2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027
Last date to apply in SOLUS to graduate in Fall 2022. Courses on this academic calendar are delivered in three blocks of 12 weeks, made up of 11 weeks of learning & teaching and one week for end-of-Trimester assessments/examinations. Types of masters available include: Master of Arts (MA); Master of Science (MSc); Master of Business Administration (MBA); Master of Law (LLM); Master of Social Work (MSW); Master of Music (MMus); Masters of Philosophy (MPhil); Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA); Master of Fine Arts (MFA). NB Some modules may run during reading week. Church History & Theology. Work-based tasks are completed and assessed under full university supervision. Postgraduate study
Undergraduate programs Graduate programs and Postdoctoral fellowships Choose from one of over 125 graduate degrees spanning more than 50 disciplines or become a postdoctoral fellow. The Accounts Receivable team is part of the University's Finance Department and is responsible for the collection of fees. Similar to postgraduate diplomas but take half the time to complete. Study Option 1) students is normally published in March. Last date to drop Winter Term classes without financial penalty. Amtul Kafi Yadullah Bhunnoo, PhD in Genetics. A high acceptance rate is one of the reasons that students always keep this university upon their application list. Calendar Navigation. * Easter: Friday 7 April 2023 (Good Friday), Monday 10 April 2023 (Easter Monday) ** No teaching on Bank Holidays Note: The dates given above are for standard University terms: however, for some programmes, e.g., Accounting and Finance and Financial Analysis and Fund Management, the dates of required attendance may vary. Susheel Rao, an MSc Accounting and Finance student who is currently undertaking the work placement scheme, said that "the placement offered at Kingston was the most important deciding factor in me ultimately accepting the place offered. a full term of EAP is estimated to be $252. Whatever your reason for wanting to study further, at Kingston we will help make it work. The loan will be paid directly to you and will be non-means tested. Summer Term classes end (May-July/12W Session). You can also choose froma range ofresearch degrees. Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at Bader College (formerly the BISC) for Fall Term. Kingston University Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000, Kingston University, River House, 5357 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ. Read more about bursaries for undergraduate courses. 70 reviews. Note: Spring 2023 Convocation dates will be published by the Office of the University Registrar in November 2022. Refer to theConvocation Ceremonieswebpage toview these dates.
Taught and research-based courses in any subject are eligible, excluding postgraduate certificates (PgCert) or postgraduate diplomas (PgDip). Note: Spring 2023 Convocation dates will be published by the Office of the University Registrar in November 2022. Courses
traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee Territory. Last date to apply for accommodation for an official examination conflict for the June, July and August examination sessions. Summer Term classes end (July-August/6W2 Session). Students unable to register in Winter Term by this date must appeal in writing to the Office of the Associate Dean (Academic). The amount of loan you get will depend on whether you'll be living away from home, your household income and the benefits you're entitled to. There are also opportunities to link your project to your career interests. A typical postgraduate certificate comprises three modules and can be completed in just 15 weeks of full-time study. Tuition fees due in full for Winter Term classes. >
0. Civil Engineering. At Kingston University, we understand that studying at university is a big financial commitment, but gaining a degree is a great investment as employers increasingly demand skilled workers. Gain help with your application process, and learn how our expert Student Enrolment Advisors can help secure your place with us. Welcome; Why Chester? By choosing this option, you can experience working in your chosen field, as well as spending another year living in the UK. The King's University Academic Calendar 2021-22.
Welcome Week You'll only start paying back your tuition fees and maintenance loan once you're earning over27,295 per year. Semester 2. Summer Term assessments for May-July/12W Session classes begins. Select an Expected Graduation Term from the drop-down . >
Refer to the Convocation Ceremonies webpageto view these dates. >
Study Abroad
Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000, Top 5 university in London for 21 subject areas*. First date to apply in SOLUS to graduate in Fall 2022. Easter: 5:30pm on Wednesday 5 April 2023 to 9:00am on Thursday 13 April 2023. A dissertation or project will not be required as part of your studies and you can usually progress to a masters degree from a PgCert by accruing credits. The estimated UHIP fee is $63 per calendar month a program is running i.e. If your earnings drop below that amount, repayments will automatically stop. Note:Fall 2022 Convocation dates will be published by the Office of the University Registrar in May 2022. Home >
5 weeks before you start your programme, you will be automatically enrolled in our complimentary online programme Prepare for Success. Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000 Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000 Kingston School of Art Home >
Latest campus/UK arrival date: 23 January 2023. Please visit theentry requirementspage for more information. Postgraduate students interested in gaining valuable business experience will be issued a CAS letter covering the 24-month period. It can be used towards the fees for your course or you can spend it on living costs. Kingston University is the kind of university where the main emphasis is on career and workplace-focused learning. Autumn term September to December Spring term January to April Summer term April to July More about term and semester dates Open Days If the appeal to register late is granted, students must pay tuition fees in full. Summer Term examinations in May-July/12W Session classes. June 2023 July 2023 August 2023 September 2023 Spring Term: 4 January 2022 - 8 April 2022. Registration period for Fall and Winter classes ends.
Please note that all undergraduate and certain postgraduate courses have specific applications deadlines. I think the placement helps me to keep focused on getting what I want out of the course and out of my time in the UK, and I definitely secured the role I hoped for! There is a range of postgraduate programmes available at Kingston University. It is going to give me a great opportunity to continue developing my skills and there are direct links between what I will be doing and the course content I have learned.". Last date for receipt of required documentation from students seeking admission for Fall Term to full- or part-time study, including transfer students, to ensure that an admission decision is made before the Term begins. Last date to apply for admission to Upper-Year Program at Bader College (formerly the BISC) for Summer Term (May-June Session). Fees, funding and payments. View our fees page to learn about the cost of studying with the International Study Centre. Kingston School of Art
Latest enrolment: 16 January 2023. Similar to a taught masters degree, you will study taught modules however, usually a dissertation or project will not be required as part of your studies. Final examinations in Winter Term and multi-term classes. The King's University Academic Calendar 2022-23.
Faculty of Education. Teaching/Revision: Monday 24 April - Friday 28 April 2023. Beginning your study abroad journey here will give you everything you need to achieve your full potential during your studies. CRMEP
Semester 1. Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at Bader College (formerly the BISC) for Summer Term (August Session). Refer to theConvocation Ceremonieswebpage to view these dates. Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000, Postgraduate courses with a January start: by subject, Biomedical Science, Cancer Biology and Microbiology, Creative Industries and the Creative Economy, Pre-Masters Programme (delivered by Study Group), Biomedical Science with Management Studies MSc, Biomedical Science (Haematology/Medical Microbiology) MSc, Management in Construction (Civil Engineering) MSc, Structural Design and Construction Management MSc, Structural Design & Construction Management with Sustainability MSc, International Business Management MSc (with pathways), Medicinal Chemistry / Medicinal Chemistry with Management Studies MSc, Pharmaceutical Analysis with Management Studies MSc, Pharmaceutical Science with Management Studies MSc, Network & Information Security with Management Studies MSc, Networking & Data Communications with Management Studies MSc, Software Engineering with Management Studies MSc, Learning and Teaching in Higher Education PgCert, Advanced Product Design Engineering & Manufacturing MSc, Engineering Projects & Systems Management MSc. Summer Term classes begin (July-August/6W2 Session). Please note that there is just one exam period during the academic year. Exception: OSAP students. Last date to drop Summer Term classes (May-June/6W1 and May-July/12W).
About Kingston University. Teaching/Revision: Monday 12 December - Friday 16 December 2022. Exception: OSAP students. Faculty of Law. By studying the Pre-Masters Programme, you will benefit from: Another benefit of studying the Pre-Masters Programme is that you are able to apply for one single visa to study both this programme and your degree course. Last date to add Summer Term classes (May-June/6W1 and May-July/12W).
Join our 4-week online preparation course at no extra cost, so that you are ready to begin your academic pathway programme. Tuition fees due in full for Fall Term classes. Summer Term: 25 April 2022 - 10 June 2022. 173 Kingston Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, KT3 3SS. School of Medicine. Term dates The University's standard academic year runs from September to July, divided into three terms. Find out how we can help you to start your pathway programme. Kingston University, River House, 53-57 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ. Explore our programmes How to apply See how to apply for a course at the International Study Centre and view the documents you need to provide with your application. Remembrance Day Service (classes cancelled 10:30-11:30 a.m.). Sticky: Kingston Uni *UG OPEN DAYS 2022/23* by Kingston Reps. by Kingston Reps 16-02-2023. Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000, Monday 18 September to Friday 22 September, Take a virtual tour of Kingston University, Application deadline for September 2023 entry, Application deadline for January 2024 entry, Halls of residence contract start date (for students on, Halls of residence contract end date (for students on, Exam period (for students here for Study Option 1), Application deadline for January 2023 entry, Friday 6 January and Saturday 7 January 2023, Enquiries about coming to Kingston as a Study Abroad/International Exchange student: +44 (0)20 8417 3629/3650, Enquiries about going abroad as a Kingston student: +44 (0)20 8417 3626. Kingston University Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000, Kingston University, River House, 5357 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ.
Registration period for Fall and Winter classes. Last date to apply for accommodation for an official examination conflict for the December examination session.
How the University works
Students unable to register in Summer Term (May-June/6W1 and May-July/12W) by this date must appeal in writing to the Office of the Associate Dean (Academic). Students unable to register in Summer Term (May-June/6W1 and May-July/12W Sessions) by this date must appeal in writing to the Office of the Associate Dean (Academic). Read more about scholarships for postgraduate students. You will need an Academic IELTS for UKVI 5.0 overall (with no skills less than 4.5)or equivalent to study the English Language Preparation Online for the Pre-Masters Programme. These courses will take place ahead of your standard programme, and align perfectly for you to start your studies. Faculty of Health Sciences. All prices are in pounds sterling (GBP). You will define with your employer and Kingston University a strategic problem and a personal development plan. At Kingston University, we offer a wide range of flexible study options that meet your learning needs and enable you to balance studying with work or family commitments. The course also incorporates English language tuition, which is designed to improve your speaking, writing and academic language skills, and prepare you for studying in a second language. Some Kingston University courses have a January and/or March start date. CRMEP Academic calendar Please note that dates of some meetings may be subject to change; you will be informed of any changes to the calendar.
1. The Pre-Masters Programme will prepare you for a postgraduate degree at Kingston University. You will gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of your subject through tailored modules and you will produce a dissertation or project during your studies. Summer Term examinations in May-June/6W1 Session classes. Tuition fees due in full for Summer Term classes (May-June/6W1 and May-July/12W Sessions). Queen's University Gordon Hall, 74 Union St. Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6. First date to apply in SOLUS to graduate in Fall 2023. Term dates.
Consult the module tutor and module outline for details. These fees cover clubs, services, and more. Our student enrolment advisors are available to answer your questions and help you with your application. You can usually progress to a masters degree from a PgDip by accruing credits. This programme is designed to prepare international students to begin studying a postgraduate degree at one of the most entrepreneurial universities in the UK. The International Foundation Year will prepare you to study a three-year undergraduate degree at Kingston University a wide range of subjects.
Summer Term classes begin (May-June/6W1 and May-July/12W). Explore Imperial student life. Why study the Pre-Masters Programme? Students undertaking postgraduate study will also have the opportunity to take a 12-month work placement as part of their studies. 20 mins by public transport Kingston University.
More than 160 courses can be offered part-time and a number are available online. * Guardian League Table 2023** Higher Education Business and Community Interaction Survey, Kingston University, River House, 5357 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ. First date to apply in SOLUS to graduate in Spring of 2023. Exception: OSAP students. 1.
See how to apply for a course at the International Study Centre and view the documents you need to provide with your application. Studying at theInternational Study Centreprior to your degree will allow you to familiarise yourself with the British education system, as well as giving you your first taste oflife in the UK.
Term dates; University pathway programmes. Last date to apply for admission to the Upper-Year Program at Bader College (formerly the BISC) for Summer Term (August Session). The university has 3 examination periods across the academic year. Summer Term Deferred Assessment Period (May-June/6W1 Session). Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.
Postgraduate and Post-Registration Students: Term Dates 2022/23 Closure days Please note that the following days are bank holidays in the UK and the University will be closed: 26 th December 2022 27 th December 2022 2 nd January 2023 7 th April 2023 10 th April 2023 Home >
Discover more about Kingston University with our virtual experience. Canada Day Holiday (classes will not be held). Typically a two years full-time or three/four years part-time programme.
Teaching: Monday 26 September - Friday 9 December 2022. Last date to drop Summer Term classes (July-August/6W2 Session) without Faculty Office permission. To get a feel for what Kingston University is really like, come to one of our Open Days and take a look around. The MBBS and BDS do not follow this pattern of attendance - please contact Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry for more information. Most taught programmes are delivered in two teaching blocks, but the actual dates may vary. See how to apply for a course at the International Study Centre and view the documents you need to provide with your application. NB Some modules may run during reading week. The Student Funds team administers a number of hardship funds. Whatever your reason for wanting to study further, at Kingston we will help make it work.
Explore the International Foundation Year, Find out about the International Year One. kingston university term dates 2021 2022; kingston university term dates 2021 2022. We offer a range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, to help prepare you for your degree and make the most of your career. Time period to add and drop classes (open enrolment period) begins. Last date for Queens students to apply to transfer into the Faculty of Arts and Science for Fall Term. Explore our courses to find the one that's right for you. Exception: OSAP students.
Thanksgiving Day (classes will not be held). About Kingston University
Student life. You can choose from three subject pathways, depending on your preferred degree and future profession. Documentation must be provided before the Ontario government enrolment count dates to affect fees for that term (1 November for the Fall term, 1 February for the Winter term, 30 June for the Summer term, and 23 July for . National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Afternoon classes cancelled). Last date to add Summer Term classes (July-August/6W2 Session).
No Place No Pay. The Pre-Masters Programme will prepare you for a postgraduate degree at Kingston University. language-focused tuition to enhance your English skills for postgraduate study. Check the academic and English language entry requirements when you are considering which programme is right for you.
Students upon receiving an unconditional offer from Kingston must request for a CAS letter before applying to Student Route Visa. Find the course for you. Faculty of Arts and Science. Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 9000, Stanley Picker Gallery and Dorich House Museum, Friday 24 September, 16:00 to18:00 in room JG5002. Find courses by subject Accounting, Finance and Banking Architecture and Landscape Art and Design Biomedical Science, Cancer Biology and Microbiology Building, Surveying and Construction Business Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences Offered as a standard two-term or a shortened 12-week programme, this advanced preparation will help you achieve success in your further studies. For 2022-23 these are: Period 1: Monday 9 January - Friday 13 January 2023 Period 2: Tuesday 2 May - Friday 2 June 2023 Period 3: Monday 7 August - Friday 18 August 2023 Our student enrolment advisors are available to answer your questions and help you with your application. Confirmation payment & tuition fees Tuition fees due in full for Summer Term classes (July-August/6W2 Session). Student Life Centre Kingston University John Galsworthy Building Penrhyn Road Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EE Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 7312, Student Funds team Tel: +44 (0)20 8417 7315, Kingston University, River House, 5357 High Street, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 1LQ. Exception: OSAP students. If you would like to find out more about what we have to offer at Kingston University, please get in touch. Degree Verification . During this programme there will be assessments at the end of each module, which are a combination of examinations, coursework, presentations and extended essays.
Although Kingston is a new research institute, it has world-class research. T: +44 (0)1244 511000 Our taught masters courses are usually studied full-time over one year or part-time over two years. Courses marked as PT only are only offered on a part-time basis.
COVID-19 Cancellation Policy. The Pre-Masters Programme provides academic and English language preparation for international students whose current qualifications do not meet Kingston University's masters entry requirements. Whichever method you choose, we are here to help you every step of the way. You will normally need a good honours degree or relevant professional qualification. Continuous assessment is also a feature of the course with lectures, small group seminar work and self-directed study. Summer Term assessments for May-July/12W Session classes ends. . . Term dates. Last date to add Fall Term and multi-term classes. Both options will give you all the knowledge needed to study a postgraduate business degree, as well as strengthening your English language and academic study skills. It is one of the most diverse and multicultural universities with an acceptance rate of 20-30%.