(We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). As sophomore year begins, Quinn grows tired of being the odd one out. But as always, her best friend, Quinn Fabray, is there to help her through it. Little Monsters by Phoenix Kathryn. 1.2K Stories. "That was only the first part of your . After their fight about Finn's jacket, Puck has a lot of anger built up and Santana has a lot of guilt. Tike Rachel and Puck. The McKinley High Cheerios trained harder and longer than all of the sports teams they cheered for combined, and the proof was in the countless trophies, awards, accolades and scholarships they racked up year after year. New girl Maddison Hughes transfer Gabriela Moreno is a new student in Mckinley that moved from California. [ santana lop. Also, even tho Brittany has been in a coma for the last seven and a half years. With Finn still sure he knows about Kurt and Pucks secret relationship, Puck offers a solution that might solve that problem in the short term. The Mean Girls AU that a couple of people asked for a long time ago. He sometimes gave into peer pressure and felt judged for joining New Directions. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). When Santana finally realises that Rachel has been missing from school for almost a week she goes to investigate only to learn that Rachel was in a bad car accident and her entire future was derailed. A!U G!P Santana - Quinn Fabray is a junior at Yale and has a jerk boyfriend. Rachel Needs Some Action - M, 16 chapters and complete. Please consider turning it on! G!P Brittany and Santana. A short one shot as the glee club verbally react to Brittany's "pregnancy". Rachel sees an opportunity and is just tired of repressing her feelings for Quinn and hiding her dick. Stories where the lovable Barry Allen is It has quite a few chapters but don't get scared off by that! I'm just providing the klainers with stu Karn Niyati~ Ren knows only two other boys have ever completed the Quad- Puck and Sam. * One thing leads to another before sexual tension ensues and primal instincts take over. Mostly Santana's POV. G!P Rachel hid her penis from everyone in high school. Santana Lopez is the new girl in Lima, Ohio. Santana could sense the blonde's cock tight and pulsate in her tight pussy and looked up at Quinn and said, "I want you to cum in my mouth. The plan was going as planned for Santana all until her parents start to send people to hurt Rachel. (With a little bit of Faberry, Pezberry endgame.) Hes fine. Or left to claw her own way out? The evolution of Santana and Brittany's relationship from Brittany's perspective. Santana finds out and when she learns that Rachel doesn't ever let anyone reciprocate she can't help but wonder why. Now without a protector, Central City starts to fall until Caitlin Snow mentions she knows someone who can save them all, her long-distance girlfriend Rachel Berry. Christmas, fluff, songs and Pezberry. Brittany has a brilliant idea for a group costume for the Unholy Trinity and Rachel. . tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Based on the movie 'One Day'. G!P Quinn rachel and brittanyPregnant!Santana. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). St. Berry Sam and Quinn . The Unholy Sirens Series - The Dark Secret Of McKinley - Chapter 2. Will her player ways take effect or will she fall in Love? Why the fuck am I up so got damn early, I just want to go back to sleep. As time passes, they face feelings, fights, hopes and missed opportunities, laughter and tears. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Complete master list of rachel to go on glee femslash fanfiction. In which people underestimate Rachel and Santana inadvertently falls in love OR How dating Santana . R. celebrity AU. Santana, mercedes warnings: 55: glee fanfiction archive with rachel, breathing when she holds out. Santana Lopez and Rachel Berry have always been best friends since childhood. She doesn't exactly help her reputation, though, when she falls for Sam Evans, a 173-year-old vampire who has "come out of the coffin" along with many of his undead comrades now that a new synthetic blood has made it possible for vampires to survive without preying on humans. Will Santana convince Rachel they belong together? Rachel Finds out something Shocking when she tried to proof to Terri she doesn't have Powers , and that is she does have Powers. They're also called as Sanchel . Very Santana/Charlie centric. I will try to maintain the integrity of the episodes while writing the storylines as completely my own. Puck-Rachel Relationship. She hates the way people become powerless as soon as they start falling in love with someone else. Sort by: Hot. Bartie Terri and Will. Don't even get them started on their love lives. Over twenty years, snapshots of that relationship are revealed on the same day--May 29--of each year. One night, a worn down Rachel sneaks up into Santanas bedroom, seeking comfort from a friend. When a bunch of little devils from your favorite show suddenly appear in your home? But, as his new best friends prepare to leave for college, Sam's inner sadness threatens to shatter his newfound confidence. Brittana Blaine and Sebastian. # 1. | s. lopez by mimi. Rachel and Santana drunkenly hook up in high school. and it all started because of glee club. (Done for an exchange). Completed. In the quasi-alternate universe of Glee: The Next Generation, in which Glee is canon until early in Season 3, Will is still the McKinley High Spanish teacher. Undying Love Chapter 22, a glee fanfic | FanFiction. Please consider turning it on! You are Rachel Berry's twin sister. She joins the football team. Then he does it for real. You are the daughter of Mr Shuester but not with Terri. Warning: G!P Santana. Much to his dismay, things aren't much better in Lima except for one-his neighbor and babysitter Brittany S. Pierce. Klaine Artie and Brittany. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Pezberry. Work Search: tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Santana loves control but she loves handing it over to her boyfriend even more. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Finn-Quinn Relationship. Don't like don't read. Santana-centric, various pairings. Lots of pezberry friendship. Even their parents had accepted their relationship because they could see how happy their daughters were. I have a sequel planned, not sure if that one will also be posted at completion or chapter by chapter. Santana moaned and licked her lips, then sucked her fingers as Quinn continued to ravage her twat. Will she be saved? Fanfic: Unforgettable Love Ch 1, Glee | FanFiction Unforgettable Love by CollegeStar21 Summary Brittany Pierce and Santana Lopez were finally a couple and not to be open at McKinley High. It's large and wet and excited, and she can't help but stroke her thumb up and down, paying extra attention to the vein on the underside. It's five years after high school and the world we left is very different now. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). G!P Quinn and G!P Rachel are the best prostitutes known in New York. Valentine's Day one-shot set in the same universe as Softer, Softest. Or will Finn succeed in getting rid of Santana forever? Rachel gets some action, curtsy of one . Sharp Knife of a Short Life by nydivaa0x - Based off the song 'If I Die Young' by the Band Perry. She makes an impulsive decision that sets off a series of events that ultimately leaves her and Bella having to fight for their freedom and their lives. Or worse? (Santana's Pov) I. The New Berry (A Glee Fanfic/Ryder Lynn Love Story) 334K 5.1K 41. What would happen if team Flash/arrow/supergirl and legends found out that one glee preferences Small-town Louisiana waitress Mercedes Jones already is viewed as an oddball by her friends and neighbors, since she can read the minds of those around her. That is Main Pairing: G!P Santana Lopez X G!P Quinn Fabray X Brittany Pierce X Female OC The first episode alone features music from such disparate sources as Guys . Angst/language/hurt/comfort. (fem!oc x quinn fabray) G!P Rachel hid her penis from everyone in high school. literally just the Glee Characters Are Here, archive ratings might change later idk yet, but this is mostly for the fluff and fun of it, part of the club are dicks for a while in this sorry, Quinn has Anxiety cause her parents are so hard on her, but shes soft for Rachel and looks out for Brittany so she doesnt get bullied, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Literally just Mercedes being a bad bitch, Dunno the ship name for Rachel & Brittany, All the violence is just all Santana beating up homophobic jocks cause they hurt Brittany's feelings, Noah got hold back a grade so he's a year older than everyone else, I made one made-up character that ain't on Glee and he's wonderful, At the end of the year Im gonna miss you, Quinn is working through her anxiety for Beth, Yes I'm aware it's November deal with it :P, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, rachel and santana are really good friends. Rachel asks Santana to buy her edibles because she wants to experience getting high, but doesn't want to risk ruining her voice by smoking. "Hey baby." I pick him up and rock him. "I was dead before You gave me life" lesbian, sam, druglife. Santana, mercedes warnings: 55: glee fanfiction archive with rachel, breathing when she holds out. From the first time she heard the word gay to the first time she flew free from her chrysalis, she can remember everything. Please PM me if you are interested.) To keep up her beloved reputation, Santana decides to skip class and instead work on curing herself of her boredom. Rachel is living her life and living it alone. The Rachel-Santana Relationship is the on-and-off friendship between Santana Lopez and Rachel Berry. A collection of short fics around 500-1000 words based on Kinktober prompts. Follow Rachel's life as she experiences high school and what it's like for her best friend to carry her boyfriends child. Not to help in any actual way, of course, Puck wasnt stupid enough to think that even for a second. They start dating which shocked everybody and stay together all through high school then Santana tells her on . glee fanfiction rachel and santana g p. por ; 1 de novembro de 2021 . When Puck wins, he makes the most of it in order to hear Santana beg. kurthummeldeservesbetter (orphan_account), finn just wants to make sure Kurt was okay, In Which a Trouty Mouth Gets All Up on Santana, Sam Evans/Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce. Santana really doesn't want to have Rachel Berry appear on her wildly popular talk show, Snix at Night! PezberryGP! As they circle her, growing ever closer and ever fonder, their relationship builds into something more than Rachel ever believed she could have. OR: The S6 AU in which Brittany and Rachel accidentally create the multiverse. Brittany-Quinn-Santana Relationship. She's tired of being lonely, of not being appreciated for her loyalty and all the ways she works to help her friends. Pezberry. All Quinn knew about Rachel was that she is a girl with a penis. World: Glee. G!P Quinn rachel and brittanyPregnant!Santana. Sam is Mr. Schuester's pet hybrid, a hypersexual puppy. Also Snowberry cuz I love them and Dont judge. Ruin a whole family or change her entire life. Very Random One Shots that are fluffy, angsty, funny, just whatever pops into my head when I have writers block on other stories. There are times when the chapters are character divergent (such as making a canon homosexual character bisexual). Glee fanfic. This work could have adult content. Rachel is receptive to them making amends giving Santana the chance to maybe develop more than a simple friendship with Rachel. Thank you so much! Love with santana lopez has finished filming her forehead on adventures with their weekends together even though santana lopez/brittany s. Tina hugs her forehead on december 2012, so it or, is the cheerios. The first two chapters are taken from the work this is based on a then Ill carry it on from the second chapter where that work ended depressingly, As Quinn and Brittany move into their senior year can they survive the long distance relationship with Rachel and Santana. She was dressed in an extremely short, black mini dress with white polka dots and black high heels. As quickly as Kurt has come to rely on his brief escapes to Sam Evans life, he finds that previous choices may have complicated their connection. The unthinkable happens to Rachel Berry. I get up and go over to him. g!p. As stated above. Is it still called Friends with Benefits if you're not really friends? And as the true meaning of this one crucial day is revealed, they must come to grips with the nature of love and life itself. Fabson Tina and Mike. 102K 5.7K 105. [ girl x girl ]. complete read rachel/quinn smut post school au. List of Minor Relationships. Santana Lopez is a senior at Yale and is famous by her player ways. My own rewrite of glee. Will she keep the child? After the death of Monteith in 2013, his character was killed off. Rachel's the first to come out of shock and notice that Brittany isn't moving. So they go to the blues club with Santana's father on Open Mic night which prompts Santana to perform when Jesse and Rachel perform in her blues club that her mother used to go to. 157K 5.6K 82. in which the feisty foster kid and the bitchy latina find themselves feeling things they never thought they would. Its not his fault their friends decided to tag along. Glee Fic Masterlist. She and Santana have been dating for a while now and have invited Rachel to see what their lifestyle is all about. Theres nothing wrong with Sam. Rachel has been attacked and Santana is the one to bring her to the hospital. how long does it take wisteria to establish? Free-spirited Mercedes and her best friend Kurt help Sam discover the joys of friendship, first love, music. What happens when you pump High School Musical full of antidepressants? Collection of Faberrittana Ficlets based on the 2022 Femslash Feb prompts. Ships: pezberry and pucktana with pezberry endgame.Contains: Gp Rachel and badass Rachel. Brittany and Santana have been dating since freshman year. She commanded. So she does something a little drastic, a little wild. a After Sebastian Smythe threw a rock salt slushy in the face of Blaine Anderson, sending him to surgery, he is introduced to Rachel Berry in an M.J performance, only to f "How many times do you make the same mistake to realize it's not gonna work out?" set in senior year 2012, rachel barba berry is in the prime time of her life.