The fast data rate setting of Link 11 has a data throughput rate of _______. [Remediation, combined the Unified/Specified Commands during times, eliminated the position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, separated the Unified/Specified Commands from the Military, 3) What WWII conference established the Joint Chief of, 4) Which of the following are keys to success in joint assignments? Intermediate. How many nets can operate in a Link 16 network before reaching maximum spectral capacity? Amplification- rules for amplification messages. The Greek poliswas a unique form of government. The National Security Agency (NSA) is authorized to produce ____________________ in accordance with objectives, requirements and priorities established by the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) with the advice of the National Foreign Intelligence Board. JTIDS/MIDS uses spread spectrum technology that enables the terminal to frequency hop at about ______________? SEJPME II Module 3 - Joint Force Leadership Post Test. Link 11/11B use __________ track numbers.
City University of Seattle. Military. Having competence in your area of the Service Knowing the people around you Knowing how to solve problems The US Army and the US Navy are under the same jurisdiction. This purpose of joint operations is to maintain an arsenal capable of deterring potential adversaries and to assure U.S. allies and other security partners that they can count on America's security commitments. Bookmark 22Audit team determined with reasonable assurance that all 26 issue transactions assigned DD 1348-1A matched its assigned OIS-R data (D.3.12, Colum A Joint Services Transcript (JST) served as an official document for military training and experience and obtained from the Department of Defense Joint Servi To check that each packet reaches the designated workstation. What is the purpose of the Network Information Exchange Requirements (IER) Definition step in the Network Management System? Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Can you assist to see if your database has one? Select all that apply. [Remediation Accessed :N]Multiplies the time slot requirements (the relayed message needs a time slot to be transmitted in)Increased Time Slot Duty Factor (TSDF)Extends the connectivity beyond LOSIncreases overall anti-jam strength through increased signal level at the receiverProvides a robust connectivity through multiple paths, Provides a robust connectivity through multiple pathsIncreases overall anti-jam strength through increased signal level at the receiverExtends the connectivity beyond LOSIncreased Time Slot Duty Factor (TSDF)wrong:54 wo Extends the connectivity beyond LOS. A(n) _______ exists when the same track or point is being reported using multiple TNs. 06/02/2020. For RELGRID operations, what two things must be assigned? [Remediation Accessed :N]Will not cancel itself out at the receiverEach pulse occurs on identical frequenciesReceiving terminal will decode the redundant information as normalProvides redundancy to prevent against jamming-induced data loss, Which of the following is true of Link 16 spread spectrum processing? [Remediation Accessed :N], Match each type of JREAP to the correct statement about transmission rates.a)2400 BPS during normal operational useb)Dependent on available IP network bandwidthc)300 to 115,200 BPSa b c JREAP Ca b c JREAP Ba b c JREAP A, which version of JREAP provides a Full Duplex Synchronous or Asynchronous Point-to-Point protocol? Of the four OPTASK LINK Initial Main set, which is considered a mandatory occurrence set? What is the basic reoccurring unit of time? Each JTIDS/MIDS transmissions contains a ____________ pulse stream. Multiple platforms given the same dedicated TS. Thank you for your generosity. Click the card to flip . (Correct) Provides Satellite Access Authorization. SEJPME-US001-03 National Military Command Structure POST TEST.docx, SEJPME-US001-02_INTRODUCTION TO JOINT DUTY (post test).doc, SEJPME Introduction to Joint Duty Pre Test.pdf, (SEJPME-US001-02) Introduction to Joint Duty.docx, NATIONAL MILITARY COMMAND STRUCTURE POST TEST.docx, One of natos goals is to promote democratic values, The classical ages of India and Greece a. (Wrong) Entry, Extension and Continuation(?) Time refinement(Wrong) SyncHeader(Wrong) Needline. The only tracks that can't be manually correlated are: Select all that apply. 2. based on the time of arrival of PPLI message from at least 3 jus. Home security can be improved with self-help measures like changing locks, securing windows, and improving outdoor lighting. What allows SADL participants to use an additional crypto variable from the TEK to isolate their information exchange?
There are two types of JTIDS/MIDS connectivity are 1._______ nd 2._______.
Which of the following is a purpose of the Network Description Document (NDD) COMSEC Cross Reference Table? e highlighted questions are the questions you have missed. (Correct) Set-up and initialization of Link 16 terminals and host systems to establish the network. Surveillance- how platforms process tracks. The _______ is used by the FTC/TDC to ensure all data reported on the interface is promptly reported, reported in the correct location, reported by only one unit and that the reported data is correct. United States Navy. (Introduction to Joint Operations, Page 3), A functional Component Command has many favorable factors associated with it, including reduced space of control, integrated planning, unity of effort, and: (Joint Command Organizations, Page 5), Some services have an emphasis that vacillates between combat, law enforcement, and safety patrols.
Sejpme-us001-02 Pretest Answers - Conventions- terminology, definitions, acronyms, operator alerts, Special requirements- data registration, track # management, Detailed requirements- complete list of all J-series messages and legal values, bulk of doc. Select all that apply. Provides information about timeslot allocation. Certificate Message. [Remediation Accessed :N], Match the proper terminology to the correct definitiona) A set of protocols used to exchange J-Series messages using non-JTIDS/MIDS equipmentb) The language Link 16 capable weapons systems use to exchange tactical informationc) Conventions and record message formats that support information exchange defined by MIL-STD-6016d) Communications component of Link 16JTIDS/MIDSLink 16J-Series MessagesJREAP, wrong:a Link 16b JTIDS/MIDSc JREAPd J-Series Messagesb JTIDS/MIDSc J-Series Messagesa JREAPd Link 16b JTIDS/MIDSa J-Series Messagesd Link 16c JREAPa Link 16b JTIDS/MIDSc JREAPb J-Series Messages, The ____________ pseudo-randomly assigns a center frequency to each pulse. Decentralized Approach What is a common set of time and frequency resources shared among SADL network participants that allows data exchanged called? Mediums used to transmit the informationNetwork Description Document (NDD)Sending and Receiving nodesInformation and message format being transmittedALL SELECTEDINCORRECT. Full Document, One of natos goals is to promote democratic values. Which type of relay requires only that at least one platform be assigned relay timeslots and has enabled the relay function? Direct connectivity and indirect connectivity. JTIDS Library Number (JNL) and Network Number(?) Select all that apply. Join these two simple sentences with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon - Rogue waters are frightening. You should find this course listed in the passed certificates tab. 2. Under the Link 11 Segment of the OPTASK LINK, which set would an operator use to identify the Net Speed (Data Rate) for system data? (Select All That Apply.) (Fundamentals of Warfare, Page 3), The ___________ prescribe the chain of command within their Combatant Commands (CCMDs) and designate the appropriate command authority to be exercised by subordinate commanders. 1 Supervises JICC personnel2 Resolution authority to resolve cross-regional MTN issues3 Conducts dynamic replanning4 Net Control Station (NCS) for the Track Supervision Net (TSN)ALL SELECTED-INCORRECT1, 4 = INCORRECT. As per the JMTOP and MIL-STD-6040, the ________________ is responsible for promulgating the OPTASK LINK message. Questions And Answers. Which version of JREAP uses SIPRNet, JTEN, or a KG-175 TACLANE over non-secure networks as means of encryption? CRYPTDAT SetLSYSDATA SetLRULINK Set(Wrong) DALKFREQ Set. [Remediation Accessed :N]TNs are assigned based on track quality (TQ)TDL planners allocate TN blocks to C2IUs for track reportingLink 11 Managers assign TNs for C2JUsTNs are assigned in numerical order, lowest first and then sequentially, NOT:3 WO TNs are assigned based on track quality (TQ), _______ is a numerical value that represents the horizontal positional reliability within a 95 percent confidence level and serves to give operators a sense of how accurate the track is, as well as the basis for R2 and correlation. Which of the following are characteristics of a timeslot in Link 16 communications? Level 1 AT Awareness. GEOGRID is always present and is based on the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS-84). Which statement/statements is true regarding GEOGRID and RELGRID operations? Select all that apply. Under the U.S. Constitution, the Congress has the power to _____. Do you appreciate the value this website provides? Cisco? Post Test - Intro to Joint Duty.pdf. The purpose of the ____________ is to satisfy the subset of warfighters' IERs specifically facilitated by tactical data links.
What is required of all participants to initialize a single, synchronized network? JTIDS/MIDS RELNAV can use the 1.________ coordinate reference system and the 2._______ coordinate reference system. Subject. Which version of JREAP requires the assignment of a JRE Network Controller (JRE-NC)? Net Control Station (NCS) for the Track Supervision Net (TSN) **Coordinates frequencies and channels**Directs relay activation and deactivation**Ensures Interference Protection Feature (IPF) Compliance **Manage network role assignments **INCORRECT. Which of the following IS NOT a characteristic of the Network Time Reference (NTR)? [Remediation Accessed :N], wrong:Supports surveillance capacity needs. [Remediation Accessed :N], wrong:RELGRID operations can be activated by the Positional Reference (PR), Which document will the JICO use to provide instructions on settings and procedures about operational network entry and exit? [Remediation Accessed :N]Initialization Data Load (IDL) fileUnique platform informationOPTASK LINK messageTransmission Sequence List, wrong:3 wo Initialization Data Load (IDL) file3 wo OPTASK LINK message, Which of the following will link participants use the OPTASK LINK message for after network operations have been established? Link 16 overcomes the line-of-sight limitations of JTIDS/MIDS using ____________ and extends coverage of these data links through the use of long-haul media. All M-Series messages fall into one of ______ categories. Select all that apply.Initial Entry JTIDS/MIDS Unit (IEJU)Grid Reference UnitLink 16 ManagerNetwork Time Reference, Link 16 ManagerNetwork Time ReferenceInitial Entry JTIDS/MIDS Unit (IEJU), Subscriber functions are the actions, other than maintenance, that are required to maintain Link 16 network operations and include _______________, platform indicators, and Network Participation Status, or NPS. What is the output of the Network Information Exchange Requirements (IER) Definition step in the Network Management System? [Remediation Accessed :N]Full-DuplexSecureDedicated, Point-to-PointHalf-Duplex, What are the basic characteristics of NATO Link 1? You have created 2 folders. [Remediation Accessed :N], To define the Link 16 network design requirements. Select all that apply. What are the frequency ranges associated with NATO Link 22? The packing formats that use 444 pulses are? From your desktop, select the certiricate tab. (Joint Operations Roles and Functions, Page 3), _________ encompasses the exercise of authority, responsibility, and direction by a commander over assigned and attached forces to accomplish the mission. School American Military University Course Title MILITARY SEJPME 1 Type Test Prep Uploaded By VicsLosingIt Pages 2 Ratings 94% (33) 2. Which type of Link 16 network is based off GPS time corrected to UTC? What JTIDS/MIDS protocol dictates that platforms take turns transmitting and receiving data according to time? which is not an antiterrorism level 1 theme, which one of these is not a physical security, the ticketing area is more secure than the area beyond, if you identify a possible surveillance attempt you should, espionage and security negligence are considered insider threats, terrorists usually avoid tourist locations since they are not dod-related, terrorist usually avoid tourist locations, internet acquaintances can pose a security, which one of these is not a physical security feature, which is not a physical security measure for your home, from a security perspective the best rooms, which of these is not a physical security feature, from the following choices select the factors you should consider, room invasions are a significant security issue, what is not a physical security measure for your home, from a security perspective the best rooms are, room invasions are not a significant security issue, internet acquaintances can pose a security threat and should, active resistance should be the immediate response. [Remediation Accessed :N], When two tracks are correlated, they become what is known as a ____________. Select all that apply.
Certificate Message - _______ is a numerical value that represents the horizontal positional reliability within a 95 percent confidence level and serves to give operators a sense of how accurate the track is, as well as the basis for R2 and correlation. [Remediation Accessed :N]Variable Message Format (VMF)Link 22JREAP J-SeriesM-Series, Match each type of JREAP to the correct encryption devices.a)KIV-7, KG-84A/C, STE and OMNI encryption devicesb)External or Embedded KG-84As or KIV-7sc)SIPRNet, JTEN, or a KG-175 TACLANE over non-secure networksa b c JREAP Aa b c JREAP Ba b c JREAP C, Match each type of JREAP to the correct protocol(s).a)Half Duplex Announced Token Passing or Broadcastb)Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or User Datagram Protocol (UDP)c)Full Duplex Synchronous or Asynchronous Point-to-Pointa b c JREAP Ca b c JREAP Ba b c JREAP A. 2. Which of the following IS NOT true of Link 16 spread spectrum processing? [Remediation Accessed :N], Which of the following best describe the Black Traffic Encryption Key (BTEK) used for Network Enabled Weapons (NEW)? Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. True The DoD Reorganization Act of 1958 ______ Select all that apply. How many JTIDS/MIDS net numbers are there? A ____________ will use PPLI receptions to maintain and improve synchronization. 9 terms 3.1. Match each term to each definition.a)Entered as a Latitude/ Longitude point established where platforms will report their SCC.b)Physical location of platform.c)Entered as a Latitude/ Longitude point where platforms will report their surveillance track data.a b c System Coordinate Center (SCC)a b c Data Link Reference Point (DLRP)a b c Unit Position (UPOS), c System Coordinate Center (SCC)a Data Link Reference Point (DLRP)b Unit Position (UPOS), Which of the following IS NOT an exchange medium for Link 11B? Link 11 operates on the Ultra High Frequency (UHF) band only. The ___________ is the physical configuration, functional organization, and operational procedures used in the design, establishment, modification, and operation of Multi-Tactical Data Link (TDL) Networks. Amplification (AMPN) sets, Narrative (NARR) sets, General Text (GENTEXT) sets, and Remarks (RMKS) sets are all what type of USMTF message sets? ), -Knowing how to solve problems -Having competence in your area of the Service. Select all that apply. Air Tasking Order (ATO)(?) What is needed to ensure exchange of RF link 16 info can occur? Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self. Joint Data Network Officer (JDNO), Interface Control Officer (ICO)**INCORRECTArea Air Defense Commander (AADC), Joint Data Network Officer (JDNO)Joint Data Network Officer (JDNO), Area Air Defense Commander (AADC)Area Air Defense Commander (AADC), Interface Control Officer (ICO)**INCORRECT. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. Opportunity Association Location Predictability. According to the MIL-STD-6016 what are the requirements for information to be passed between and among joint forces and organizations, along with the technical interfaces, and protocols called? Which of the following IS NOT a factor when choosing crypto key for a network? Data Forwarders, Routers/Retrans and Translators. Which of the following is a responsibility of the Link 16 Manager? False The U.S Coast Guard is one of the five armed forces of the United States and the only military organization within the ______________________. This course introduces U.S. Service students to Joint Multi-Tactical Data Link Network operations. What are the variants of the MIDS LVT with an high powered amplifier? Under the Link 11 Segment of the OPTASK LINK, which set identifies the origin point for Link 11 operations? In SIMULCAST operations, information is transmitted over __________ simultaneously? 2.
I Hate CBT's Add to folder SEJPME I Mod 1 - Introduction to Joint Duty Description SEJPME I Total Cards 9 Subject Military Level Intermediate Created 06/02/2020 Click here to study/print these flashcards . Select all that apply. 9. Select all that apply. Select all that apply. Net number selection, platform indicators and network participation status are part of ____________. This course introduces new joint operators to basic system data link capabilities and limitations, as well . Normally 2400 bps. 1. [Remediation Accessed :N]Sufficient Geographic separationUsing unique TSEC crypto keys for the main netUsing different Initialization Data Load (IDL) filesEmploying a network time offset, wrong:43 wo Sufficient Geographic separation, What factors must be considered when choosing crypto key for a network? [Remediation Accessed :N], Each JTIDS/MIDS transmissions contains a ____________ pulse stream. Satellite controller limits speed by assignment. Select all that apply.DataFrameJitterSync/HeaderPropagation. [Remediation Accessed :N]. Position quality of 15, must be stationary, 3. Which of the following is a consideration in the selection of a Link 16 network design? [Remediation Accessed :N]Limited to only 8 storage locationsCan store 1000 plus keysOn MIDS terminals the SDU is an external encryption unitStores cryptographic keys, Match the correct J-Series Message category to the correct description.a) Land Point PPLI: Transmitted by stationary land platformsb) Air Track: Transmitted by C2JUs to report air tracksc) Residual Message: Allows various Link 16 participants to send free text messages among themselvesd) Command Message: Used by C2JUs to exchange threat warning conditions, alert states, weapons condition orders and to direct weapon system engagementse) Mission Assignment Message: Normally sent from a C2JU to a non-C2JU to assign missions, designates targets and provides target informationf) Correlation Message: Used by C2JUs to resolve air and surface track dual designationsJ28.2 a b c d e f J9.0 a b c d e f J3.2 a b c d e f J2.5 a b c d e f J12.0 a b c d e f J7.2 a b c d e f, Correctly identify each segment of the NDD naming convention for USFU0020Aa) Country of originb) Originating NDFc) Version Numberd) National Usee) Series Identifierf) Network Use20 a b c d e f US a b c d e f 00 a b c d e f A a b c d e f F a b c d e f U, Match the correct Network Participation Group (NPG) to the correct description.a) Supports the reporting of PPLI and system status messagesb) Supports reporting of all surveillance tracks, Electronic Warfare product information, lines, areas, points, and associated track management messagesc) Used to exchange formatted text messages, commonly called JTIDS free text messagesd) Supports the exchange of Electronic Warfare parametric data.e) Used for Network Enabled Weaponsf) Used by C2JUs to control non-C2JUs and by non-C2JUs to provide backlink responses and targetsNPG 7 a b c d e f NPG 18 a b c d e f NPG 29 a b c d e f NPG 6 a b c d e f NPG 10 a b c d e f NPG 9, Correctly choose the data registration process and its descriptiona) Process in which a JTIDS/MIDS Unit (JU) monitors and adjusts positional data with information derived through Relative Navigation (RELNAV).b) Compares local data to tracks received from a selected IU and applies corrective values to positional data received from that IU.c) Process that corrects alignment of the sensor elements used for the measurement of a tracked object's position.Sensor Registration a b c Geodetic Registration a b c Remote IU Registration a b c, wrong:a Sensor Registrationb Geodetic Registrationc Remote IU Registrationa Sensor Registrationb Geodetic Registrationc Remote IU Registrationb Sensor Registrationa Geodetic Registrationc Remote IU Registrationc Sensor Registrationb Geodetic Registrationa Remote IU Registration, Which statement/statements is true regarding GEOGRID and RELGRID operations? What document would a CJ2U find their assigned find their assigned Track Number Allocation Block? [Remediation Accessed :N]. Select all that apply. 3. [Remediation Accessed :N], wrong:6.6 microsecond interval of dead time between each pulseEach pulse in stream maintains single pulse characteristics, Which of the following are true about JTIDS/MIDS transmissions?
JKO Introduction to Joint Multi-TDL Network (MTN) Operations JT101 Joint Duty Flashcards | Quizlet AF Advanced C-IED Attack the Network (AtN) Left Of The Boom. Defense drones used by the United States Military The United States can better harness the defense. The ____________ is ultimately responsible for the joint MTA/MTN interface? (Joint Operations Fundamentals, Page 9), _______________ is the routine contact and interaction between U.S. Armed Forces and another nation's armed forces, foreign and domestic civilian authorities, and agencies to build trust and confidence. (Check) Required to establish an ETRN(Check) Not necessary in an ETRN to provide network stability(Uncheck) Will always have a time quality (QT) of 15(Check) Behaves identically to a JUE once the network is established, Identify Surveillance Responsibilities(Wrong) Develop TDL IERs from commander's objectives(Wrong) Develop MTN Voice Communications ArchitectureIdentify Separate Extended Interface Architecture. Which of the following IS NOT responsible for the Link 16 network maintenance functions? Select all that apply. (Wrong) Required to establish an ETRN(?) Special Instructions (SPINS)(?) SEJPME I. You listening? declare war, raise and support Armies, provide and support a Navy, make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces. Link 16 Surveillance Tracks are the _________ series of message? Initial, Extension and Continuation(?) Capable of 2400, 4800, 9600. Network Description Document (NDD). (Wrong) Correlation/DecorrelationGridlockData RegistrationReporting Responsibility (R2). Which of the following platforms operates on SADL? identify two best practices for physical security awareness. Nt1310 Unit 7 To check that each packet reaches the designated workstation. What determines the pseudo random selection of the 51 center frequencies? [Remediation Accessed :N], Match each type of JREAP to the relevant OPTASK LINK set. [Remediation Accessed :N]Uses the Programmable KOV-55 LVT Crypto Module (LCM)Uses the KGV-8 ThorntonCertified to secure SECRET data and belowDoesn't perform automatic key rollover, Match the correct Built in Test (BIT) to the correct description. Which of the following IS NOT a terminal interrupt? [Remediation Accessed :N], All M-Series messages fall into one of ______ categories. Which mandatory set provides the message identification and originator of the message?