Learn how and when to remove this template message, "SweeTarts Plans TikTok Film Festival To Reach Young Candy Fans", "SweeTARTS Ropes Bites Are on Shelves in 5 Fruity Flavors", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=SweeTarts&oldid=1151589374, This page was last edited on 25 April 2023, at 00:13. I craved the hard giant sweet tarts when I was pregnant with my first daughter - she is now 22!! Back in the time when SweeTARTS were invented, another business was already using the name- "SweeTARTS.". ASIN : B009F7PU2M. Wow! : ) Come on candy makers bring 'em back. Arrrrggghhh!!!! The closest I have come to finding something remotely as good as our childhood giant sweet tarts is the large Smarties sucker. In the 70's they cost .10 cents a pack. In the 90s and early 2000s they were known as ShockTarts. I ate them when I was in school, ate them throughout my 3 pregnancies and would so very much LOVE to have a couple of cases of them again. Dextrose, Corn Syrup, Hydrogenated Coconut Oil, Maltodextrin, Contains 2% or Less of Malic Acid (DL-Malic Acid), Calcium Stearate, Egg Whites, Natural Flavors, Mono- and Diglycerides, Blue 1 Lake, Blue 2 Lake, Red 40 Lake, Yellow 5 Lake. How I MISS THEM. Wonder why they won't make them anymore. Sure wish they would bring them back! Blue is my all-time favorite. The pink and purple were the most popular ones. So wish they would bring them back! I miss going to the skating rink but near as much as the Giant Sweetarts. Giant Chewy Sweet Tarts C. has been added to your Cart . We appreciate your interest and hope you will visit our website often for the latest information on our products and promotions. [4] They are an ellipsoid shape, the size of a silver dollar and inch thick. WOW! .50 for a grape Crush & .50 for a three pack of giant Sweet Tarts! Products; Be Both Buy Online; Dual Sided Soft Gummy with One Sweet & One Tart Side! & Pink/Cherry. When I was little I used to get packs and packs of the original sweetarts in my Easter basket instead of the usual Easter candy. It's nice to read all of these wonderful experience, I feel I belong to one Giant Sweet Tart family! I think it's a crime not bringing them back. The other side was slightly rounded in shape and they were packaged, flat sides against each other. Harmph! I remember two different shapes. I would purchase them by the cases if it were allowed. BTW, I agree there should never be a blue sweet tart and never ever should have changed the green from lime to green apple - UGHHH what were they thinking?? I've been looking for a way to recreate these for a while and I think I finally succeeded 1. Refer to product labelling or contact the manufacturer directly for current data. As a kid it was always a treat to ride my bike to the local ice house and purchase the large Sweet tarts! I wish they would make the Giant Sweetarts, not the chewy kind. Tiny in size but big on taste, Mini Chewy Mixed Fruit SweeTARTS provides a mouth-awakening sensation that's equal parts sweet snack and entertainment. I tell everyone it was the size of a yoyo! Seriously who do we need to contact about bringing old school Sweetarts back? That's the original giant sweetart not two but one! Candy with a thin shell with crunchy bits inside surrounding a soft, chewy center. list of victorian police chief commissioners Lol, I thought I was the only one. Mini Sweetarts Chewy - 12ct. Thank you all for sharing in my suffering and making me feel less alone. Please Nestle could you think about bringing them back, maybe for special holidays to see how sales would be, with a little advertising I bet you would be truly surprised. And that's my two cents for what it's worth. Those were the bestlasted for dayslick, scrape with teeth,,sometimes dipped in water. and the old original Taco Doritos. These could last for days. Chewy.com Review Summary. You may place an order with My Brands via their toll free number 1-888-281-6400 or online at My Brands. I also remember the non chewy large Sweet Tarts. :) I hope for all of us that we get to have these again before our days are up. Pink and Purple stacked on top of each other. Good, albeit simpler times. I have been reading the above posts waiting for one of them to actually say that someone has the REAL sweetartsbut I guess not.they were so much better than anything you can get todayso sad!!! I could literally eat giant sweetarts everyday of my life! Would eat those until my tongue would not taste anything for a few hours! giant chewy sweet tarts discontinuedgreater mansfield aquatic conferencegreater mansfield aquatic conference MORE TIME PLEASE>. They should listen to us - we are their best taste testers and they had a good thing going. Chewy Fulfills Most Orders Within 48 Hours. Get Life Savers Candy, Jellybeans, Assorted delivered to you . Can't find that either. AND they need to quit messing with the flavors - todays just don't taste the same as yester-years!! Its a little sad just how happy that would make me!. The grape ones were my favorite. BRING back the Giant Tarts. SweeTarts were introduced in 1963 with the same flavors as the popular Pixy Stix: cherry, grape, lime, lemon, and . Years and years of diehards want these to come back! Everything I find on the web indicates they are discontinued. 4) Be sure to bake the tart until the filling is set. . The candy was created using the same basic recipe as the already popular Pixy Stix and Lik-M-Aid products in order to broaden the market for the tangy taste sensation. While the bold pucker is the first flavor experience, the sweet notes offer the satisfying finish. Regardless, it doesn't make it bad by any means! I know they have some old time candy there. Chewy is a relatively current participant right into the pet food as well as accessory market, however it's promptly developed itself as a heavy hitter. I love the 2 packs and they finally went to the 3-pack! Anyone know if an answer was ever available? BRING THEM BACK!!! google_ad_height = 600; Bring them back! Someonemake this happen!!! To put it into my pocket for later, than pull it out and pick off the pocket lint, before licking it some more. I need to know if anyone can tell me if there is or ever was a banana flavored original heart??????????? You're right, made your tongue raw and it was sooooo good! Bring back the Sweettarts! google_color_bg = "E7F0EB"; Today I called Nestle 1 800 225 2270 ,to ask them to bring back the original Sweet Tart .Like all of you , I too longingly remember the Sweet tart and know once you have tasted it, you never forget it . Not really a big fan of the Giant sweet tarts. They were individually wrapped. Big shame since sweet tarts have the overall best and most subtle flavor, I guess I'll settle for Jolly rancher and Trolli brand gummies. Someone find one for me. So nice to see all of you sweetart lovers on here! If youre a sweet tart fan you will not be disappointed. NOW WHERE ARE THESE PEA PICKIN SWEAT TARTS!!!!??". WHY WON'T THEY COME OUT WITH THESE AGAIN? :-). I can't find them anywhere! They were 3-4" in diameter and at least 1/2-3/4" thick. Maybe we could start a petition? Looks like a lot of people loved the old originals. I loved the giant cherry Sweetarts! $9.99. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. I love candy and love how you could suck them for days. Disclaimer: While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists. They sent me a coupon for a free roll of Sweet Tarts. Giant Hard Sweetarts. Blitz sweet tarts into powder using a coffee/spice grinder. Those were the best.lasted for days.lick, scrape with teeth,,sometimes dipped in water. Mmmmm grape. I have been searching for these for quite some time. Loved, loved, loved giant sweet tarts. This was the best candy. I would walk down to Tick Tock with my brothers and buy my sweetart. It's the biggest committed family pet supply site on the internet, with just Amazon verifying itself to be a real challenger . Also the small ones have changed the flavor of the green ones from when I was a kid. Giant Chewy SweeTARTS takes the amazing flavor sensation of Original SweeTARTS to the next level with supersized, over-the-top fun! Where can I find them. Bite into the sweet and tangy goodness of SweeTARTS candy! My favorite candy of all time! First stop after getting skates was teh concession stand for a 3 pack of the hard version of the Giant Sweetarts. One was huge and bowed out on top and bottom. You use to be able to purchase a box with all the flavors or a box with just cherry and grape, my 2 favorite flavors. The disappointment was a little less with orange, green and yellow the worst and I don't remember giving any away. They were the best! I really wish they would!!! I remember that I always had a hard time deciding which one to buy between the pink and purple ones. It's the biggest committed family pet supply site on the internet, with just Amazon verifying itself to be a real challenger . I've looked everywhere and I guess I have to face the fact that this is one retro candy you can't get. I would rush right out and buy them now. Whatever the reason, TasteTations are simply one on a long list of discontinued Hershey's products. I thought I was the only one who remembered the original Giant SweetTarts!! Why are the called Shockers? She loved me so. when i was a teenager they had them @ sugar mountain. Like most of you, I too liked the grape candy. I remember my tongue bleeds fondly, but not the time when the giant sweet tart got stuck in my throat. As a young married couple in the 70s,(just celebrated our 55 anniversary) we were driving along somewhere on a nice summer day with the windows down. Thanks folks, this made my night! I wish that they would bring them back! Maybe a petition to the company would be worth a try. hi does anyone know what these were they were flat they were wrapped in clear cellophane and they came in watermellon .cherry ,grape,sour apple cherry ,and you would like them they were hard candy but it was flat like a candy bar and long like a candy bar. We will let the team know that you would like to see them make a comeback. Can't find 'em either! think it was 3rd grade. They were originally called Shock Tarts and were made by the Sunmark Candy company in the early 1990s. At this time we have no plans to bring back the product; however, please be assured that I have reported your inquiry to our Marketing Department. They were great with Mountain Dew - Kid Heaven! I wish we could buy just one flavor. Could be a cottage industry here. For years I secretely raided my dad's coin collection for dimes to buy the inch thick sweet tarts in the candy machine at my gradeschool during the sixties. Reading everyone's comments makes me yearn for my favorite candy. Watermelon Pop Rocks | Grape Pop Rocks | Pop Rocks Strawberry | Pop Rocks Blue Raspberry | Slo Poke Candy Bar | Bottle . Alwasys buying a giant sweettart. I wish I could find them. But who cared, not me! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE - somebody come out with the Giant Sweetarts again. We would climb the mountains,and crawl through bushes with those things. As mentioned before, this candy was originally created in 1962. Also miss the large Cupids they had around Valentine's Day - remember the white ones - would love to have these back. Checked Amazon as someone posted above, all they have is the lame tasting chewy ones. Please try again. 11. I remember staying home sick one day by myself and my Mom bought me regular size sweettarts and a Pepsi, Dr. Pepper or a coke (I can't remember) and I put one of the sweettarts in my Coke and it made it overflow. I found this site, while looking for the original large sweettarts. Chewy ones are just not the same!!!! I stopped buying them. Flavors of these include such as orange, strawberry, green apple, cherry, and punch. I lived in town and walked home from school. Submit a link to more information about Giant Sweet Tarts (not chewy). I have very fond memories of Buying the giant sweet tarts in the candy machine at school. Yes, they made the roof of my mouth sore but it was worth it. but GIVE THEM TO US ! I, too, would stock up! $48.99 $ 48. Of course I meant retroC'mon Wonkabring 'em back! I also wish they would make them again! Love reading everyone's stories too. I checked and the label claimed the candy did not expire until next April, so I can only assume I got a bad batch of candy. YES!!! The chewy ones are gross. Lemon and grape were my favorite. Kinda remember tasting blood with the last third of so of the candy. I barely managed to cough it out, so perhaps that's why they don't have them anymore. . Its always great to revisit childhood candy but as always it cons at a price. I'd buy them!! AlsoI remember series 1 and 2 of Wacky Packages. Sales volume was not great enough to justify space on the retailers' shelves. At that point my tongue was raw but they were so good! Ha! My sisters and I used to get Giant Sweet Tarts at the candy store in the little strip shopping center near our house on Long Island, NY. Bonkers. google_color_url = "1F2B9E"; I would gone anything to have the big giant sweet arts. My mom would take me grocery shopping. : :-). I am so sad that I can not find them anywhere. 16 years ago, I remember they sold heart-shaped Sweet Tarts at Valentine's Day and Easter Egg and Chick shaped ones for Easter. They looked like the soap tablets used at home ( sos tabs ). I too remember and long for the giant hockey puck Sweettarts. I don't remember the two pack with the flat side, that someone in this forum mentioned. They disappeared in the mid to late 2000s. The chewy ones are not good, IMHO. I would like to find them too. They need to bring those back with a quickness. My husband and I both used to buy them at a candy store by our school, when we were in grade school, in the 60s. I remember the ones in the single pack being the size of a hockey puck. A Person on the Internet Says. It was my all time favorite. Come one Wonka, bring them back. As you know, we no longer manufacture Wonka Giant SweeTARTS Candy. I sure loved them! Giant Chewy SweeTarts were introduced which are larger, more chewier variants of usual SweeTarts and four comes in a package. I would buy them again if they were made!!!! I have been loooking for the orgignal sweet tarts for years, alas, no luck. But I keep hoping :). We'd put them in our pocket for later & seek them out for days on end. I would finish that candy in a day! Yah whats up with them not bringing them back we would all buy them I know i would O.O. Product details. //2007-06-05: inthe70s Easily, my all time favorite candy. LOVED LOVED these, especially the grape. Oh yes! Bite-sized chewy and tangy candies. Sore tongue! and I thought I was the only 1 who missed those giant hard sweet tarts(not the chewy ones). Giant chewy version of the original SweeTarts that will tweak your taste buds with a tart and tangy, mouth-puckering taste. My favorite was the orange because it was the sweetest of all of the giant sweet tarts. Highlights. YOUR SALES WILL SOAR!! Two now-discontinued flavors of Kazoozles that were produced under Nestl were Pink Lemonade and Strawberry Watermelon. I wrote to Wonka about bringing back the non chewy lovely soft sweet tarts and this is what I got back: Thank you for contacting Wonka SweeTARTS Candy. Explains the Diabetes I have today!! My dad brought my sister MnMs and Sweetarts for me in the 70s. SweeTARTS were first made available in 1963 and came in the same flavors as the well-liked Pixy Stix: cherry, grape, lemon, lime, and orange. These larger than life disks of flavor are too big to eat in just one bite, so break it and share it for the perfect chewy candy experience. The thrill of unraveling the cellophane back to find a purple one was like money in your piggy bank. Regular price $45 99 $45.99. Now with bolder fruity flavors. What ashamed! My mom, was my hook up. If anyone does locate them please post to this site. Ha! Hello, Like all of you I grew up with these wonderful addictive candies. If they're out Candywarehouse.com has the same size case for $36, Oh yes, Amazon has 3 pages of every shape & size of Sweet Tarts. Some sensitive loser probably could not figure out how to eat it and almost choked on it and then complained to the company. I am kinda like the person at the top of the list. Used to get 'em at the Rollerdrome roller rink in / near Madison WI, if I recall correctly, back in the 1960s. History of Shockers candy. I too like a lot of the folks long to get those large sweet tarts that made my tongue raw, I've looked a long time for them also, I know I was getting them from the first time they hit the market, the chewy ones don't cut it, would be nice if they would bring back the old ones, while I'm still alive. I am SO disappointed when I go to look for them and find those awful chewy sweetarts. LOL. The candy was created using the same basic recipe as the already popular Pixy Stix and Lik-M-Aid (Fun Dip) products in order to broaden the market for the tangy taste sensation. You could eat some of it before bed and then wake up and finish it the next day. :(. Grape and Cherry! item 3 SweeTARTS Giant Chewy Candy 1.5 Ounce Packets,Pack of 36 SweeTARTS Giant Chewy Candy 1.5 Ounce Packets,Pack of 36. $113.61 ($3.16/count) FREE Shipping on orders over $35 shipped by Amazon. I'd pedal my Opie Taylor bike over to the Tom Thumb Track at strip shopping center, those giant slot car tracks where people would pay for track time. I would ride my bike to Rose and Bills in Bolton CT , before school to but these. Those would last me for more than a day! Also check out the other =Food of the 70s?> pages. SKU: 2137B36. This happens all the time! I have such fond memories similar to those already mentioned. May 26, 2021. I, like John and some others, remember the 2-pack and 3-pack non-chewy versions which were available even into the 80s or early 90s, but I also remember getting the even bigger single-packed ones as a kid *years* before that (early to mid 70s). Ive been looking for this candy for a while. I can begin to say what I might do for a pack right now. I would love to see them. I love, love, love the Classic Sweetarts!!! My husband doesnt remember them and thinks I imagined them. Submit a story or info about Giant Sweet Tarts (not chewy),