Ron and his wife, Cori, had Ron's Center Deli at the Mittleman Jewish Community Center for 12 years. Matilda went to Israel during the 1973 Yom Kippur War to work on an agricultural kibbutz while workers were off defending Israel. Current Jewish Funerals in Southfield Michigan - Ira Kaufman Chapel Upcoming Services 844-684-6333 OR TTY: 800-462-7585 Hours: M-F, 8a.m.-8p.m. Jacob was a Portland lawyer and judge who spent time with the U.S. Department of Justice. Three years ago, Ellana returned to the West Coast, joining Caron's family in Portland where they had moved a decade prior. Congregation Neveh Shalom and Congregation Beth Israel extend condolences to the extended Eastern family. He will be greatly and dearly missed. If you wish to lookup a funeral handled by us that is older than 30 days,
Dianne Hoffman, zl, passed away on Shabbat morning, Dec. 5, 2020, in Phoenix, Ariz. Dianne was preceded in death by her husband, Rabbi Sydney Hoffman, and son, Larry Hoffman. We will all cherish her loving memory. He also battled for the boxer at Pacific University and kept its whereabouts to himself but loved to tell the stories. The funeral was June 1 at Ahavai Shalom Cemetery. A private family memorial was held. They were ogether for 37 years, which included 23 fun-filled years of extended stays in Maui. Cherie was deeply interested in and attentive to each person she met. Norman Wapnick, zl, passed away April 23, 2022. Ron gave us much to laugh about, to be grateful for and we will celebrate him every day. She is survived by sons Scott Biespiel, Houston, Texas; Matthew Biespiel, Chicago, Ill.; David Biespiel and wife Wendy Willis, Portland; sisters, Bonnie Spiesberger, San Francisco, Calif., and Bebe Borg, Miami, Fla.; seven grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. He was always a gentleman and was 'the fons' of the class. Upon graduation, he accepted an offer by the Honorable Arno Denecke to clerk at the Oregon Supreme Court. JOYCE F. SALTZMAN
He was an enthusiastic community volunteer and loved hiking and traveling. We have the same problems, we make the same kinds of decisions. Melvin Weinstein, zl, passed away Oct. 7, 2020, at the age of 89. They traveled the world together, but their favorite retreat was their beach house on the South Prom in Seaside, which they bought in 1965. He could converse on a myriad of topics, including obscure battles, pre-Roman history, sports, and politics. Stampfer was the rabbi at Congregation Neveh Shalom from 1954 to 1993 and served as rabbi emeritus until his death. BEVERLY GALEN
A private burial service was held at the Beth Israel Cemetery. Charlotte is survived by sons, Steven Blumstein (Arlene Postal) and David Blumstein. He was direct, sometimes to a fault, loved a good debate, a good book, the New Yorker and the New York Times. Her younger brother, Ralph, now 96 and a recent inductee into the French Legion of Honor as Chevalier, pays tribute to their parents in his autobiographical book,Freedom is Not Free. Among other places. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Blanchet House in Jennies memory. Sandy was a modest and humble man, not seeking recognition for the many ways he helped people who needed a lift. DAVID SINGER
She also adored her 10 brothers and sisters and their families and always kept in close touch with them. He is loved and remembered by his dear wife, Inna; his children, Irina (Alex Berkovich) Gitlin and Leonora Gitlin; Irina's ex-husband, Alex (Zhenya Dashevsky) Berenbeym; and three grandchildren. As a young family we always took a two-week trip to someplace new every year. Anzhelika (Jane) Lazutkina, zl, passed away on June 4, 2020, at the age of 95. Phillip Gladstein, zl, passed away Oct. 17 at the age of 92. They both graduated in 1940 and were happily married for 74 years until Gilbert's death in 2012. Charlotte Blumstein, z"l, passed away July 11, 2021, at age 102. Eric was always curious about other cultures, cuisines and customs. Josephine Jody Zubrow Klevit, zl, passed away March 9, 2023. After graduation, Jim intended to become a philosophy professor but returned to Portland when his father fell ill. The funeral was held Oct. 27 in New Jersey. The funeral was held in Las Vegas, Nev., on Oct. 2. At 85, she acted on a midnight inspiration to provide special warmth to children with a line of plush bears in tiny bedrolls she called Comfort Teddies. Eliyahu Kay, zl, was murdered Nov. 21, 2021, in Jerusalem, at the hand of a Hamas terrorist. After completing high school, she attended University of California-Berkeley and University of Oregon to earn her Bachelor of Science and become a Registered Nurse. Her Facebook page was often filled with photos of lost or lonely dogs looking for homes. Oct. 22, 2021, at the age of 81. Sandy spent decades teaching in the Portland School District. The funeral was held Dec. 17 at Ahavai Shalom Cemetery. Riesha is loved and remembered by sons, Andrew (Rosy) Levy and David (Clara) Levy; grandchildren, Avi Levy, Sabrina (Nir) Maoz, Avrohom (Samantha) Levy and Esther (Adam) Edelson; two great-grandchildren; and brothers, Bernard (Judy) Kaufman and Hershel (Elizabeth) Kaufman. We were so very saddened to hear about Darryl. After his clerkship, he worked as an attorney for the Multnomah County Legal Aid Service. Alan was a talented artist and published author. That voice, that deep, rumbling voice with the timbre of rolling thunder, stands as a personal signature.. Donations in Ronalds memory may be sent to the National Alliance on Mental Illness
Memories of his beautiful voice and cherished friendships with so many in Portland's greater Jewish community will be remembered always. They are united once again, for eternity. She is survived by her son, Jordan Schnitzer; four grandchildren; and extended family members. Aug. 11, 2023, at age 86, surrounded by family. Lea was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Hecht. WE WOULD LOVE TO BE IN TOUCH. ; grandchildren, Josh Goodman, Memphis, Tenn., Nathan Goodman, Portland, Steffani (Anthony) Minella, Phoenix, and Cott Snader, Phoenix; and four great-grandchildren. The OPC Board would like to acknowledge Marianne for her presence and commitment to the development of our analytic society from our very beginning, the early study group, followed by the Oregon Psychoanalytic Foundation and todays OPC. He was the principal founder of the law firm Keller, Gottlieb and Gorin. Danna spent two years lobbying for gun control. There she ran a liquor store business with her loving uncle Abe. Her smiling eyes and warmth, touched everyone she met and this carried through to her final days as caregivers and Serenity Hospice staff called her their favorite. Her life was a blessing to all. She was preceded in death by her husband of 63 years, Robert Bob Samuel Unger. Rabbi Hanan Sills, 84, of Eugene died February 3, 2020. He is survived by wife, Carol; sons Reed, Shaun and Alex; grandchildren Logan, Liam and Annabelle; brothers, Steve and Gary; sister, Linda (Mike) Ellis; and many nieces and nephews, cousins and friends. A private service will be heldat Beth Israel Cemetery
His son Kenneth Fink predeceased him. She was the author of A Marriage Sabbatical, which was published in 1984 chronicling her 50,000-mile trip around the world in 1976. As a sports fan, Gerald enjoyed taking his children to many sporting events to see the Portland Beavers, Buckaroos and Trailblazers.
Bob was an early member of Havurah Shalom in Portland and was instrumental in hiring the first rabbi for the congregation. Among her charitable endeavors, she volunteered with her daughter for many organizations, including the Portland Revels, Portland Homeless Family Solutions and the Oregon Food Bank.
Funeral Details - Ira Kaufman Chapel Phillip Soloman Gladstein was born Dec. 2, 1927, the youngest of four children born to Sam and Fannie Gladstein. He passed peacefully at his assisted-living facility lovingly attended by family, facility staff and hospice. Julie Saltzman Leuvrey, zl, passed away on March 31, 2023. A religious Jewish man, often called on to lead services in key and make a minyan, Henry regularly welcomed non-Jewish friends to participate in the familys seder meals. JOANNE BONIME
He graduated from Washington High School and attended University of Oregon where he was senior class president. Family members include: Beloved wife of Isaac Barr. He also served on Portlands Planning & Sustainability Commission and the boards of Oregon Food Bank, SAIF, Oregon Public Broadcasting, The Nation Magazine Foundation, Pacific Northwest College of Art and Camp Caldera. IRA KAUFMAN CHAPEL: Donate View previous funerals Search. Barbara was passionate about, and maintained an extensive rose garden that garnered awards through the Rose Society. Harry was the founder and president emeritus of the Portland Trail Blazers, and has been called the father of professional sports in Oregon.. Pearl Steinberg, zl, 97, passed away Monday, May 4, 2020, at the Willamette View Retirement Center. A private interment is scheduled. Lev was a decorated World War II veteran with the Soviet Army. He graduated from Lincoln High School in 1964. He was preceded in death by wife Nancy, zl, and parents Martha and Harry Wolf, zl. Ways to honor Jerrold Kaufman's life and legacy. A celebration of life is scheduled for Nov. 7 at 4 pm on Zoom: The family of Harold Pollin, zl, announces with great sorrow that he passed away on Tuesday, Aug. 24, 2021, at his home in Portland.
Obituaries | Hebrew Memorial Chapel - Oak Park, MI Her beloved Tibetan Terriers, Acey and Archie, filled her life with joy and connection. They were married for 67 years. Idan Greenstein, z"l, passed away May 5 in North Carolina. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Elaine; sons, Jerry (Bhing) and Marty; daughter, Roberta; grandson, David; sister, Carol Albaum; and a large family of cousins, nieces and nephews. She moved to Portland and attended Lincoln High School where she met the love of her life, Bill Galen, and quickly became his favorite photography subject, a role that continued until his death in 2020. As time passed, and the children of her friends grew up, they became Dannas friends. Her passion was knowing about and providing for others, including formal holiday meals for 30 family members, friends and soon-to-be friends a dozen times a year for the past 40 years. He was the beloved father of Congregation Shaarie Torahs former president Steph Kotkins. Human relations, is the art of making strangers into friends, she once said in a public address. Erie, PA. Donnilene D. Grant, age 86, of Erie, passed away Tuesday, April 18, 2023. William Leisner, zl, passed away Nov. 4, 2021, in Los Angeles, Calif., at the age of 91. Congregation Neveh Shalom sends deepest condolences to the extended Hamer/Robert family. While he was building his medical career, Bev kept busy raising a family and discovering the rewards of volunteer work. As a family, they celebrated life together with love, friendship, adventure and, above all, plenty of laughter. Congregation Neveh Shalom extends deepest condolences to the extended Nudelman family. As important, Eric always looked for the best in people and never assumed the worst. Elena Barron, z"l, died July 2, 2020. Marianne Buchwalter, zl, passed away Feb. 17, 2022, two months shy of her 98th birthday. Keith Koplan, zl, passed away June 2, 2022, after a battle with cancer. He was named Alumnus of the Year by the College in 1998. Please feel free to call our office if a specific funeral service is not found in the lookup. In his retirement Phil served as a commissioner for the Raleigh Water District. As Sam so often said, "We do not bid farewell but l'itraot (see you later).". After 31 years of marriage Cherie was at Jerrys side when he died in 2012. He was a guiding force on Oregon health care policy. After graduating from Grant High School in 1931, she attended the University of Washington. She was Jewish and wrote in her autobiography, Memories of a Berlin Childhood, in early October of 1938, we vacated the apartment where I lived 8 of my 14 years. Among other things, an unexpected letter came informing her parents that I, Marianne Vali Schybilski, a student in the fourth year of high school, need not return. She worked for the Corp. of Engineers., //,, Rachel%u2019s Well Community Mikvah c/o the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, fiCt1OBGts4trPn9EnA==:Z4LYuEv9C5f2j0r8PJJrqA==,,,,,,, Oregon Holocaust Memorial and Education Endowment Fund,,,,, Oregon Jewish Museum & Center for Holocaust Education,,,,, Mark Ail Campership through Congregation Neveh Shalom. A private family service will be held at the Beth Israel Cemetery. After the war ended, he returned to Portland and married Dorothy Light. DATE OF FUNERAL. Pollin was appointed to the Governors Tourism Council and has been the recipient of the Grant Leo Rose City Award, Portland Oregon Visitors Association (1997), Restauranteur of the Year, 1990 (Oregon Restaurant Association), and Innkeeper of the Year,1992, Oregon Lodging Association. After a long and fully lived life, Richard Savinar, zl, left this world with family surrounding him June 8, 2021. He is loved and remembered by his dear wife, Mary Heimann; daughters, Nicole Heimann (Robert) Sacks and Illisa Heimann (Eric) Polis; and grandchildren, Jacob Aaron Sacks, Adina Polis and Kylie Polis. Before the pandemic, Alice volunteered at the museum with Eve Rosenfeld to work on the Beth Israel records in our archives. Kol Ami offers condolences to Stephan and Kathy as well as their extended family on this difficult loss. Her parents, Ida and Julius Feldman, immigrants from Minsk, Russia, had only grade-school educations.
California Obituaries - Online Obituaries, Funeral Notices and Death Authorize the publication of the original written obituary with the accompanying photo. Rosi was a special spiritual soul who brought light and healing to all those she touched. Terrys Jewish identity was lifelong. She was the oldest daughter of Congregation Kol Ami member Ed Frankel. She was the mother of David Nierenberg. In every city she lived Tulsa, Houston, Portland and St. Louis she served on numerous boards, including the Tulsa City-County Citizens Advisor Committee to the Mayor, University City Plan Commission, and University of Missouri St. Louis Chancellors Advisory Committee on International Relations. Congregation Beth Israel offers condolences to the family. She was the wife of Joseph Khajehzadeh, zl, and the oldest of six children. My parents were very suburban city oriented. His voice could be heard on the CBS childrens program Beakman's World.
Ron was born June 7, 1950, in Silverton, Ore. In 2018, Nathan donated intimate portraits of Israeli soldiers and battles to an appropriate home in the National Library of Israel. As a teenager, he was both conventional and unconventional. Hannah is the daughter of Kindra and Sean Bryson and the older sister of Clara and Jack Bryson. Ruth Shlachters century-long life was marked by ambitious projects accomplished with little background but aided by boundless self-confidence. Congregation Neveh Shalom extends our deepest condolences to the Nepom family. Joseph Diamond. Albert Abraham Mendlovitz, z"l, died April 30, 2020, near Salem. All rights reserved. MARIANNE BUCHWALTER
The funeral will be held on Dec. 27 at 2 pm at Congregation Shaarie Torah Cemetery, 8013 SE 67tthAve., Portland. She was passionate about psychoanalysis, and especially about the development of it in Portland. My Mom said, You know, with the way you write your name, you could be a doctor. Of course, this ignored the fact that I couldnt stand the sight of blood, but she was right about my handwriting illegibility.