The most extensive operation by the FBI of the 1990s, Operation Silver Shovel, sought to uncover corruption within Chicago labor unions, organized crime, and other city government officials. And thats what the conversation should focus on. } [125], A 2015 report released by the University of Illinois at Chicago's political science department declared Chicago the "corruption capital of America", citing that the Chicago-based Federal Judicial District for Northern Illinois reported 45 public corruption convictions for 2013 and a total of 1,642 convictions for the 38 years since 1976 when the U.S. Department of Justice began compiling the statistics. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-total { More people are now dying from gun violence and crime than Covid, state governor Andrew Cuomo said. Most people convicted of illegal gun possession receive the minimum sentence, one year, a Chicago Sun-Times analysis found, and serve less than half of the sentence because of time for good behavior and pre-trial confinement.
Crime in Chicago - Chicago, IL Crime Map | SpotCrime Overall shootings are also reported as down by about 20% from 2021 numbers, from 3,399 to 2,718. Total Homicides: 8, Year To Date Powered by Sarcasm, Stats & Booze, Let your friends, family, and fellow functionally illiterate gangbangers know, This referral link helps pay for our hosting fees, This referral link helps pay for our email fees, Chicago Police Department Arrest Record Search, Crimeisdown.coms most excellent Incident Map. content: ''; Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Mitchell, Chip; At Summers End, Chicago Murders Are Outpacing Any Year In A Quarter Century. /* Progress and audio bar background */ The reasons could include an opportunity to fault President Obama for not keeping his home city safe and to argue that gun restrictions are not able to stop violent crime. Here are the top 10. A 190-page report issued in April 2016 deemed the Chicago Police Department a racist organization. TAGS: Chicago, homicide, murder Reginald Hardwick [166][167] Additionally, under Illinois law, to own a firearm one must possess a firearms owners identification (FOID) card, undergo a background check, and wait 72 hours before taking possession of a purchased firearm. It also includes $86 million for the Chicago Department of Public Healths mental health budget. Individuals are able to see maps, graphs, and tables of reported crime. Chicago's biggest criminal justice challenges have changed little over the last 50 years, and statistically reside with homicide, armed robbery, gang violence, and aggravated battery . Also Check: Taste Of Chicago 2021 Schedule.
Subscribe if you like, or not. [10], Chicago experienced major rises in violent crime in the 1920s, in the late 1960s, and in the 2020s. These are coordinated. In Chicago, 35,000 people have been murdered in 50 years; Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority; Major trends in Chicago homicide 1965- 1994, Fact Checker: Jeff Sessions's claim that an ACLU settlement with Chicago caused murders to spike, Felons charged with prior gun related crimes will be faced with stricter sentencing as of a new bill proposed in 2017, Chicago's Office of the Inspector General, firearms owners identification (FOID) card, "Crime in Chicago, Illinois (IL): murders, rapes, robberies, assaults, burglaries, thefts, auto thefts, arson, law enforcement employees, police officers, crime map", "Chicago Responsible for Nearly Half of U.S. During the Great Recession, for example, between 19 percent and 47 percent of these 105 agencies reduced their budgets each year, according to census data compiled by PoliceScorecard.org. [120][121][122], From 2012 to 2019, 33 Chicago aldermen were convicted on corruption charges, roughly one third of those elected in the time period. WILL and the Illinois Newsroom are committed to bringing you in-depth, relevant coverage that keeps you informed and engages you with our community and state. Nearly all were convicted on a variety of charges including bribery, kickbacks, fraud, vote buying, racketeering, and drug trafficking.
2022 weekend tally: 10 killed, 26 wounded Sunday 4/30 10:30a 1400 E 75th, South Shore, M/25 However, the most recent information is always six days old.
Chicago Crime Statistics By Year - ChicagoReporter.net [110] However, this claim can't be immediately proven, as homicides by race are not made public for those time periods. The cameras are able to rotate 360 degrees and zoom to a fine level of detail. They are murder, criminal sexual assault, robbery, aggravated battery, burglary, theft, motor vehicle theft, and shooting incidents. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-button > button { However, Hispanic-on-Hispanic homicides, did not notably start until the summer of 1971, due to the Latin Kings gang election meetings. The budget includes $12 million for a stabilization housing program and a proposed facility with up to 60 beds for homeless people while they receive on-site psychiatric and substance abuse treatment. WILL and the Illinois Newsroom are committed to bringing you in-depth, relevant coverage that keeps you informed and engages you with our community and state. [170] There are currently no gun stores in the Chicago city limits, although easy access to guns is likely occurring via neighboring Indiana and the many other areas with different gun laws. They should not be competing against each other. Chicago has struggled mightily to contain violence, but its reputation has probably also been shaped by portrayals in film and TV; news coverage; and political messaging. Felons charged with prior gun related crimes will be faced with stricter sentencing as of a new bill proposed in 2017.
Chicago's 2021 violent crime stats by neighborhood - Axios And yet overall crime went down, a fact that only 28 percent of readers knew. In a study released by . [55], In September 2015, an area and neighborhood of Chicago, West Garfield Park, was named "America's mass shooting capital", citing 18 occasions in 2015 in which at least four people were shot in a single incident. Chicago has a long history of public corruption that regularly draws the attention of federal law enforcement and federal prosecutors. Property crime was down 7.9 percent in 2020 relative to 2019, according to this data. We prefer to style these with the main accent color of our theme */ [17] : Institute for Policy Research - Northwestern University", "Fractured Chicago Gangs Lead to Anarchic Culture of Violence", "Chicago reduces murder rate in 2018 but level still outstrips LA and NY combined", "Chicago violence continues to outpace NYC, LA", "August most violent month in Chicago in nearly 20 years", "Chicago homicide rate decreases for 3rd straight year", "Chicago IL Murder/Homicide Rate 2013-2018", "Chicago Murder Clearance Rate Worst in More Than 2 Decades Chicago", "Chicago's crime conundrum: More homicides, fewer detectives", "As Chicago killings surge, the unsolved cases pile up", "Eddie Johnson named new Chicago police superintendent", "Gawker Glosses Chicago's Murder Problem", "The effect of local violence on children's attention and impulse control", "Chicago's "Safe Passage" program put to test on first day of school", "Chicago Police Chief Garry McCarthy fired by Mayor Rahm Emanuel", "How Do People Survive Gunshot Wounds? Between 2021 and 2022, overall crime in Chicago increased by 41%, after overall crime had decreased each year in 2019 and 2020 and slightly increased in 2021. } As a small percentage of jagoffs ventilate one another with reckless abandon, we diligently record, document and illustrate every misconception, downward trending, mostly peaceful event. Annual Trends In 2021, there were 25,894 violent crimes reported in Chicago. visibility: hidden;
Dont Miss: Best Nursing Homes In Chicago. } Dean Angelo has claimed that part of the problem is politicians and groups like the ACLU who don't know much about policing, and yet are "dictating what police officers do".[153][154][155]. Chicago Annual Crimes Violent Crime Violent Crime Comparison (per 1,000 residents) 20 15 10 5 0 8.7 3.95 National Median: 4 Chicago Illinois Chances of Becoming a Victim of a Violent Crime 1 in 115 in Chicago 1 in 253 in Illinois Chicago Violent Crimes About eight-in-ten U.S. murders in 2021 - 20,958 out of 26,031, or 81% - involved a firearm. The per-capita murder rate in the Chicago Police Department's 15th District in Austin has climbed 274% between 2010 and 2020, to 115.2 per 100,000 residents. [124] In addition to the Bennett conviction, a joint investigative report issued by the Office of the Inspector General and federal authorities documented widespread corruption within Chicago Public Schools in 2015. Let your friends, family, and fellow functionally illiterate gangbangers know to head downtown this summer for the Chicago Wilding Carnival & Shitshow. As more and more CPD frequencies move towards encryption, scanners are becoming useless. Suicides do not count. [63], In 2017, the number of homicides fell to 653,[13] dropping to 561 in 2018[10] and 492 in 2019. Most picked first, and only 8 percent chose the right answer (seventh). 4:45p 8900 S South Chicago, South Chicago, M/20 The measure is part of a larger effort to invest as much money in restoring families in their values as we do in anti-violence initiatives, he said. 10:30p 6200 S Kimbark, Woodlawn, M/29 Most picked first, and only 8 percent chose the right answer . Chicago Crime Rate Report (Illinois) Chicago crime statistics report an overall downward trend in crime based on data from 21 years with violent crime decreasing and property crime decreasing. Check out CrimeIsDowns Live Audio Feeds to listen to any zone that hasnt been encrypted (yet) or use the official feeds with a 30+ minute delay on Broadcastify. And yet overall crime went down, a fact that only 28 percent of readers knew. Cities can be like people in at least one respect it can be tough to shake a bad reputation. But the changes in budgets last year were relatively normal for times of economic distress. By the end of 2015, Chicago's homicide rate rose to 18.6 per 100,000. In other words, people tend to be more interested in hearing about potential threats they can act upon, like an approaching hurricane, a new virus or a crime spree that has been reported nearby. This referral link helps pay for our email fees and in turn youll get a free month of service. margin-top: 9px;
[1][2][3] Gangs in Chicago have a role in the city's crime rate. The city's second-deadliest day saw 13 murders, and occurred in 1991 shortly after digital records were introduced; there is no deadlier day recorded in the past 60 years, but records prior to 1991 may be unreliable.[64]. [13] Murder, rape, and robbery are common violent crimes in the city, and the occurrences of such incidents are documented by the Chicago Police Department and indexed in annual crime reports. All of our major indices show a decline in crime, and our homicides and our shootings year over year are down.
2021 Ends as Chicago's Deadliest Year in a Quarter Century Nationwide, crime declined consistently for a quarter-century starting in the early 1990s. In general, Republicans have found big liberal cities inviting targets for criticism as part of racial politics. Murders for 2021, are trending higher than 2020. [139], The Chicago Police Department has also been criticized for its liberal use of the controversial "stop-and-frisk" policy. 1:40p 3900 W Roosevelt, North Lawndale, M/29 [141][142] The ACLU has claimed that the policy unfairly targets African Americans, who accounted for nearly 75% of those stopped in 2014, even though they account for a third of the city's population. It may seem as if the cuts in police budgets were in response to the defund movement. [47] From 2010 to 2014, 114 school children were murdered in Chicago.
will release its official figures in September, but the preliminary data from over 12,000 law enforcement agencies suggests it was probably one of the largest declines on record. Saturday 4/29 [130] The current US Attorney for the Northern district of Illinois is Zachary T. The national murder trend usually gets the headlines for good reason but property crime makes up around 85 percent of all major crimes reported by the F.B.I. The question has been asked almost yearly since 1996, and every year except for 2001 the public usually by overwhelming margins has said crime has increased. 4:00a 100 N Lacrosse, Austin, M/31 Its not altogether surprising that overall crime would drop in 2020 it has fallen in 26 of the last 28 years, including each of the last 17 years. Chicago has an estimated population of over 100,000 active gang members from nearly 60 factions. shooting [11] a decline in overall crime in the 2000s,[12] and then a rise in murders in 2016. Hosting: Tired of shitty hosting services? Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot berated a journalist who questioned her citys rising crime rate and claimed that the crime rate is actually falling. David Heinzmann and Rex W. Huppke (December 19, 2004). 5:55p 800 E 79th, Chatham, F/25 Final Demonized Tally: 6 killed, 27 wounded 5:40p 1600 E 69th, South Shore, M/28
Chicago crime statistics: Even worse than you think - Wirepoints }
Those charged with gun possession by a felon had an average of ten prior arrests. [156] This study, however, failed to identify such spikes in the large number of other cities subject to similar consent decrees,[157] leading to questions about whether they had really identified a causal relationship. What readers got wrong and right in our quiz. right: 0; [4][5][6][7][8] The number of homicides in Chicago hit a 25-year high in 2021.[9]. crime rate in illinois 2022 crime rate in illinois 2022. crime rate in illinois 2022brown county tx election results 2022brown county tx election results 2022 Nearly all were convicted on a variety of charges including bribery, kickbacks, fraud, vote buying, racketeering, and drug trafficking. Divisions and squads became specialized on particular types of crime. Sir, I ask you to get your facts right, Lightfoot replied. You will notice, however, that the compared to the average number of reports during the five years before the pandemic 2015 through 2019 many of the neighborhoods above actually saw slight decreases in crime levels. } Yohnka said. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current { Aside from the occasional live stream and videos some platforms find acceptable, most of our video content can now be found on Odysee. After 3 years of progress, Chicago's murder tally skyrockets in 2020 . A new political culture in which public corruption is no longer tolerated must be created".[126][127]. [143] The Chicago Police Department confiscated almost 7,000 firearms in 2014, about 583 per month.
3-year-old shot in the face inside Calumet Heights home Why it matters: Chicagoans are on edge as violent crime is up 7.5% this year, compared to 2019, according to Axios' analysis of city data. Shooting 04/27/2023 5:41 PM 1700 BLOCK OF WEST 44TH ST Shooting 04/27/2023 5:13 PM 1900 BLOCK OF SOUTH STATE ST Robbery 04/27/2023 5:57 AM W GRAND AVE AND N CHRISTIANA AVE Robbery 04/27/2023 5:56 AM 1100 BLOCK OF N CENTRAL PARK AVE. You can follow him on Twitter at @Crimealytics. ", "Downtown shootings up 220%, biggest spike in city: 'People are fed up', "Examining The Reasons For Chicago's Violence", "Crime in Chicago: What Does the Research Tell Us? 217 Today: Proposed Illinois bill aims to change how schools teach Native American history, Athletes achieve physical and emotional feats at Christie Clinic Race Weekend, Champaign man gets 40-year sentence for killing teenage boy.
Chicago's violence spike spurs ideological debate | Crain's Chicago In the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, violent crime statistics are composed of four offenses: murder/homicide and nonnegligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. Its never too late to start that cat blog youve been dreaming about. Shot & Wounded: 624 } Chicago Police Department. [112][113][114][115] In the 1980s, the FBI's Operation Greylord uncovered massive and systemic corruption in Chicago's judicial system. This embed shows the total number of murders including non-negligent manslaughter reported annually by the Chicago police. At the same time, the department remains under a federal consent decree aimed at overhauling its training, policies and practices. Most of them are within a minor range of +/- 5 percent change. A single police beat in West Garfield Park, for example, has had 62 shootings this year. [144] The stop-and-frisk policy was largely abandoned by CPD in early 2016. 90.1% of victims were male. In 2018, there were 561 murders. Murder made up 0.2 percent of all major crimes reported by the F.B.I. This chart is current as of July 8, 2020 and will not be updated. Dont Miss: Chicago Suburbs Real Estate Market. But for a large share of Americans, perceptions didnt keep up with reality. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-handle-content { Operation Incubator obtained about a dozen convictions or guilty pleas, including those from five members of the City Council and an aide to former Mayor Harold Washington. When Kelly tried to ask a follow-up question, Lightfoot responded, Sir, I was polite and allowed you to spew your rhetoric, which is offensive to me and others, but Im trying to be polite and professional and answer your question. [164] On the Fourth of July weekend 2021, at least 100 people, mostly African-American, were shot, 18 of them fatally. Meanwhile, arrests have fallen significantly. Theres one thing that I can guarantee you is it wont work. If youre not using the Brave browser, you should be. Washington, D.C.: Council on Criminal Justice, January 1, 2021", "Chicago's Top Cop Says Courts 'Making Us All Less Safe' After Bloody Fourth of July Weekend", "ARTICLE II. 2021 weekend tally: 8 killed, 42 wounded And it is being used to fund other criminal activity. This murder rate of 15.65 per 100,000 population was still above the U.S. average, an average which takes in many small towns and suburbs.[16]. Chicago Crime Data total Crime Index 9 (100 is safest) Safer than 9% of U.S. neighborhoods. [116][117][118], The late 1980s and 1990s saw further efforts by the FBI to prosecute Chicago's public crime syndicates. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-float-current, But hes also pushing ordinances aimed specifically at tamping down crime. You May Like: Loft Rental For Party Chicago, Chicago crime statistics for June: Spike in murders, shootings, Chicagos murder rate reached record numbers in 2016, directing extra funds for programmes aimed at preventing shootings. left: 0; .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-controls, The National Fraternal Order of Police, the former N.Y.P.D. /* Track progress bar background (amount of track fully loaded) This referral link helps pay for our hosting fees and in turn you get a quality host. It has become common to blame falling police budgets for last years increase in murders. In October 2015, the FBI announced that Michael Anderson would take over for a retiring Robert Holley as Special Agent in Charge of the Chicago Bureau. Statistically speaking, Chicago is an slightly unsafe place to visit. We moved over to Nexcess two years ago and have had nothing but a positive experience.
Examples of other high-profile Chicago political figures convicted on corruption related charges include Rod Blagojevich, Jesse Jackson Jr., Isaac Carothers, Arenda Troutman, Edward Vrdolyak, Otto Kerner, Jr., Constance Howard, Fred Roti and Dan Rostenkowski. ))", "Illinois General Assembly - Bill Status for HB4392", "PUBLIC SAFETY(430 ILCS 65/) Firearm Owners Identification Card Act", "Illinois General Assembly - Illinois Compiled Statutes", "Where Do Guns Used to Commit Shootings in Chicago Come From? The CPD's 2021 annual report indicates that Chicago saw 84,316 reported crimes that year. Crime Map for Chicago, IL. Data of the supposed pullback was reflected with an 80 percent decrease in the number of street stops that officers made since the beginning of 2016. Homicides and Level 1 Trauma Centers in Chicago 2018 Murder and shootings [ edit] /* Reduce height of the progress and audio bars */ During the Great Recession, for example, between 19 percent and 47 percent of these 105 agencies reduced their budgets each year, according to census data compiled by PoliceScorecard.org. As a result, Chicago is often omitted from studies such as Morgan Quitno's annual "Safest/Most Dangerous City" survey, which relies on FBI-collected data.[145]. Reports indicate that the victims were of various ages and occupations, but mostly black. [49], A gunshot wound to the center mass can quickly prove fatal without immediate medical attention due to blood loss and internal injuries. The 2020 Chicago crime rate fell by 3% compared to 2019. Even so, Nelson provides some sobering statistics: "A Black male is killed about every six days in Little Rock. [172] In April 2021, the City of Chicago filed a lawsuit against Westforth Sports of Gary, Indiana, alleging that it consistently ranks as one of the highest suppliers of guns used in crimes.
Chicago's Crime Rates Updated (2022) Way Blog .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-current, In general, Republicans have found big liberal cities inviting targets for criticism as part of racial politics. .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-time-hovered, .mytheme-mejs-container .mejs-embed body { Since most crime is property crime, and since property crime can flourish when people need to be out and about a shoplifter needs stores to be open, for example nationwide quarantines and reduced mobility last year most likely contributed to reduced property crime pretty much everywhere. More than half of all suicides in 2021 - 26,328 out of 48,183, or 55% - also involved a gun, the highest percentage since 2001. } A homicide, or a non-fatal shooting, regardless of type or by whom, within the city limits of Chicago counts towards our total metric, including anything on the expressways. The department's murder clearance rate on the year stands at 45.6%, with detectives closing 350 . [48], Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy was terminated by Rahm Emanuel following the fall out from the shooting of Laquan McDonald. 12:00a 1100 E 72nd, Grand Crossing, M/22, Key: Carjacking and arrest tallies are directly related to either the IUCR codes of 0325 & 0326 only. "[146], CPD tallied 22 police-involved shootings in 2015, eight of which resulted in fatalities. That is slightly higher than in 2020 and 2019, but within the range of normal crime levels in previous years.. Chicago police officers record all criminal sexual assaults, as opposed to only rape[citation needed]. [40][41] Warmer months have significantly higher murder rates, and over 70% of murders take place between 7 pm and 5 am. /* Player background */ Youre not alone. 9:00p 5600 S Elizabeth, Englewood, M/31 The police department has responded that their statistics are generally accurate and that the discrepancies can be explained by differences in the Uniform Crime Reporting used by the FBI and CompStat. POSSESSION OF FIREARMS (8-20-020 et seq. Readers were asked to rank Chicago nationally in murder rate. In order to protect the privacy of crime victims, addresses are shown at the block level only and specific locations are not . 2019 weekend tally: 6 killed, 28 wounded background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); The city's overall crime rate, especially the violent crime rate, is higher than the US average. | Colorado Shooting", "South Side to get adult trauma center after years of protest", "Tragic, but not Random: The Social Contagion of Nonfatal Gunshot Injuries Institution for Social and Policy Studies", "Analysis: Homicides Cost Chicago $2.5 Billion", "Chicago Killings Cost $2.5 Billion as Murders Top N.Y.'s", "Gun shy: Lighter sentences in Cook County fuel lock 'em up debate", "New Report Declares Chicago Neighborhood as 'America's Mass-Shooting Capital', "Dwyane Wade's cousin Nykea Aldridge killed", "Chicago's murder rate soars 72% in 2016; shootings up more than 88%", "Violence Surges in Chicago Even as Policing Debate Rages On", "Residents fear Chicago will set new deadly record", "Chicago Murders Have Jumped 71% So Far in 2016", "Chicago grapples with worst murder rate in two decades", "ABC7 Exclusive: Spike Lee talks about Chiraq", "Chicago sees deadliest day of violence in decades", "Reading Eagle - Google News Archive Search", "Chicago Handgun Homicides Increase In 1989", Official Count Shows 851 Slain In Chicago Last Year, "2012 Date Tracking homicides in Chicago", "Chicago Shootings and Murders Surged in 2015", "Chicago murder rate declines 13% in 2019 from previous year, police say", "Chicago ends 2020 with 769 homicides as gun violence surges", "Chicago Police Department 2021 Annual Report", "Chicago Most Gang-Infested City in U.S., Officials Say", "Gangs and guns fuel Chicago's summer surge of violence | PBS NewsHour", "Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is defending his decision in the first days of his administration to disband anti-gang units like the Mobile Strike Force | WBEZ 91.5 Chicago", "Terrorised Chicago residents plead for police crackdown as gang war murders soar", "Chicago Democrats Make Appeal To Republican Candidates", "UI Press | Thomas J. Gradel and Dick Simpson | Corrupt Illinois: Patronage, Cronyism, and Criminality", "5 Indicted in Latest Inquiry Into Corruption in Chicago", "FBI Major Investigation Operation Silver Shovel", "More than half of Chicago aldermen took illegal campaign cash in 2013 | City Limits", "Ex-CPS chief Barbara Byrd-Bennett pleads guilty, tearfully apologizes to students", "Chicago: Still the Capital of Corruption: Anti-Corruption Report Number 8", "Report Names Chicago "Corruption Capital of America"- Again", "New Chicago FBI chief: City 'target rich' for corruption probes", "New FBI boss in Chicago a public corruption veteran", "Northern District of Illinois Department of Justice", "Meet the U.S. Attorney USAO-NDIL Department of Justice", "Ex-city official convicted on 20 counts in red light cameras trial", "Ex-CDOT official found guilty in red-light camera bribes trial", "Crime Prevention and Information Center (CPIC)", "Number of Chicago Security Cameras 'Frightening,' ACLU says", "Chicago leads New York City in use of stop-and-frisk by police, new study finds", "CPD "stop and frisks" down 80 percent in 2016", "THE WATCHDOGS: Chicago gun seizures tops in U.S., but doubts about police hurt prosecutions | Chicago Sun-Times", "Chicago police shot fewer people in 2015", "Chicago violence, homicides and shootings up in 2015", "Police union: Low morale will crater following 'biased' report", "Report on Chicago police exposes racism, politics in a city of tribes", "Department of Justice to Investigate Chicago Police in Wake of Laquan McDonald Casepublisher=ABC News", "Chicago police investigated by Justice Department", "Homicides and shootings have doubled in Chicago so far this year compared with the same period in 2015", "Police brass, facing horrible homicide numbers, at last see frontline response", "Decline In Chicago Police Stops Signal Bigger Problem Than More Paperwork", What Caused the 2016 Chicago Homicide Spike?