These (Loomis) guys, not so much.. From Mexico, David usually spoke with Kelly on the phone once a week, paying with calling cards. Only a nickel on every dollar have been collected so far. But neither of those things would matter after he met Kelly Campbell. Growing up, David's family went to Disney World, sent him to religious school, and shopped at places he couldn't afford as a self-supporting adult. LeVaughn Kelly Campbell (born July 23, 1980 in Atlanta, Georgia) is a former football wide receiver. ", "I wouldn't do it. They placed a bust of Caesar in the dining room. "I was thinking, 'They aren't paying me enough,' " McKinney recalled. There was a book published in 2002 as well, by author Jeff Diamant called,Heist! General Mills issues Gold Medal flour recall over salmonella concerns "I'd been told all my life, money will not make you happy," Kelly said. She sounded incredulous. The loot would later be divided among David, Kelly, and Steve. You look nothing like Zach? Everything changes when he meets Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig), a new employee at his bank, Loomis Fargo. In order to impress her, David makes a deal with a group of criminals led by Steve Chambers. He was also married. Davids crush and former co-worker, Kelly Campbell (Kristen Wiig), approaches David about robbing the very company that he works for.Despite the lack of They didn't know it, but they were leaving $3.3 million behind. Steve and Michele invited everyone back for a Christmas party, where they gave Michele's stepfather a special gift--the pickup truck he'd always wanted. LRM: [Laughter] Now the movie portrayed that they sent someone to kill you in Mexico. They bought a BMW roadster. Ghantt believed the new employee would make a good replacement for his wife, but the feelings were not necessarily reciprocated. As with many recent historic events, this one had been caught on videotape, a fact that a few dozen Charlotte FBI agents would learn in a hastily organized Sunday morning meeting. David Ghantt: I think its a great story. - Husband and wife Steven and Michelle Chambers, whose conspicuous consumption of a luxury home, a BMW convertible, breast implants and a $600 wooden Indian, among other purchases, helped the FBI solve the crime, were assessed $3.81 million and $4.8 million, respectively. In Kukulcan Plaza in Cancun, Mexico, they had a small Internet caf. David Ghantt: Mostly, it concerned for Zach [Galifianakis] to have the right shirt and carrying the right pistol. Kelly was no criminal. I went in there to do a basic search. Then you have the huge velvet Elvis. He went deep-sea fishing. David was excited, jabbering about their future together. So what made you do it? Creative Insights. Attorneys Office in Charlotte posted a public reminder in the case file of Loomis defendant Kelly Campbell that she had fallen behind in her restitution. In the end, it is a good story. Ghantt was captured Sunday in Mexico. All rights reserved. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. EDITORIAL. Said Ghantt, one day life kinda slapped me in the face. He is an uncomplicated man stuck in a monotonous life. My name is David Scott Ghantt. LRM: Oh, that is an interesting question. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. He loves his motorcycle and enjoys going fishing and, while hes sorry for the past, hes not ashamed to talk about it. He says the Loomis case shows how the criminal justice system and the courts treat lower-income people differently. Later, they also arrested Nathans older brother. . That led to better jobs, like the one at Loomis. ". Web1) David Ghantt is underpaid and unhappy. Steve was sentenced to 11 years 3 months in prison. Steve began talking about wiring money to overseas accounts, and even purchasing a nightclub. and "I'm rich!". Kelly relayed his message to Steve. The FBI knew they needed to make their move. Kelly had resisted this suggestion before the heist: She and David were friends. In early November, Steve lured the real Mike McKinney, an ex-Marine, to North Carolina from his Illinois home. LRM had an exclusive phone interview with David Ghantt last week, the real-life culprit who pulled off the successful bank heist. Across the border in Mexico, Ghantt was also living it up. The affidavit described Chambers as a former FBI informant who had provided information on another Loomis armored car robbery that never materialized. Afterward, everything became comical. One of the best ways to learn more about U.S. history is to make sure youre taking history classes. Loomis officials--forced to break into their own vault because David had taken the keys with him--calculated that he had stolen $17,044,000, making the second biggest heist in U.S. history, following the $18.8 million theft of an armored car by another Loomis Fargo employee just six months earlier. Kelly was lying. Accompanying her was Steve Chambers, who, though unemployed, had recently moved . These cookies do not store any personal information. . Surveillance tapes and photographs showed a man who the FBI believes is Ghantt taking bags of money and putting them onto a cart in the vault at Loomis, Fargo's offices in Charlotte. Now that Kelly believes she has found Jesus, she has become more analytical about her past. Immediately after the theft, Ghantt took an amount lessthan $30,000* and fled to Mexico. When Ghantt called Chambers to have the latter wire him more money, Chambers sent just a few thousand dollars. When he said, 'I'll give you $20,000 to hold a million,' I said, 'Sure.' At first, David Ghantt said, "I didn't take her seriously. He didn't want to abandon his parents. Ghantt labeled himself as a jerk who was dissatisfied with his life before stealing the money. He had an endearing smile, a beautiful wife and two children. He had even scheduled a follow-up appointment at the dentist. Who was she to be pressuring him? David ghantt and kelly campbell married. "What would it take to make you do it?". Kelly Campbell has been hired president of Peacock, a competitor streaming service, only two days after quitting Hulu. She was a wife and mother with two children. There, Scott and Eric paced the floor as Steve tried to calm them down. Ghantt, who had been with the bank since 1994, was promoted from driver to vault supervisor in 1997, where he earned $360 a week and befriended Kelly Campbell (Wiig), who got Ghantt mixed up in the plans for the heist after she left Loomis. LRM: Im curious. He kept looking over his shoulder. Its the small things like that. "A lot of people out there had it worse than me, but . Though he never found the right moment to carry out the hit, McKinney did find time to make a friend--a shady character named Robert, to whom he revealed more than was prudent. Campbellwho was married herselfrepresented something new and exciting. Kelly drove David to the airport. Attorneys Office in Charlotte posted a public reminder in the case file of Loomis defendant Kelly Campbell that she had fallen behind in her restitution. CREATIVE. Now worried about both the FBI and McKinney, he spent even more time alone in his room. Here's how. You can seize property. David complained it wasn't enough. rotator cuff disability rating loomis fargo heist kelly campbell. The CEO and co-founder of the company that is responsible for Arkane Studios. Web29 David Ghantt Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images. While Ghantt waited for the heat from the robbery to die down, Chambers would send Ghantt small amounts of money. Campbellwho was married herselfrepresented something new and exciting. I ended up buying a small sailboat and go out to catch lunch. In December, agents got the tie-in they were looking for: Kelly Campbell had bought a $30,000 Toyota minivan with cash and registered it to one of Steve Chambers's aliases. The two struck up a friendship during work that would continue after Campbell left the company. Thirteen friends and family members were also charged with money laundering, as they had helped Ghantt, Chambers, Campbell, and the others deposit money illegally. Within a few months, they were arrested. Authorities also are looking for evidence in connection with a possible conspiracy to kill Ghantt, Perry said. Michele told her mother she and Steve had been saving gambling winnings for the down payment. Ask below and we'll reply! And robbing a truck was dangerous. Instead of lobster, the man who stole $17 million survived on home-cooked pasta and grilled cheese sandwiches. He learned to parachute. I was shocked. #inline-recirc-item--id-91a2c54e-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d, #right-rail-recirc-item--id-91a2c54e-8c88-11e2-b06b-024c619f5c3d { He couldn't even bear to stick around for the final tally--though when he left he didn't forget to take $6,000, the first cut of his expected $100,000 share. You said that was the number two question. An officer rang the doorbell. Burks was also ordered to serve 15 years in prison, limiting his ability to balance his books. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! They put up mauve wallpaper. She tried to apologize for the murder plot. Im still going through the friend requests. I wasnt attracted to him or anything, but he was a nice guy, Campbell said. Heres my last question for younot all of the stolen money was accounted forwhat do you think actually happened to the last few million dollars? Change). Campbellwho was married herselfrepresented something new and exciting. But what did that mean? Here's what Floyd recalls: After two games of pool, Steve told him, "You know, we do a lot of gambling. There are a bunch of bizarre things they bought. Did you know that the SAT offers subject exams, too? Campbell and her husband had always been just scraping by, however in the weeks following the robbery, the two seemed to have more money than theyve ever had. Then, on a mid-September day, as he reviewed a credit card bill, David did some math. At first, David Ghantt said, "I didn't take her seriously. I would like to think, in my heart-to-heart, he wasnt going [to kill me]. He hired a hitman to take Ghantt out, tying up the ultimate loose end. It was the second-largest. But being the vault supervisor at Loomis Fargo had one perk -- exposure to tons of cash. Five years he told how he explains his past like this: "People are very forgiving if you're open and honest right from the start. He placed stacks of currency on a cart and wheeled it to the van about 15 feet away, inside the building. Im assuming you dont have any more contacts with your co-conspirators. Clerk of Court Frank Johns of Charlotte. The biggest restitution numbers for victims of financial crimes generally involve Ponzi schemes or sweepstakes fraud, not cash thefts. The figures can be astounding. } Kelly, she says now, was thinking about how happy she would be to She could spend time with her children and parents. Bubbling under the surface, however, was a deep frustration at the way he was treated. WebThe robbery was committed by Loomis vault supervisor David Scott Ghantt, his married girlfriend Kelly Campbell (a former Loomis co-worker), Steven Eugene Chambers (a one-time FBI informant), his wife Michelle Chambers, VIDEO. In the game, David has to track down eight Visionaries, Though David had no criminal experience, he felt he could offer expert advice: He'd just finished reading a book on the FBI. Every day he drives an armored car, transporting millions with no escape in sight. The case resurfaced in the federal courts on Thursday, Sept. 1, when the U.S. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He completed his prison sentence in November 2006. Where was Ghantt? Federal prosecutors would ultimately charge 21 defendants in the case, including the Floyds, who were charged with (and pleaded guilty to) money laundering. Before the robber left Loomis Fargo, he made a trip to the managers office to remove two surveillance tapes in order to conceal his identity. Library Journal "highly entertaining." Chambers, now 32, didn't grant an interview for this article, but last year, in response to written questions, he said the biggest lesson he learned was: "Family is more important and valuable than money. Why had he ever believed he'd get it? It was late in 1996. Extra Snap Benefits Ct 2022, The next day, Kelly drove back to Steve's mobile home to watch the news with Steve and Michele. Learn about careers at Cox Media Group. He figured Tammy wouldn't go for it, and though his marriage had been troubled, he wasn't certain he wanted to leave her. This technically made it abank robbery afederal offense. He was also married. After the Chambers wife, Michelle, bought a minivan in cash and began taking frequent trips to the bank to make deposits. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. Scott, 26, had a larceny conviction as a teenager, but he'd since cleaned up his act and now had a steady job, a daughter and a girlfriend. I stole $17 million, and Zach Galifianakis played me in a movie. On the night of October 4, the plan went into action. ", "I said, 'If you drive a truck, you're always in a financial bind. He took bus tours of Mayan ruins. I might be a little biased. I work for a small construction company. David Ghantt: My standard answer now is [to say] that the person I was thenI am certainly not that person now. Another surveillance videotape shows the man loading the bags into a company van. Custom Content. "I missed my family. I didnt even have a real home life because I was never there. Not only was Ghantt the only unaccounted for employee the morning after the heist, there was also footage of Ghantt moving the cash into the back of the Loomis Fargo van.