Created Sep 10, 2011. Find me an omelette, Ed! ]Jimmy: "Oh, please! "Nazz: [through her teeth] "It's late and I'm cold. ], [Nazz is skating down the lane. [He pushes a heavy box into Eddy.] "Edd: "It's quite simple, Ed. "Ed: [running around] "Eddy's big bro! "Breakfast for Ed, Eddy!" ]Captain Melonhead: "No Eds here! "Jimmy: [panicking] "SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING! "Eddy: "You heard him, lumpy. [They enter a field of cows. How did it go so wrong? "Rolf: "Could this be true? He clambers onto the mailbox and looks in at the mail. May giggles in anticipation, and her sisters join in. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . "Eddy: "What doesn't? "Eddy: [scared] "Quicksand?! ]Rolf: "WaitWilfred, no!" [He yawns. [Marie hits her with a giant bag of soap. [He slams into the car's trunk.] "Eddy's Brother: "Just for old times' sake, let's playUncle. [running after his friends] "Wait for me, fellows! ]Sarah: "You've gotta get up, Jimmy! "Pain! Suddenly, Wilfred rams him from behind. Worser than polyester chafing! ]Edd: "Is that Ed's" [He quickly gets up. "Eddy: [snapping] FINE! [His friends stare at him. "Edd: "Ed! Ed taps Eddy on the back with his foot.] Eddy! Let's get the heck outta here. "Eddy's Brother: "Yeah, sure. Have you any money, Eddy? "Eddy: [looking at Ed's glasses] "Man, that joke's old. ]Marie: [picking him up] "Aw, my man doesn't need to give me any flowers." ]Kevin: "He's lookin at you, Rolf. "Edd: "You mean England, Eddy. "Gum? Aw, bro, what'd I do without you?" They're like such cowards. "You are so my hero! "[Edd swings the bottle forward. Are you okay?" You just have to figure out where it is. You're headin back into the swamp!" "Eddy: "Nope. I think I'm gonnaBLLAAAH!" Your brother may very well work there! [ecstatic] "That's gotta be his house! "Eddy: [smug] "Forget to pay the brain bill? ]Edd: [astounded] "Pardon? [Sarah, the cameraman and director, looks up unhappily. [sadistically] "Don't forget to wipe your feet. "umend?" ]Eddy: "That's stupid. "Edd: "We seem to be on a Ferris wheel! ]Ed: "Pardon me, miss, but I think you dropped your lunch!" Ed falls onto Eddy.] Eddy locks it and begins to roll up the window. Eddy meanwhile tucks his postcard back into his wallet. "[Ed dives into the backseat while Edd rides shotgun. "[Sarah growls, but then gets an idea. "Plank:Jonny: [whispering] "You're reading my mind, Plank! ]Edd: [angrily resetting the device] "Yes, well, it's all fun and games, but merrymaking nearly cost us this sextant! [He collapses to the ground. ]Edd: [disgusted] "Goodness. ]Eddy: [tapping the jar] "So these things know where my bro lives?" [She throws Jimmy down.] "Eddy: "Give it back, Ed! What's with all these stupid snake things? Edd joins them. "Kevin: "Dusty dusty dusty? The only rock for miles, and you had to hit it! ]Eddy: "Ha! "Ed: "Gag factory, yay! ], [The door creaks open, and Eddy peeks in. He flew like a canoe!" He then looks around and realizes that there's nobody there. Captain Melonhead cackles evilly, his costume in tatters. ], [As Kevin screams at the sky, the camera moves back to the park. He cuts a more pitiful figure than most, though. Lay low, and follow Rolf's posterior. "Edd: "Dare I ask?" Suddenly, a loud snorting catches their attention. [He grabs his friends.] [She turns the camera to Jimmy, who is dressed like a pirate.] "[Kevin ducks behind him. [He looks around.] "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "It's the end of the movie? The rock tips over, and the car explodes. "Edd: "And a boat it is, Eddy." ]Eddy: [laughing] "What a chump!" "Marie: "He don't look so tough. ", [A rumbling and and screaming from a pipe as a heavy load travels along it. "Ed: "Alley-oop!" [He pulls out Eddy's hairs.] ]Eddy: [taking his postcard back] "Gah! It's illegible!" "Jimmy: "Golly gosh, Sarah, they're gonna hunt down the Eds! "Marie: "You'd lose your head if it weren't nailed down. [He grins evilly. Kevin runs after them, carrying a metal pipe. ]Ed: "Ahh, comfy." ]Eddy: [whispering] "This is all your fault, Sockhead! [moving closer] "Don't ya? "Ah-ha!" Are you aware of the consequences we're about to endure? "Mama, assist Rolf! "[He spots a speck of mud on his bike and tries to clean it. "WILFRED!!! Hasn't Eddy always steered you right?" ]Eddy: "Super sweet! "And you Double D can be the clown! "[Eddy is about to knock when a hand grips his shoulder and yanks him away. "This can't be happening. "Hey hey hey! "NAH-SHIZ-LOW!!! "[Suddenly, a bus honks as it pulls in. Among those, his shuddersome stink bomb recipes, his heinous hot sauces, oh and my favorite, malicious misleading treasure maps, together with other contentious callous cons, lead me to suspect your brother's quite the jokester. Sleepytime guys." "Where is everybody? ]Edd: [following him in] "Eddy, do you think this is wise? "[As Edd cries, a handkerchief is held out to him. Seeing his bike about to topple, he panics. [She grabs Jimmy's arm.] Kevin's bike is leaned against the garage. "[The Eds stop in the middle of the factory. "Jimmy: "Wilfred can't help his oily complexion, Sarah!" "Edd: "Ed, comic book, please. "They need us more than ever, girls. Catching a foul odor, he awakens. NOOOO!!!" [Jimmy's pants split, revealing his teddy bear underwear.] "No one beats up our little love muffins! "Ed: "Lucky me!" "[Edd rushes away. ]Ed: "Trouble! Behind the pool is a clothesline, strung with clothes. He tugs on rubber gloves and a surgical mask before entering. "[The door is tearing off its hinges. It's gone! They dangle in front of Wilfred, and Wilfred begins to follow them. ]Edd: "EDDY! The kids are too late to stop The Eds from escaping. As we watch, it lifts its head a few inches before dropping the beak back into the murky water. That one day these short-sighted sophomoric shell games would go too far!" "Edd: "But Eddy, your brother's always been somewhat of an enigma! ], [Eddy peers over the steering wheel as they rush through the junkyard. ]Sarah: "Okay, Jimmy. Enough!" Stripes. ]Edd: "Gotcha! "Edd: [looking through his ties] "Opinion please, Ed. Sorry! "[At this point, Eddy is clinging to the trailer door while his brother is trying to yank him back to be punished. ]Eddy: "Our problems are over, boys!" "Edd: [downhearted] "Eddy, I have my doubts your brother would offer us sanctuary. "[Up ahead is a gigantic swarm of flies. HEY! Lay off him, man! We can't let this go, man. "Sarah: [lifting Jimmy's chains] "Move it, Jimmy! Another. I just slept in my clothes! Mother and Father will be so annoyed! "[The Eds look up with a start. They clamber on and ride out of the sunflower patch. [He displays Eddy for all to see.] The door slams behind them. Wait!" They fall everywhere, including on Nazz and Kevin. [He rummages through the closet.] [Rejuvenated, he leaps on his bike and gives chase.] She is quickly followed by a second load consisting of Kevin and his bike. Ed then grabs at the door and continues to run. Stream Ed, Edd n Eddy on HBO Max. ]Eddy: "In your dreams! "Oh where, oh where has my rotting brain gone! The swing responds by ascending skyward, and another one descends, carrying a replica of Jonny and Plank. "To Eddy's big bro's house!" [Wilfred does not appear.] "Eddy: "Bro! "Rolf: "Rolf will use their hides as a crutch for Nana's goiter! ", [The duck boat sits in a swamp, its neck broken and its body abandoned. "Oh dear. "Eddy: "Why you dirty"Ed: "Tag! ]Lee: [unravelling Kevin] "So much for your ride, huh, tough guy? Ed, Edd n Eddy is an American-Canadian animated comedy television series created by Canadian adult cartoonist Danny Antonucci exclusively for Cartoon Network, premiering January 4th, 1999, and ultimately concluding on November 8th, 2009 with a made-for-television film titled Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. [Nobody replies.] The door flies towards Eddy's brother and smacks him squarely, knocking him over. "[Edd walks through the swamp until he reaches a dock. He finishes up and places a label on the trunk reading "Out of Order. You shoulda known it would go bad! ]Eddy: "Double D! Rolf is nowhere to be seen. "May: [trying to grab them] "I gotcha! [throws her sisters in the air] "Move it! "Nazz: "No foolin. "Nazz: "Kevin! EDDY!" ]Edd: "Beloved parents. ]Rolf: "Run like my worn stockings, Wilfred! "Eddy: [unhappy] "Uncle? ]Eddy: [peeling off the label and reading it] "Yet. Bugs are hitting Kevin as well, but he doesn't seem to care. You interrupt Rolf's study! "Wilfred?" ]Lee: [hugging him] "Your queens in shining armor have arrived! "[The Kankers jump his hero. ]Sarah: "On three, Jimmy. You're sinking in QUICKSAND!! Suddenly, Eddy grabs it. "[Nazz ignores him. [He gives Eddy a noogie. "Eddy: "What happened to Sockhead? "Ed: "I helped too! "May: "Did you hear what Dutch said? "Edd: [helping him search] "There's so many places he could be, Eddy! "Nazz: "Totally!" Eddy finds something and hides it behind his back. [through a megaphone] "What the heck was that? "[Eddy knocks on the door. ]Lee: [grabbing them] "Why don't you two quit thinkin about yourselves" [slamming them together] "and think about our boyfriends!" Ed! He's talkin to me right now! "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. "[Suddenly, the screaming stops. At this moment, they reach the end of the fence and fly out over a dumpster. ]Eddy: "Hey, quit tossing my cookie! "[They break into raucous laughter as Edd, upstairs, fiddles with the files. [leaping into the air ecstatically] "WE'RE HERE!" Suddenly, he spots something, and his eyes bulge. Kevin's stomach rumbles, and he moves closer to Nazz. He then proceeds to descend down a bunch of stairs that look like melons. ]Kevin: "Gotcha!" "[Marie giggles. He turns on a lamp and picks up a magnet. "Edd: "I've had enough!" I almost had em! [polishing it] "It mimics the common mallard in order to offer minimal disruption to the local fauna. Honest! Teach em a lesson, May!" All three Kankers look up. ]Edd: "Hardly." Eddy jumps in fear and clambers over a rock to a hiding spot. [She pins Edd against the trailer.] ]Marie: "Watch your back!" Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Addeddate 2011-11-17 22:30:29 External_metadata_update 2019-03-30T08:05:51Z Identifier It crashes down on the sidewalk, and the rope goes slack, carving a straight line down the street. Lived a life of decency and principle! When he arrives, he has on a new cape.] Rolf is following a trail of footprints; one foot was in a shoe, while the other was bare. They run down the street. Suddenly, he stops. Eddy begins to fight his way out from under Ed. Bad! ], [Wilfred is following the trail. "[Nazz and Kevin stare at each other for a few seconds. "[The Kankers abruptly let go. "Marie: [as Lee works her finger] "So tell us, twerp"May: "what do you and Dutch know about our boyfriends? ]Sarah: "I think they're gone, Jimmy." "Gimme my man. [She pulls Jimmy out from the pile. Its doors open and we see our heroes, ready to venture into the world so they may find and defeat the villainous scumbags Ed, Edd, and Eddy. "Edd: [shocked] "May? ]Eddy: "More bricks, Double D! "Nazz: "Oh, I'm okay." "This way. We're kinda connected! The car leaps into the air and slips upside down. Your brother is a whaler? Wilfred? ], [A giant stack of items moves across the desert. Moo-moos there! I just made things up so people would like me. Bad!" ]Jonny: "Let em have it, buddy! [Kevin helps her up.] ]Rolf: "Peel your onions, Ed-boy!" He then flips it open and presses a button. Okay then. "Edd: "Coleoptera Lampyridae, Ed. ]Ed: "Look! [He plops a gourd on his head. "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Who's an idiot? ]Rolf: "Hello! [He walks over to Edd. "[Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood climb aboard and nervously deposit five quarters into the collection box. "May: "No it's not!" ]Ed: "Chickens, Double D! He's always been little. End of the line, dorks!" [He starts the climb. "Kevin! Eddy meanwhile looks out of the window. 38. Trouble! "Eddy: "Trespass, schmespass. "May: "Outta the way, Marie"[Marie dives at them. [Eddy closes the door. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show (NatureRules1 Version) Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Digimon Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Digimon (transcript) Elmo's World/Ed, Edd n Eddy F FFoxy, FFreddy N Puppet Flea-Bitten Digimon Flea-Bitten Digimon (transcript) Foofur, Rastamouse n Captain Barnacles Bear Fool on the Digimon Fool on the Digimon (transcript) ]Eddy: "RUN DOUBLE D! [She runs into May. At this moment, a truck horn honks and lights shine on Rolf's face. Edd is about to say something when he sees that they are approaching the playground. "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" Edd thinks about it. Nazz follows, shutting the door behind her. "Ed: "I upped your chuck, Eddy! An abandoned basketball is seen next to a game of hopscotch. But they have yet to feel the wrath of this SON OF A SHEPHERD! "[Ed chuckles, pulls up his shirt, and begins to drum on his belly. He pushes Edd to the door, and a piece of toast falls off Edd's back. We're trespassing! If it means we bring down those three maniacs, we're takin a bus to justice! "[Edd loudly breaks into tears. I'm sure he'd like to hear about that. "Eddy: [pushing his hands away unhappily and reveals his true nature to everyone] "I made it all up, Double D. Everything about my brother was a lie. "Sarah: "Let's have a picnic and watch! "[Nazz slaps Kevin. ]Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "What? [whispering] "I'm frightened. [He walks off. "Oh! I missed that. ], [Kevin is on top of a mountain of junk with his bike. [He rubs Ed's tongue on the door, coating it in saliva then tapes the wallpaper to it.] What are you doing?" The car sails into the woods, hitting many trees along the way and snapping them. About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate. I'm sorry! I'm taking you to my bro's house, smart guy. "Lee: [leering] "A little far from home, aren't ya, Dutch? ]Edd: [staring at Ed] "Oh, umcute. [Jonny sneaks away.] [He punches himself in the head on the last few words, and then cries. The boy looks exhausted, as though he's been up all night. ]Eddy: "Idiot." "May: "My head ain't nailed! "Lee: "He's mine!" Spying nobody, he yanks on one of the ropes holding the swing up twice. ]Ed: "Say it ain't so! [She drops him by the washing machine.] ]Kevin: "Hmm"Nazz: "Kev? ]Eddy: "Oh, Ed" [He holds out the item.] [He takes the crayon.] ]Kevin: "Yo, Nazz! From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing! [He collapses to the dusty floor.] "Eddy: "And" [clutching them close] "If any of those losers find us there, they'll be mailed back to Peach Creek in a body cast. "Lee: "Nobody's askin, Marie!" ", [A familiar pair of legs tramples down the sidewalk. ]Edd: [rushing towards Eddy with Ed in tow] "Eddy, speak to me!" I still have bad dreams, and my mom had to buy a mattress cover! [He and Nazz leaps into the fray. [He tries to pull himself free, and instead pulls him to another rock before getting loose. 'CAUSE EVERYTHING WAS MY FAULT!" Jawbreakers are on me! [packing again] "I thought it was those sore losers! "See ya. "Nazz: [offscreen] "Whoa! "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. All for nothin! "May: "Aw, he's squirming! I've found the link to key communitives we have with your brother! [moving Edd aside] "Look out!" "[Splinter the Wonderwood has commandeered the bus. "May: "Uh-oh, looks like Dutch needs a diaper! ]Edd: "Get me down from here! He then tries to yank his arm free. Save yourselves!" What? "[The chains break as Rolf slams his head through the door. At this moment, the wood erupts into flame. He looks for the Eds. "Look! When he finally stops it, he is in a clearing. He then rushes into the bathroom and tears down the drywall to reveal his sponge collection. Stay calm. De. An illustration of a heart shape ; Contact . "Kevin: "Good one, Nazz. ]Edd: "Ed? He is out-of-breath. "Jonny: "Plank's freaking out! ]Eddy: "Where is he? It feels the chains before reaching down and lifting one of the bolts. HE'S GOTTA BE AROUND HERE SOMEWHERE!" It's me, Eddy! The wheelbarrow continues forward, Marie still on it, and hits Lee. "Ed: [panicking] "What do we do, Eddy?