Our membership is quite varied in ages and abilities with everyone enjoying the fun and friendships that are offered. A basic precept of a competent genealogical researcher is to "Go back one step at a time." 10,0008000 B.C. Galloping Horses & Locked Wagons Across the New Bridge Rowan County, NC 1825. In our family, we dont descend from any Paramores (that I know of), but I have come across them in my research in Pitt County, NC. WebThese earliest settlements were along the Haw and Yadkin rivers. GEOGE DAVIDSON JR File #1825. Learn more. In relating this story, TWITTY was quoting a John WITHROW, who was repeating a story told by John WITHROWs father, James WITHROW, brother-in-law of John BRANDON. It's not long before the new dancer is feeling like an old pro! I checked the entries, warrants and surveys to over 2,000 land grants and all entries in the Entry Book or Burke County (the latter filed in the N.C. State Archives) through the year 1800, and pieced together a tract map along the Catawba River from above Old Fort (Upper Fort site during the Revolution) to below Pleasant Gardens. Even though he proposed an unsuccessful bill in 1784 to establish a public college in the state, construction of the University of North Carolina was started on 1793 much to Sharpes work in the North Carolina legislature. '); I did see the name Jasper, listed also. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Other intriguing characters in Rowans history include Peter Stewart Ney, Otto Wood, Theo Buerbaum, Elizabeth Dole, Sydney Blackmer, Skinnay Ennes, and Bobby Jackson. Originally named Zion, the name was changed out of pride in a pipe organ built by hand by one, John Stirewalt, a member of the congregation. Entered 21 Apr 1790 & surveyed 9 Apr 1791. Recently. 40,00015,000 B.C. On a lower Rowan County road, ten miles south of Salisbury, North Carolina, on red clay soil along Second Creek, is located Organ Evangelical Lutheran Church, organized by early German settlers in 1745. FERGUSON'S little silver whistle by which he directed the British efforts soon went silent, when FERGUSON was killed with one foot still caught in a stirrup. He was the original owner of the Cupola House in Edenton. In 1730, the colonys population included 30,000 whites and 6,000 blacks, almost all of whom lived along the Coastal Plain; by 1775, the population had grown to 265,000 inhabitants, including 10,000 blacks, and settlement was scattered from the coast to the mountains. But if you have any history to give I would in deeply appreciate any help. The one bit of information which the papers failed to disclose is of major importance to this genealogical puzzle the first name of Captain BRANDON, the father of Josiah. Some of these gifts are still treasured in Organ Church. Dr. Britt has specified the following usage limitations: Not to be reprinted for publication without written consent of the author. Looking for Chaplain/Chaplins in the Currituck Co. area. Rendleman. facebook.com/swingingSwallows. Sturdy headstones commemorate the individuals, some with data lettered in German with dates prior to the Revolutionary War. The Western North Carolina, constructed in 1858, and the Atlantic, Tennessee, and Ohio Railroad all crossed through Iredell in the late nineteenth century. As early as 1740 a few families were located on following March (1780), BRANDON volunteered under Major McDOWELL to move against the Cherokees who had been terrorizing the North Carolina mountain frontier. He was awarded an A*B. degree in Chemistry from Duke University, where he had the opportunity to study southern history under the late Dr. Charles Snydor. The same spirit of strength and permanence is built into the stone wall enclosing the cemetery. Col. OSBURN was a justice, representing a district which included that part of Rowan on the west and south side of the Catawba River and that part which was east and north of that river, but west of First Little River (today's central Alexander County WebEditor's note: This page arose from an attempt to document the life of James Brown (Brown-2471), in particular his time in North Carolina as recorded in the minutes of several Quaker meetings.Others studying the early North Carolina Quakers may find it of use. Entered 3 Aug 1778 & surveyed 6 Aug 1778 - extending up Newberrys forke and joining McCAFFERTYs place.." Grant #33 in Book 28. p. 33. File #571. File #69. We have a party night nearly every month Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day, etc. The Swinging Swallows gather on Thursday evenings to start dancing at 7:00 pm. var year = y2k(today.getYear()); //dump($i); How early were your ancestors in North Carolina? Young BRANDON was still under the age of 21 years. Have you been to NC? Is one of them yours? Annexed from Rowan County in 1788, Iredell County was named in honor of James Iredell, North Carolina attorney general and one of the first Supreme Court appointees. WebThe first Europeans to enter what is now Rowan County were members of the Spanish expedition of Juan Pardo in 1567. Each image is between 500-600kb. Brandon claims he was with Walker at the time Cornwallis surrendered, which was October 1781, not October 1780. In Germany they were also welcomed and laden with gifts for colonists who had survived in the "American wilderness"; Bibles, catechisms, and vessels for communion and baptism. With over 520 miles of shoreline in Iredell County, Lake Norman remains the most popular tourist attraction and physical trait of the region. Date Accessed. The origins of North Carolinas 18th-century newcomers varied widely. The. Both father and son made a junction with FERGUSON about seven days before the Battle of Kings Mountain. File #241. Does anyone know if descendants of Edward Moseley ended up in South Carolina? County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions (Rowan County) (Main Author) North Carolina. James Miller from New Castle County, Delaware settled along Fifth Creek in Rowan County, NC. South Carolinians moved north into the Lower Cape Fear region to establish pine plantations with enslaved African labor. Samuel Eusebius McCorkle, Presbyterian minister and educator was president and teacher of the Salisbury Academy in the early 1790s. //--> last residence, final destination in the U.S.. whether they had been to the U.S. before (and if so, when, where and how long). Clusters of families and Indian tribes were also named, such as the entry for Palatines in the section South of Trent River up to New Bern, referring to families that settled the New Bern area led by Baron Christoph von Graffenreidor Tuskeruro named on the Roanoke River referring to the Tuscarora Indian tribe. Grant #1642 in Book 80, p. 69. Entered 28 Sep 1779 & surveyed 1 Oct 1782 - - joining on theupper line of his survey whereon the fort now stands.. Grant #573 in Book 50, p. 203. When did they come to NC and from where. The widow BRANDONs first name is another matter, a solution which may never be found. It did not become peaceful again until about 1760. Once owned by Mr. Hugh Williamson Collins of Edenton (1863), Moseleys is said to be the first map of NC to be based mainly on actual exploration or surveys, rather than reports, according to the ECU Special Collections website. Iredell was an offshoot of Eyredale, meaning a valley of flowing air. Statesville, founded in 1789, is the seat of government, and other communities in Iredell include Love Valley, Troutman, Turnersburg, Harmony, and Barnum Springs. I am a descendant of Jesse Adams who settled in Lewis Fork on the Yadkin River. From church documents, written in German, we have the names of the men who planned this durable structure, Georg Ludwig Siffert (the English name is George Lewis Sifford), Wendel Miller, Peter Edelmann (Eddleman), Johannes Steigerwalt (John Stirewalt), Philip Gruss (Philip Cruse), Peter Steigerwalt (Stirewalt), Michael Guthmann (Goodman), Christoph Bless (Christopher Pless), Leonhard Siffert (Sifford), Jacob Klein (Cline), Anton J. Kuhn (Anthony J. Koon), Georg Heinrich Berger (George Henry Barger), Christoph Guthmann (Christopher Goodman), Johannes Rintelmann (John Rendleman), Johannes Eckel (John Eagle), Bastian Lenz (Bostian Lentz), Jacob Benz (Bentz), George Eckel (George Eagle), Franz Oberkirsch (Francis Overcash), Johannes Jose (John Josey), Heinrich Wenzel (Henry). The following persons were among the prominent first families that immigrated to Colonial North Carolina in the 1600's-early He moved to North Carolina about 1749 and settled on the headwaters of Rocky River in Anson (now Iredell) County. Richard Sanderson is my 8X grandfather. Entered 10 Sep 1778 & surveyed 6 Aug 1779 - including a meadow it being the same land entered and surveyed Andrew WADS (WOODS) and John NISBIT.. Grant #242 in Book 28, p. 241. East Carolina University Digital Collections. If they were here prior to the War of Independence, then it might be worthwhile to check the Moseley Map for their names, or at least their surnames. Records indicated that Josiah had served several tours with the American patriot forces in his teens, and his father was a Captain in the Loyalist militia. Koontz was the first black elected president of the National Education Association and, under President Nixon, the first black director of the U.S. Department of Labors Womans Bureau. The first building, constructed by the frontiersmen back in 1745, was of hickory logs, the best material then at hand, and named Zion, but was commonly called Hickory Church. Pat Geary |1183 Nelson Drive | Harrisonburg VA 22801, document.write(AJXSBdecoder('cGF0Z2VhcnlAY29tY2FzdC5uZXQKCQkJ')),