The movement of a shaft conveyance on a one bell signal is prohibited. Electrical cables used to power submersible sump pumps shall be accepted or approved by MSHA as flame resistant, or be installed in continuous metal conduit or metal pipe. Booster means any unit of explosive or blasting agent used for the purpose of perpetuating or intensifying an initial detonation. The record shall contain the name of the person conducting the examination; date of the examination; location of all areas examined; and description of each condition found that may adversely affect the safety or health of miners. (1) Definitions. (2) Automatically deenergize electrical equipment, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18, and prevent starting such equipment when methane levels reach 1.5 percent. Machinery or equipment shall not be lubricated manually while it is in motion where application of the lubricant may expose persons to injury. (2) At least four feet wide, marked conspicuously, and provide a minimum 40-inch clearance from the farthest projection of moving equipment. (1) With an electric arc or with an open flame where an electrically conductive extinguishing agent could create an electrical hazard, a multipurpose dry-chemical fire extinguisher or other extinguisher with at least a 2A:10B:C rating shall be at the worksite. Wooden components of ladders shall not be painted except with a transparent finish. (5) Locations of air regulators and stoppings and ventilation doors not shown in paragraph (d) of this standard; (6) Locations of overcasts, undercasts and other airway crossover devices not shown in paragraph (d) of this standard; (8) Locations of known underground mine openings adjacent to the mine; (9) Locations of permanent underground shops, diesel fuel storage depots, oil fuel storage depots, hoist rooms, compressors, battery charging stations and explosive storage facilities. Examinations and tests at beginning of shift. Braking systems on railroad cars and locomotives shall be maintained in functional condition. No person shall be allowed to consume or store food or beverages in a toilet room or in any area exposed to a toxic material. Copies may be purchased from the Society of Automotive Engineers, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 150960001; 7247764841; (b) While cutting or drilling is in progress, equipment not approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18 through 36 shall remain at least 100 feet from the face or bench being mined. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 152507954; Telephone: 8665121800 (toll free) or 2025121800;, or may be examined in any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration. (b) Under this standard, the following may be present in the hoist house in quantities necessary for the day-to-day maintenance of the hoist machinery: (1) Flammable liquids in safety cans or in other containers placed in tightly closed cabinets. (d) The incorporation by reference of these publications is approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. [52 FR 24941, July 1, 1987, as amended at 60 FR 30401, June 8, 1995], (1) Two independent power sources for main mine ventilation fans and those fans directly ventilating retort bulkheads, and for retort blowers, and provisions for switching promptly from one power source to the other; and. Detonating cord. A flexible cord containing a center core of high explosives which may be used to initiate other explosives. The valve shall be closed except when the equipment is being operated. Primer means a unit, package, or cartridge of explosives used to initiate other explosives or blasting agents, and which contains a detonator. [50 FR 4082, Jan. 29, 1985, as amended at 60 FR 33723, June 29, 1995]. (b) A minimum of three full turns of wire rope shall be on the drum when the rope is extended to its maximum working length. (a) Methane monitors shall be installed on continuous mining machines used in or beyond the last open crosscut. (1) If electrically powered, remote sensing devices are used, that portion of the instrument located in return air or other places where combustible gases may be present shall be approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18, 22, 23, 27, and 29. Subpart FDrilling and Rotary Jet Piercing. Mine opening. 57.22220 Air passing unsealed areas (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). Highway means any public street, public alley or public road. (f) A statement of the availability of emergency communication and transportation facilities, emergency power and ventilation and location of rescue personnel and equipment. The following definitions apply in this subpart: Competent person. [70 FR 32966, June 6, 2005; 70 FR 37901, June 30, 2005, as amended at 70 FR 55019, Sept. 19, 2005; 71 FR 29011, 29012, May 18, 2006; 71 FR 36483, June 27, 2006]. The individual shall be currently trained and have the skills to perform patient assessment and artificial respiration; control bleeding; and treat shock, wounds, burns, and musculoskeletal injuries. Jet piercing drills shall be provided with: (a) A system to pressurize the equipment operator's cab, when a cab is provided; and. There may be times when special purpose foot protection, such as metatarsal protectors, is needed. user convenience only and is not intended to alter agency intent (c) When broken rock or material is dumped into an empty chute, the chute shall be equipped with a guard or all persons shall be isolated from the hazard of flying rock or material. 57.14218 Movement of equipment on adjacent tracks. Overhead drive belts shall be guarded to contain the whipping action of a broken belt if that action could be hazardous to persons. Booster fans (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). These publications may be obtained from the publishers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 22 Law Drive, P.O. The velocity of air ventilating each face at a work place shall be at least 20 feet per minute. The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) is the official legal print publication containing the codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The wood-grain of one layer shall be perpendicular to the wood-grain of the other layer. Construction of such strength, material, and workmanship that the object will withstand air blasts, blasting shock, ground movement, pressure differentials, wear, and usage which may be expected to occur in the mining environment. Work in shafts, raises, or winzes and other activities involving hazard areas. Backpoling of trolleys is prohibited except where there is inadequate clearance to reverse the trolley pole. The controls shall be located so that spills or overruns will not endanger persons. Flow-control devices (V-A and V-B mines). (c) Atmospheric monitoring systems shall be checked with a known mixture of methane, and calibrated if necessary at least once every 30 days. This incorporation by reference has been approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. During the test process, access to the test area shall be limited to persons necessary to conduct the test. Walkways with outboard railings shall be provided wherever persons are required to walk alongside elevated conveyor belts. (2) The mine operator must certify on the application that the operator has posted one copy of the application at the mine site for at least 30 days prior to the date of application, and has provided another copy to the authorized representative of miners. (e) The person making the measurements or nondestructive tests as required by paragraph (c) of this section shall record the measurements or test results and the date. Diesel Particulate MatterUnderground Only. This publication may be obtained from the American National Standards Institute, Inc., 25 W. 43rd Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10036;, or may be examined in any Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Office of the Mine Safety and Health Administration. Actions at 1.0 percent methane (VI mines). A fan that controls the entire airflow of an underground mine or the airflow of one of the major air circuits of the mine. (d) The plan shall be available to an authorized representative of the Secretary and to miners or their representatives. (i) The mine operator shall certify that tests were conducted and make the certification available to an authorized representative of the Secretary. If used as an alternative, reversal of mechanical ventilation shall. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Fire resistance rating means the time, in minutes or hours, that an assembly of materials will retain its protective characteristics or structural integrity upon exposure to fire. Limit on exposure to diesel particulate matter. [52 FR 24941, July 1, 1987, as amended at 52 FR 41397, Oct. 27, 1987; 60 FR 33722, June 29, 1995]. 57.19065 Lowering conveyances by the brakes. (10) Significant changes in the ventilation system projected for one year. Actions at 2.0 percent methane (IV mines). Actions at 0.5 percent methane (I-C mines). (b) An operator must retain a record at the mine site of the training required by this section for one year after completion of the training. Fixed ladders 70 degrees to 90 degrees from the horizontal and 30 feet or more in length shall have backguards, cages or equivalent protection, starting at a point not more than seven feet from the bottom of the ladders. In shafts inclined over 45 degrees, the operator shall determine and post in the conveyance or at each shaft station the maximum number of persons permitted to ride in a hoisting conveyance at any one time. This standard does not apply to devices designed to ignite safety fuse or to heating devices which do not create a fire or explosion hazard. (1) Constructed of noncombustible materials; or. If concentrations of radon daughters are found in excess of 0.3 WL in an active working area radon daughter concentrations thereafter shall be determined at least weekly in that working area until such time as the weekly determinations in that area have been 0.3 WL or less for 5 consecutive weeks. The requirements of this standard apply to surface areas only. Notification of commencement of operations and closing of mines. 57.19065 Lowering conveyances by the brakes. Electric blasting circuits, including powerline sources when used, shall not be grounded. (c) Sensing units of monitors shall be positioned at a location which provides for the most effective measurement of methane. These records shall include the individual's time in each active working area such as stopes, drift headings, travelways, haulageways, shops, stations, lunch rooms, magazines and any other place or location where persons work, travel or congregate, and the concentration of airborne radon daughters for each active working area. (2) The National Board Inspection Code, a Manual for Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, 1979, published by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors. (e) The Bureau of Mines instruction guides to which reference is made in items (a) and (b) of this standard are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part hereof. (a) Provided with a pressure-recording system; and. (b) Fire alarm procedures or systems shall be established to promptly warn every person who could be endangered by a fire. (a) The hoisting standards in this subpart apply to those hoists and appurtenances used for hoisting persons. 57.19072 Skips and cages in same compartment. 57.14131 Seat belts for surface haulage trucks. Abandoned mine means all work has stopped on the mine premises and an office with a responsible person in charge is no longer maintained at the mine. Access to stationary electrical equipment or switchgear. Buckets shall not be overloaded, and feed shall be regulated to prevent spillage. Copies are available at MSHA's Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Arlington, VA 22202-5452; 202-693-9440; and at all Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Offices, or available for inspection at the National . (c) If any monitoring performed under this section indicates that a miner's exposure to diesel particulate matter exceeds the DPM limit specified in 57.5060, the operator must promptly post notice of the corrective action being taken on the mine bulletin board, initiate corrective action by the next work shift, and promptly complete such corrective action. (b) Gasoline shall not be stored underground in any quantity. switch to (c) The mine operator shall post a copy of the Administrator's determination and the request for a hearing on the mine bulletin board, and shall maintain the posting until the placement becomes final. Subpart R - Personnel Hoisting ( 57.19000 - 57.19135) Subpart S - Miscellaneous ( 57.20001 - 57.20032) Subpart T - Safety Standards for Methane in Metal and Nonmetal Mines ( 57.22001 - 57.22608) Authority: 30 U.S.C. (a) When explosive materials or initiating systems are brought to the blast site, the blast site shall be attended; barricaded and posted with warning signs, such as Danger, Explosives, or Keep Out; or flagged against unauthorized entry. 1 In this table, combustible material does not refer to installed wiring or track support. (2) Continuity of blasting lines prior to the connection of electric or electronic detonators. Trap doors or adequate guarding shall be provided in ladderways at each level. Each cabinet shall be labeled flammables.. 22, Recommendations for the Safe Transportation of Detonators in a Vehicle with Other Explosive Materials (May 1993), and the Generic Loading Guide for the IME22 Container (October 1993). 57.22239 Actions at 2.0 percent methane (IV mines). Sec. (a) If methane reaches 1.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, ventilation changes shall be made to reduce the methane. (2) Means are taken to prevent accidental unloading if the equipment is provided with unloading devices; (d) Outside cabs, equipment operators' stations, and beds of mobile equipment, except when necessary for maintenance, testing, or training purposes, and provisions are made for secure travel. [50 FR 4082, Jan. 29, 1985, as amended at 60 FR 35695, July 11, 1995; 71 FR 16667, Apr. 57.19007 Overtravel and overspeed devices. Seat belts required under this section shall meet the requirement of SAE J386, Operator Restraint System for Off-Road Work Machines (1985, 1993, or 1997), or SAE J1194, Roll-Over Protective Structures (ROPS) for Wheeled Agricultural Tractors (1983, 1989, 1994, or 1999), as applicable, which are incorporated by reference. Alternative measures are not permitted. Main fan operation and inspection (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). Certifications and records of examinations shall be retained for one year. (b) Slushers rated over 10 horsepower shall be equipped with backlash guards, unless the equipment operator is otherwise protected. Expiration: 2/29/2024 The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) is a continuously updated online version of the CFR. 57.14100 Safety defects; examination, correction and records. (5) Fire suppression systems shall be inspected at least once every twelve months. Crossovers, elevated walkways, elevated ramps, and stairways shall be of substantial construction, provided with handrails, and maintained in good condition. (2) Whenever a fire or its effects would not impede escape from the equipment but could affect the escape of other persons in the area, a fire extinguisher shall be on the equipment or within 100 feet of the equipment. When an overtravel by-pass switch is installed, the switch shall function so as to allow the conveyance to be moved through the overtravel position when the switch is held in the closed position by the hoistman. Any hazardous defects shall be corrected before the equipment is used. The log must include the date the equipment is tagged, the date the equipment is examined, the name of the person examining the equipment, and any action taken as a result of the examination. In environments exceeding 1.0 WL, miners shall wear respirators approved by NIOSH for radon daughters prior to July 10, 1995 or under the equivalent section of 42 CFR part 84 and such respirator use shall be in compliance with 57.5005. Fire protection shall be provided at the head, tail, drive, and take-up pulleys of underground belt conveyors. Explosives and blasting agents shall be kept separated from detonators until loading begins. Service of a request for hearing is completed upon mailing by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. (3) By properly assembled anchor bolts, clamps, or wedges, provided that the attachment is a design feature of the hoist drum. 57.19057 Hoist operator's physical fitness. To prevent hazards to persons underground, collars of open drawholes shall be free of muck or materials except during transfer of the muck or material through the drawhole. Safety Devices and Maintenance Requirements. (a) At least once every six months, mine evacuation drills shall be held to assess the ability of all persons underground to reach the surface or other designated points of safety within the time limits of the self-rescue devices that would be used during an actual emergency. (2) The escape route shall bypass the shop area so that the route will not be affected by a fire in the shop area. Distribution boxes containing short circuit protection for trailing cables of approved equipment shall be approved by MSHA under 30 CFR part 18. Until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent, electrical power shall be deenergized in affected areas, except power to monitoring equipment determined by MSHA to be intrinsically safe under 30 CFR part 18. (b) When firing with safety fuse ignited individually using handheld lighters, the safety fuse shall be of lengths which provide at least the minimum burning time for a particular size round, as specified in the following table: Table E1Safety FuseMinimum Burning Time. Electrical grounding means to connect with the ground to make the earth part of the circuit. 57.22229 Weekly testing (I-A, III, and V-A mines). MSHA considers substantial hard-toed shoes or boots to be the minimum protection acceptable for most mining applications. (a) The mine atmosphere shall be tested for methane at least once every seven days by a competent person or an atmospheric monitoring system, or a combination of the two. If methane reaches 2.0 percent in the mine atmosphere, all persons other than competent persons necessary to make ventilation changes shall be withdrawn from the mine until methane is reduced to less than 0.5 percent. Filters or separators shall be installed on air-lift fan systems to prevent explosive concentrations of dust from passing through the fan. Diesel equipment shall be shut off or immediately removed from the affected area; and. Substantial construction means construction of such strength, material, and workmanship that the object will withstand all reasonable shock, wear, and usage to which it will be subjected. (2) Category II applies to domal salt mines where the history of the mine or geological area indicates the occurrence of or the potential for an outburst. Wet drilling means the continuous application of water through the central hole of hollow drill steel to the bottom of the drill hole. (3) If located 20 feet or more from exposed timber or other combustible material, the control doors or bulkheads shall provide protection at least equivalent to a door constructed of no less than one-quarter inch of plate steel with channel or angle-iron reinforcement to minimize warpage. (d) Mine power transformers and stationary equipment not approved by MSHA under the applicable requirements of 30 CFR parts 18 through 36 shall be installed in fresh air or downwind from an atmospheric methane monitor sensor. No person shall work from or travel on the bridge of an overhead crane unless the bridge is provided with substantial footwalks with toeboards and railings the length of the bridge. 57.22221 Overcast and undercast construction (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). Foam-type blocks shall not be used for seals. When persons are working in a shaft Men Working in Shaft signs shall be posted at all devices controlling hoisting operations that may endanger such persons. Upon abandonment of a mine, the owner or operator shall effectively close or fence off all surface openings down which persons could fall or through which persons could enter. Track cable connections shall not obstruct the passage of carriage wheels. Before welding or cutting on a hollow shaft, the shaft shall be thoroughly cleaned inside and out and vented with a minimum 12-inch diameter opening to allow for sufficient ventilation. (b) Persons shall not enter the mine until a competent person has examined the blast sites and methane concentrations are less than 0.5 percent. And one of the key officials making sure it all runs smoothly is Dnipro Mayor Borys Filatov a tough-talking, chain-smoking, brawny man with a flair for the dramatic and hunger for adventure . Persons shall not go over, under, or between railcars unless. L. 91173 as amended by Pub. Other certifications shall be retained for one year. Persons shall enter, ride, and leave conveyances in an orderly manner. (3) Are constructed and maintained so that they will not create a hazard. Illumination sufficient to provide safe working conditions shall be provided in and on all surface structures, paths, walkways, stairways, switch panels, loading and dumping sites, and working areas. (b) A fire suppression system may be used as an alternative to fire extinguishers if the system can be manually activated. Drop trailers do not have to be ventilated if they are currently licensed by the Federal, State, or local authorities for over-the-road use. Diesel- and other fuel-injection-powered hoists. Permanent facilities are those intended to exist for one year or more; and. Detailed instructions for filing Form 5000-41, Health Activity Certification or Hoisting Engineers Qualification Request Form are available in HTML or PDF. Fixed ladders shall project at least 3 feet above landings, or substantial handholds shall be provided above the landings. Federal MSHA Regulations (30 CFR 75.XXX) . (b) However, this standard does not apply to reciprocating-type air compressors rated over 10 horsepower if equipped with fusible plugs that were installed in the compressor discharge lines before November 15, 1979, and designed to melt at temperatures at least 50 degrees below the flash point of the compressors' lubricating oil. Such locks or preventive devices shall be removed only by the persons who installed them or by authorized personnel. Damaged windows shall be replaced if absence of a window would expose the equipment operator to hazardous environmental conditions which would affect the ability of the equipment operator to safely operate the equipment. Control door that serves as a barrier to the effects of fire and air leakage. Table 57.5075(a)Diesel Particulate Recordkeeping Requirements. 57.9261 Transporting tools and materials on locomotives. This part 57 sets forth mandatory safety and health standards for each underground metal or nonmetal mine, including related surface operations, subject to the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977. (d) All piping, valves, and fittings shall be: (3) Maintained in a manner which prevents leakage. Asbestos is a generic term for a number of asbestiform hydrated silicates that, when crushed or processed, separate into flexible fibers made up of fibrils. This incorporation by reference has been approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 57.22204 Main fan operation and inspection (I-A, II-A, III, and V-A mines). This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. All metal pipelines, 1,000 feet or more in length running parallel to trolley tracks, that are used as a ground return circuit shall be bonded to the return circuit rail at the ends of the pipeline and at intervals not to exceed 500 feet. Table M2The Speed of a Vehicle Can Be Determined by Clocking It Through a 100-Foot Measured Course at Constant Velocity Using Table M2. (5) Emptied at the end of each shift with the contents returned to a magazine or other storage facility, or attended. [53 FR 32528, Aug. 25, 1988, as amended at 69 FR 38842, June 29, 2004]. Respirable atmosphere for hoist operators underground. Safety switch means a sectionalizing switch that also provides shunt protection in blasting circuits between the blasting switch and the shot area. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard, rough terrain fork lift trucks, B 56.61987. (b) The mine operator must provide affected miners and their representatives with an opportunity to observe exposure monitoring required by this section. If used as an alternative, effective evacuation shall be demonstrated by actual evacuation of all persons underground to the surface in ten minutes or less through routes that will not expose persons to heat, smoke, or toxic fumes in the event of a fire. Where metallic tools or equipment can come in contact with trolley wires or bare powerlines, the lines shall be guarded or deenergized. Copies are available at MSHA's Office of Standards, Regulations, and Variances, 201 12th Street South, Arlington, VA 222025452; 2026939440; and at all Metal and Nonmetal Mine Safety and Health District Offices, or available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 57.18013 Emergency communications system. Inclined shafts or adits shall be considered secure when locked at the surface. Stationary diesel equipment underground shall be, (a) Supported on a noncombustible base; and. (a) Peripheral hoods capable of withstanding the force of a bursting wheel and enclosing not less than 270of the periphery of the wheel; (b) Adjustable tool rests set so that the distance between the grinding surface of the wheel and the tool rest is not greater than 18 inch; and. (a) Auxiliary fans installed and used to ventilate the active workings of the mine shall be operated continuously while persons are underground in the active workings, except for scheduled production-cycle shutdowns or planned or scheduled fan maintenance or fan adjustments where air quality is maintained in compliance with the applicable standards of subpart D of this part, and all persons underground in the affected areas are advised in advance of such scheduled or planned fan shutdowns, maintenance, or adjustments.