For those students who indicated they would be attending the Moving-Up Celebration at Fred Nats park, please make your payment through the following link:Fredericksburg Nationals, Education DayThe on-line payment option will close April 14. Some schools have discussed other security improvements. Riverbend is especially sensitive to threats. A 2-year-old Spotsylvania County boy was fatally struck by an SUV while in the familys driveway on Friday, according to the Sheriffs Office. Mrs. Sullivan earned her Masters degree from George Mason University in Educational Leadership. The school system is also in the process of installing equipment to activate emergency notifications in schools with the simple push of a button. Costs for any community-based educational programs or alternative programs that are not part of the program offered by the school division are the financial responsibility of the parent. She noted that mass shootings have occurred at numerous schools, including Columbine High School in 1999 and Stoneman Douglas, despite the presence of armed security. Students who can't read at grade level by the third grade are four timesmore likely to drop out of high school. For More Information Contact: Danyelle Hudson, 540-373-0041 x 302,, The student must be told of the charges against him or her. In return, they must serve lunches that meet Federal requirements, and they must offer free or reduced-price lunches to eligible children. Use the menu below the chart to select results for a specific group of students. }); Eric Cooke was named Assistant Principal at Mountain View High School in July of 2011. Type above and press Enter to search. Odle Staff - Odle Middle School Language AccessWebsite Accessibility (425) 456-6600 502 143rd Ave NE Students Bullying Prevention & Social Skills District Calendar Grades & Attendance Lunch Naviance OneStop Payments Report Safety Concern Student Portal Families Bullying Prevention & Social Skills District Calendar Employment CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCSC) - The Charleston County School District confirmed Tuesday it has placed a newly-promoted principal on administrative leave. The previous night, school Principal Karen Foster sent an email notifying Lushbaugh and other parents of a potential threat circulating on social media. See the Virginia Department of Education website, The above pie graph displays the average daily percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price meals who participated in the U.S. Department of Agriculture School Breakfast Program. READ MORE: Charleston principal now on leave was promoted despite active investigation. He was later named Head Football Coach, a position he held for four years before opening Mountain View and starting their program. Hotel rooms near Something in the Water are still available but they wont be cheap. Our goal is to receive the Purple Star Designation which is awarded to military-friendly schools demonstrating a commitment to students and families connected to our nation's military. Gayles NJHS will be hosting a spirit night at Pancho Villa on Wednesday, April 12 from 5-9:00 p.m. We invite staff, students and the Gayle community to participate. The district says the decision to place her on administrative leave has nothing to do with fights at her school reported Monday. That way, parents could choose whether or not to send their children to school, she said. That amounts . At a work session with supervisors March 20, School Board member Dewayne McOsker mentioned that an SRO took out a 17-year-old gunman at a school shooting earlier that day in St. Marys County, Md. Her daughter told her she wished the deputies were there every day. Level One School is performing at or above the state standard for the indicator. Mr. Margheim is the Supervisor of:Student Athletics and ActivitiesStudent OrganizationsCoaching StaffVHSL ActivitiesFundraising. Spotsylvania School Board adopts provisional budget, Hailed as 'a big step for the city' after years of work, Danville Casino will start taking bets May 15, Weather may have played role in fatal motorcycle crash, Spotsylvania County says it's been left out of talks over neighboring Wilderness Crossing development, Crews respond to Locust Grove, Stafford fires on Friday, National Register Of Historic Places In Fredericksburg, Fredericksburg Schools Chief Administrative Officer, Ride like royalty! He received his Master's of Science Degree in Education from George Mason University. Gayle Athletics General Rules: To be eligible, all athletes must have a completed and signed VHSL physicalform on file at the school dated on or after May 1, 2022. They posed the question, and the next thing you know it turned into, Well, its going to be a school shooting, he said. This data is calculated using netizen feedback data. If they stamp the physical, they still need to date it. Better safe than sorry, because the sorry would behorrific.. High-performing schools earn three-year waivers from annual accreditation, although performance on school quality indicators is reported annually. Locally, some elected officials have called for more armed school resource officers. She is a product of Dallas ISD, having attended Lipscomb Elementary, Lisbon Elementary, Oliver Wendell Holmes Academy, Adamson High School, and Skyline High School. The threat turned out to be false, according to the Sheriffs Office and a subsequent letter to parents from Foster. If a high school administers a locally developed writing assessment, results are not included in this chart as scores on locally developed writing assessments are not reported to the Virginia Department of Education. Student groups meeting or exceeding annual or long-term targets for reducing chronic absenteeism must improve performance compared to the previous year. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10 percent or more of the school year, regardless of reason. 75 is an Equal Opportunity Employer who fully and actively supports equal access to all programs and activities for all people without discrimination based on race, religion, creed, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, marital status, the presence of any sensory . The Educator's School Safety Network, a national nonprofit, found 1,247 instances of threats or violent acts in the 21 days following the Florida massacre that left 17 people dead. < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results Reporting on the achievement and progress of student groups allows schools to identify learners in need of additional support and resources. Please put checks or cash in an envelope with your student's name and Mrs. Wallace's name on it. Mrs. Clements is the Assistant Principal for students with last names O through Z. Mrs. Jennifer Russ is the Administrative Assistant working with Mrs. Clements. Gayle Middle School PTA needs your help! History results for 2020-2021 are not reported due to the widespread use of local history assessments because of the impact of COVID-19. View the full list of the 2022-2023 Principal of the Year finalists here. Prosper Mentoring is a new United Way initiative designed to help women reach a higher level of economic stability. Increasingly, Virginia schools are implementing Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, a nationally-recognized approach to support positive academic and behavioral outcomes for students. Level Two School is performing near the state standard for the indicator or improving. Stafford school officials, for instance, are working to have duress alarms go directly to 911 operators rather than a security company, spokeswoman Sherrie Johnson wrote in an email. . var encodedEmail = swrot13('pyrzragfwr@fgnssbeqfpubbyf.arg'); City schools will immediately notify parents if there is a credible and specific threat to a school. Mathematics results for 2019-2020 are not available due to the closure of schools and cancellation of state assessments. Thats also true statewide, where just 37 of the 1,104 elementary schoolsincluding three in Spotsylvaniahave SROs. This chart displays the percentage of students passing state reading tests. Subscribe to our Daily Headlines newsletter. Regardless, Layton said hes glad the student who interpreted the video as a threat told her father, who then called the police department. Make sure the doctor's office/clinic dates the physical (bottom of page 3). var encodedEmail = swrot13('zneturvztn@fgnssbeqfpubbyf.arg'); Email: Mrs. Clements is the Supervisor of:Fine and Performing Arts DepartmentMathematics DepartmentStudent Services DepartmentWorld Languages Department. Elementary Catholic School Principal St. Gabriel School Windsor, CT St. Gabriel School, located in Windsor, CT is seek Catholic Middle School Principal St. Timothy Middle School West Hartford, CT The Center for Catholic Education & Forma Do you want to receive a free, professional resume evaluation from TopResume? Thank you for your continued support. Washington Middle School. That amounts to about 59 threats a day, a 300 percent increase from the pre-Parkland figure. Uber offering horse drawn carriage rides in honor of royal coronation, More extreme heat waves are expected as the world gets warmer, Student misbehavior rises further since the return of in-person classes, study says. Titles: . Percentages are reported for Title I schools, non-Title I schools, all schools and for high-poverty and low-poverty schools. 3. Over the course of 12 months, Prosper Mentoring will address all areas of a persons life holistically (family life, health, finance, education and career), while each participants unique aspirations are valued by flexible, personalized goal-setting. The next PTA meeting will beThursday, April 20at 7 p.m. in the Library. The percentage of students showing growth in reading and mathematics includes students passing state tests and non-passing students who are making significant progress toward passing. {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, FILE / PETER CIHELKA / THE FREE LANCESTAR, Independent Contractor (Newspaper Carrier), Spotsylvania boy, 2, dies in driveway incident, ACLU says removal of 14 books from Spotsylvania school libraries is 'unconstitutional', 'Family Feud' appearance honors late loved one, Police: Driver dies in crash after fleeing traffic stop in Stafford, Longtime Spotsylvania farmer and 4H exhibitor 'proud to have a tradition going on', Pauly D from 'Jersey Shore' to DJ in Richmond, Bristol eighth-grader Hayden Reed commits to Va. Tech baseball, Fatal DUI case ends with stiff sentence; victim's family honored, Louisa County man trafficked $13,000 worth of turtles on Facebook Marketplace. The armed deputy with a bulletproof vest caught Jennifer Lushbaughs eye as she drove up to Caroline Middle School on Monday morning. The ACLU is calling the removal of 14 books from Spotsylvania public school libraries unconstitutional.. Mrs. Zier is the Administrative Assistant working with Mr. Margheim. We understand that it is very easy for rumors to spread and misinformation to be shared. States also report on the percentage of students assessed in science in elementary school, middle school and in high school (Biology). Email: Proposals for more SROs have gained some traction in Caroline and King George counties, which have armed deputies at their high schools and middle schools but not at the elementary level. The Stafford County School Board does not unlawfully discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, political affiliation, religion, sex, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, marital status, mental or physical disability, age, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic prohibited by state and/or federal law. SCPS ARTS FESTIVAL Credit card payments can be made atYearbookordercenterusing code 4858. Shane Gayle. A schools spokeswoman said all of the students involved with the video have been identified, and the matter is being appropriately addressed., I actually went to the high school Mondayand there was a great deal of fear and apprehension on a lot of students that I talked to, Thomas said. Students will receive a wristband just for registering. Those between 130 percent and 185 percent of the poverty level are eligible for reduced-price meals, for which students can be charged no more than 40 cents for lunch and 30 cents for breakfast. The Parkland shooting, coupled with the spike in unfounded threats, has renewed the debate over school security. Our team of certified financial coaches will guide and encourage participants to think big and navigate obstacles as they invest in their own future. Admission for Middle School Athletic Events: $3 Per Person Free for Children 6 and Under Practice test items representative of the content and skills included in current Standards of Learning assessments are available on the, This chart displays the percentage of students passing state writing tests. 262-359-6291. . Our Panther Family cares deeply about our students and our military connected students are no exception. 82 talking about this. If you are interested in helping our school and students, we would love for you to join us on April 20th at 7pm, in the Gayle MS library. Congratulations to the following students for being Gayles P.R.I.D.E. FaceBook, It was not immediately clear whether anyone was seriously injured or how many students were involved. Our school is built upon the foundations of PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) practices where students are regularly taught our expectations of their character in weekly advisory lessons. District officials said multiple fights placed the school on hold for a time Monday afternoon. Student groups meeting or exceeding annual or long-term targets must improve performance as compared to the previous year. She taught the next twenty five years as a Special Education and Biology teacher for Spotsylvania County Public School before coming to Stafford as an Assistant Principal. The county will apply for a grant to cover the third. Middle East United Kingdom Politics . If there are instances that a threat is vague or a rumor, we will investigate immediately and let parents know the outcome, Russ wrote in an email. You can cancel at any time. The student may apply for readmission to be effective one calendar year from the date of his or her expulsion. Mrs. Glass began her career as a Business and Marketing teacher right here at Mountain View High School where she taught a variety of Business and Marketing Classes before leaving tin 2021 to serve as an Assistant Principal at James Monroe High School with Fredericksburg City Public Schools. Use the drop down menu above the chart to view results for a specific test. He cited recent unrest at Caroline High School after a student there posted a racist video on Snapchat. The Fredericksburg Police Department, which has an SRO at James Monroe High School, said there are no plans for additional resource officers. Stafford County Public Schools is celebrating a division Spirit Week April 17- April 21. For more information, see. Fredericksburg schools Chief Administrative Officer Jonathan Russ said the system handles every situation individually. The Educators School Safety Network, a national nonprofit, found 1,247 instances of threats or violent acts in the 21 days following the Florida massacre that left 17 people dead. The principal or assistant principal must tell the student of the charges against him or her. Copyright 2022 WCSC. Combined rates for 2020 and 2021 are not calculated because accreditation was waived due to the pandemic. Prosper Mentoring is a combination of group workshops and one-on-one mentoring sessions. Local officials are debating how to respond to an increase in threats since the Parkland shooting. School Administration Dr. Mike Rockwood Superintendent Wes Eversole Deputy Superintendent / CFO Dr. Shorr Heathcote Chief Administrative Officer Karla Landrum Executive Director of Human Resources Scott Head Executive Athletic Director Adam J. Bennett Director of Communication Amanda Forman Director of Special Programs Mike Dabney Mr. Cooke is the Supervisor of:Business DepartmentCareer and Technical EducationDrivers EducationHealth and Physical EducationMaintenanceSecurityScience Department. $(document).ready(function () { Use the drop down menu above the chart to view results for a specific test. $('span#sw-emailmask-24952').replaceWith(''); When people ask Gayle Middle School principal Mike Wondree how many children he has, the educator always comes up with two answers. Students who attend school consistently are more likely to succeed. Middle schoolers threatened to bring guns if female classmates didn't cough up nude photos. Mrs. Glass is the Assistant Principal for students with last names A through F. Mrs. DeDe Lewis is the Administrative Assistant working with Mrs. Glass. Yes = Annual target metYes - CP = Annual target met and improved from previous yearYes - No CP = Annual target met and did not improve from previous yearNo = Annual target not metTS = Too few students to evaluate = Not applicable or no students, < = A group below state definition for personally identifiable results = Not applicable or no data for group* = Data not yet available.