So the only logical conclusion would be to send a non-assassin to do his dirty business. Thats it? In a castle, Jack was a young child and his father told him the tale of how he defeated Aku. If you can watch the whole series without a little tension or terror, then you are just as brave as Jack himself. An alternate timeline where In which Jack met Johnny in 2002, but went with him to the future after a tragic day. After 50 years of battling Jack, Aku's personality seemed to be largely unchanged and appeared to be more mellow, though he appeared to have sunk into something of a depression due to Jack's agelessness, which caused Aku to stop caring about being the ruler of the world. a story of seven heroes wandering the amazing continent filled with recognizable heroes and villains and team up against the planet Fuse invading the earth. Can someone help me find timestamps of Samurai Jack sitting or - Reddit (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). He only recalls a sense of hollowness and an unbearable feeling of shame after he awakes from them. Raised and trained by the Army of the Samurai, he is an honorable and courageous freedom fighter almost on par with skills similar to Jack. Having taken the responsibility of first watch, Ashi sat perched upon the branch of a tree in front of the cave she and her sisters were taking shelter in for the night. What? Both were initially trapped inside a tree, but were set free by different means (Aku with a solar eclipse, Hexxus via deforestation). But neither of them can predict the events that will test their resolves, ideals, and the very nature of their rivalry. Despite that, Aku's simply sadistic tendencies appeared to be largely intact, as he appeared to be quite pleased with himself after he incinerated the Scotsman and destroyed most of the army that attacked his fortress. This is the story of those Time Lost that made their way to Other Worlds. She doesn't quite get the welcome that she wants- but she might finally get the chance she deserves. Dreaming of Dreamers (Worm/Samurai Jack) | Page 2 | SpaceBattles Except, the all-powerful Aku is not the same as he remembers. Arrogant, temperamental, callous, and sadistic by default, Aku ruled the Earth for thousands of years and did not take kindly to disobedience. The High Priestess | Samurai Jack Wiki | Fandom Akus days had become boring, not even a hint of Samurai to make the mundane more interesting. OC X Ashi. Aku | Samurai Jack Wiki | Fandom Thank you so much! Aku can stand several stories tall and a deep droning noise was often heard around him when he appeared. He had thought that the battle with the evil inside him had been won. Unsavory establishments such as the Dome of Doom and Creature Combat Club were common in the world under Aku. Aku was well known for being one of the most powerful characters in the series. In a desperate, last-minute attempt to prevent his destruction at the samurai's hand, Aku transports Jack into a time pocket, a rift of time and space that is not affected by the main timeline and under the demon's complete control, forcing Jack to relive many of the challenges he has faced before in familiar locations. 1 chapter a week on Saturday or Sunday. Many of Aku's sudden movements were accompanied by the sounds of creaking wood. Fighting through various robots, demons, and bounty hunters, as well as Ashi and her sisters again, Jack cuts through the remains of Aku's armies with the aid of Scotsman and his daughters, Da Samurai, and Sir Rothchild and engages in a final showdown with his hated nemesis within his fortress. Yet with these proceedings, Aku finds a new way to make all hell break loose. How wrong he was.. Based off of Me-Mime's Paladin Aku AU, Aku has entered a portal that brings him to Jack's realm. Unnoticed by the three deities, that seemingly small fragment floated away from the site of the battle and drifted through space for an untold amount of time, until it eventually, and violently, crashed on Earth during the Cretaceous Period in the Mesozoic Era. im going to get kicked out of this fandom arent I? And Those warriors that just wanted to play their music, seeing the Equestrian Girls Universe as the perfect place. Shes fifty years younger than you, babe. Aku was as intelligent as he was powerful, and his cunning knew little end, from taking the form of a woman in order to trick Jack or manipulated various races into serving him. Keeping watch was the last thing on her mind, however. Unlike with Ikra, Jack saw through the deception and ultimately turned the tables on Aku. With his new companion in tow, Jack is about to partake on a new adventure that will completely change his views on his own past.. as well as his future. 446. Saddle up kids it's gonna be a bumpy RIDE! Complicity- to be involved with others in illegal activity or wrongdoing. Finally defeating Aku, the rift of time the demon created begins to fade away as the portal back to Ashi and the past opens back up for Jack. "Spring: Im going to die, babe!Summer: I am going to file for divorce.. The Daughters of Aku manage to capture Jack, weapons at the ready. Next final chapter 1000-1200. When they failed to do so, the slaves were punished terribly and were sometimes executed, such in the case of the talking canines. Hungry for more power, Aku established Earth as a space-faring world and opened his ports to surrounding galaxies in order to plunder or conquer worlds beyond as well. fanfiction jack ruby rwby samurai weiss yang Table of contents Last updated Mar 14, 2017 Prelude: Another Explanation Episode I Episode II Episode III Episode IV Episode V Episode VI Episode VII Episode VIII Episode IX Episode X Episode XI Episode XII Episode XIII And Here We Are Again #307 jack Content Guidelines Report this story But it soon returned with new strength, way beyond his control. Samurai Jack Crossover Archive | FanFiction Although he began with demonic servants to carry out his will, Aku later became enamored with mechanical ones since his demonic servants couldn't carry out his tasks fast enough. Aku particularly enjoyed doing this to great or powerful people such as the Emperor and saw it as the ultimate insult by allowing royalty to spend the rest of their lives as helpless slaves. In Episode XXVIII: Jack and the Rave, Aku composed an evil techno music that hypnotized children, which, again, showcased his lust to indoctrinate young kids into his evil ways and made them dance for him and commit crimes. The Evil That Is Aku Chapter 1, a samurai jack fanfic | FanFiction Aku used any opportunity to destroy Jack, whether through unleashing his minion armies, hiring bounty hunters, using mystical weapons, clever traps, simple trickery, and other methods in an unending struggle. Despite that, Aku possessed a dry sense of humor and often joked when he was in a good mood and mocked Jack whenever or however he could. Aku typically assumes a humanoid form, concealing his entire lower body in a massive, thick robe that sometimes manifested as flames. The last time that the Future Aku was seen he uttered his last words: "Oh no." with an extremely worried look on his face and knew that his end would soon come. Samurai Jack vs The Guardian: The Rematch. But essentially, covers what would happen if Aku had been informed how Jack would defeat him in season 5. Ashi returns to the temple where she was born, with a stolen sword and a heart full of grief. As punishment, Aku encased the man in a crystal and forced him to watch as he slaughtered everyone that he loved, destroyed his kingdom, placed him within the depths of a mountain, and refused to grant him a warrior's death. When he was faced with opposition, Aku found enjoyment in slaughtering thousands of rebel armies with ease, and often made one's circumstances even worse than death if they still longed to fight him. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you.). Stalking slow burn as Aku falls in love, the entire time hes transformed into a cat. Aku made a brief appearance in the intro to the short-lived programming block, Friday Nights. Immediately after that encounter with Aku, Jack lost his sword, but, as Aku had left moments before, he didn't witness this event. Aku was outright unhinged, merciless and inhumane, to say the least, but had enough of an understanding of humanity in order to manipulate the feelings of others: Aku often blackmailed others in performing his will and then betrayed his promises to them once they fulfilled their services. Let's Be Heroes), Fink & Turbo K.O. Eventually, Ashi freed herself of Aku's possession because of Jack's love for her, but also retained his powers. Aku was voiced by Fred Tatasciore. When they finally defeated Aku they believed everything would work out, but man they were wrong Now they're all in a new timeline furthering the headache that is timelines and Reincarnation. Please consider turning it on! Aku casually remarked to a giant robot corpse how his (last remaining) daughter had fallen in love and run off with his mortal enemy. Before the final blow was struck I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future WHERE MY HEROICS ARE LAW. It was one he could never run towards either. Kishi is the apprentice of Jack, known enemy of Aku, when he runs into a agent of his enemy, he and Jack must decide if she can be trusted. Though Aku was capable of shifting his form into virtually anything that he wished due to his metamorphic body, his standard form after he self-upgraded and adapted to the Earth was roughly a humanoid being with a black body, a green mouth, and a red beard which extended from the bottom of his chin. Gotta get Back, Back to the Past, Samurai Jack is a novelization of the final season of Samurai Jack written by d-Clarence. During that time, Aku managed to terrorize or subjugate a majority of the entire world and declared himself the undisputed ruler of Earth. She also has a crush on Mimi . This is a series of one-shots and short stories that introduce and follow the adventures of the Third Gen KND. Only they will know what happened Under The Waterfall. Samurai Jack | Demongo | Adventure Fanfiction Romance Oc X Canon Demon X Human. The unnamed villainous fire demon, who is the overarching antagonist of Genndy Tartakovsky's another award-winning show. Just when life in Ancient Japan returns to normal, Samurai Jack is faced with the enemy he thought hed destroyed. Jack and Ashi have been traveling for weeks now.