Student's expectations jump greatly in 7 th and 8 th grade when learning about expressions and equations. In addition to that, there are even some nursing educational institutions in Ghana which do not accept D7 as entry requirement. Is d7 accepted in Accra Technical University? However, normal universities do not accept D7. Marketing c4 EDLAV accepts D7 in English Language or Mathematics. English C5 Social b2 16. d7, universities Gaining admission to a reputable university in Ghana with D7 in any of the required courses is almost impossible. Business students have a very slim chance of admission to nursing and teacher training colleges. B3 Yoruba C6 English. Do Polytechnics Accept D7 In Ghana, Do I Qualify For Admission Into A Their branch is in Ghana. Economics. University Courses Accepting Pass (D7/E8) in Mathematics By Abdussalam Amoo - 19th December 2017 Most universities today require prospective candidates to have a minimum of a credit pass in their Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) in certain subjects plus Mathematics and English. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. B3 You can get admission to a school in Ghana but will be demanded to resit and write the Maths to get a minimum of C6 to graduate. We all need guide on every journey we wish to embark on in life. Schools of Nursing Are Not Accepting Ordinary Passes or F9 in the Required Subjects. You can try a professional course from Cambridge or ICM. What course can i study in which university. English language E8 Science-C4 CRS-B3 Government-C4 Lit-In-Eng-C6 Fante-B3. With no D, E or F you can apply for almost any university but kindly check the cut off points and the programme requirements. . I have this results can i get admission in any university in Ghana to do mass communication cmaths B3, social B3, English F9, Government B3, inter science B2, economics B2, Geographic B3, Please sir can I get admission into buk with f9 in maths and D7 in English, Pls sir I have D7 in maths can I study medicine or pharmacy, Sir pls I have D7 in maths and B3 in English and I want to study mass come in KSU is it possible, Can I get admission wiith the following results and in which school, credit on English, physics, chemistry, economics, computer science, art and craft, biology and D8 in mathematics, Which course can I study with d7 in mathematics, Can I gain admission with this English Language C6 Please can adimission with core Masth D7 and Economics D7.Am below 20 years can I, I pass all the subject but I got English D7 will I gain admission to university. Here are the Universities that accept pass in Maths for Mass Communication; CARITAS, CRUTECH, ESUTECH, NSUK, MADONNA, RSUST, WELLSPRING, WESTERN-DELTA. Required fields are marked *. Can I study economics in uniziky. You can apply to any private university in Ghana to offer a non-maths program like arts and humanities, Pls i passed all subjects but had D7 in Maths how can I get admission to the University. The best of Education news delivered at your doorstep. Download Opera News APP, By AdroitNaa (self media writer) | 2 years ago. Box DC 940, Dansoman, Ghana Abstract This Privacy Policy applies when you use a website, mobile or tablet application, or other online service (collectively, the Services) that links or refers to it. English language c5 What is WAEC pass mark? I believe Educareguide has been of help to you concerning your subject of concern. Thus, if you are still at SHS, then I will admonish you to work hard an aim for the best grade in all your subjects. i have 8 credits with d7 in maths. C6 in French Let me know if this helps! Reply. What course can I study with E8 in government? These are the basic minimum that the Service will consider. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'educareguide_com-small-rectangle-1','ezslot_24',145,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-educareguide_com-small-rectangle-1-0'); As a matter of fact, accredited nursing institutions in Ghana have their minimum admission requirements.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'educareguide_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_11',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-educareguide_com-narrow-sky-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'educareguide_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_12',146,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-educareguide_com-narrow-sky-1-0_1'); .narrow-sky-1-multi-146{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Truly it depends on what you classify as good grade. PHYSICS WITH ELECTRONICS (However, Candidates with 'O' level pass in the English Language may be allowed to remedy the deficiency during the first year of study by taking and passing the UNICAL Remedial English). Contents hide 1 How can I get admission to the university with D7? It means that you have scored 39% or less on your exam. She has worked in schools all over the world, and has developed groundbreaking curricula that have helped countless students excel. They accept E8 based on the condition that you will upgrade it before you can graduate. english 5 English c6 It depends on what you want to do with your result. He wants to pursue a tech related course, Im guessing IT). Candidates are advised to use the current JAMB Brochure to confirm what is obtainable. Crs c4.economics c4.goverment c4. You will need to resit that paper again. sir please can i gain admission in EBSU with d7 in mathematics 191 for jamb and still study mass communication. Crs E8 Indeed, some universities in Ghana accept D7 as an admission requirement. Mathematics B3, Can I study civil engineering with On campus at the admissions department or via call? 7. Likewise, you will find Schools that accept D7 in mathematics in Ghana in that list. 5. Ghana Police recruitment also accepts it. Consider People With WASSCE Grades D7, E8 For Pursuing - News Ghana Math D7. Biology E8 Currently, public universities dont accept D7 for core subjects in admission purposes. It is a failure grade. Yes, teacher training colleges in Ghana accept D7. Sir i got Show that the distance between two rational numbers on the number line is the absolute value of their difference, and apply this principle in real-world contexts. Chemistry C5 Science c6 Mathematics; Mathematics Information regarding what all students in California public schools should know and be able to do in mathematics, emphasizing computational and procedural skills, conceptual understanding, and problem solving. Even with that, it depends on the competitive nature of the course that you apply for. Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba (AAUA), EDALV and University of Nigeria (UNN) accept O'Level pass in Mathematics or its equivalent. Thank you. Mathematics D7 List of Universities & Courses That Accepts D7, E8, or F9 In Economics Biology c6 Do well to study hard as you are in senior high to get the best grades to get you to your preferred university. Can i enter University of Ghana if I had a D7 in Financial Accounting ?? WASSCE applicants must have SIX (6) passes (A1- D7) in all subjects including English Language and Mathematics; and must possess a minimum of C6 in any three (3) subjects which must be relevant to the area of specialisation. Ok,which means i need to write Nov/dec for the maths only ,caz i will be doing a non _science programme in the uni, I had D7 in physics and D7 in English Biology B3,MathsC5,Elective mathsB3,Chemistry C4,Integrated science B3,Social studies B3 can I get admission to KNUST if I write Novdec only the English. Maths F9 In other words, Is D7 accepted in College of Education 2021 2022 admission? or any college is the for me. Social studies b3 science c6 government d7 Yes, there are many tertiary institutions in Ghana that accept E8. Any candidate without a pass in English Language and Mathematics (core) need not apply for the Diploma. The examination boards who examine Senior High Schools grade students with D7 and E8 as passes. Inter science C6. Pls I had d7 in english, b3 in science,c4 in social n maths n passed three of my electives with dis grades(A1,b3,b3)can I get admission into any nursing training college n which course can I pursue Im sorry you do not qualify for admission. Great Brains. Examples are: Mass Communication. Which course do you suggest will be suitable for this credentials and universities that accepts d7 in maths? Odorgonno Senior High School Prospectus 2023, List of Things For Admission At OSSA, Awoshie, Ghana. Yes, you can. Mathematics. You can apply to any of them. Pls I had c4 in English ,c6 in social d7 in maths b3 history b3 in government n b2 in crs pls can I qualify to UEW and which course can I pursue. PDF Mathematics Anxiety among Ghanaian Students: A Case Study of Students Other than that, these pass marks in every specific term. Can I get any University to do degree or diploma course please. Good afternoon sir Check the polytechnics requirements to be sure, I want to study engineering Private Universities in Ghana are more than public universities. WELLSPRING (WELLSPRING accepts a pass in Mathematics provided the candidate has a total of five credits including English language, Government/History, and Economics). How Do I Make An Appointment With An Advising Csu? D7 or E8) or even F9 in Mathematics for Mass Communication. Im sorry. You can get admission to a university in Ghana with D7 if you agree to re-write the paper through NOVDEC. Government B2 Marketing c5 Pls I had Geography C4 Thus, check out the list of institutions that accept D7 from HERE. Which University can I apply for and which course please? You will need a minimum of C6 to get through. Does Legon Accept D7 Grade, University Of Ghana C5, C6, D7, E8 F9 Once you dont have a good grade in English, youd have to rewrite the exam and make, at least a C6 in it. Econs c5 Please I had B3 in social, D7 in English, c6 in maths, C6 in science, crs c4,economics D7, literature D7, government E8. You Might Have Interest In The Following As Well: Does Legon Accept D7 grade University of Ghana, Is D7 accepted in UCC University of Cape Coast, Art Courses at KNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, KNUST Student Login Portal Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Home Economics courses at Legon University of Ghana, General Arts courses at Legon University of Ghana, Science Courses at Legon University of Ghana. Civil educationC6 Government d7 Hes only got two credit passes in the electives as you can tell. Physics c6 Business Management C5 Check out this link for more information: Earlier, I indicated above that universities in Ghana do not accept D7 for admission. Insurance..C6 Is D7 a pass for O level? Mathematics.D7 This means, where a school's admission policy is lenient, candidates can still be offered admission with D7 or E8 in one or two of his or her required subject. List of Universities that accepts O'level Pass (D7) in Physics and courses you can use D7 to study. Is D7 Accepted In Teacher Training College - Quoterich Can I study accounting with D7 . Please I got d7 in maths and e8 in English,which school or college can pick me, Please I had E8 in core science please which university can I get admission. Hi Judycilla, Core Maths is a standard for most programmes in the university. It does not govern or apply to information collected or used by through other means. University of Calabar (UNICAL) accepts D7 in English in the following courses: 1. Can someone enter University with D7 in core maths? Can I get admission in tertiary school in Ghana, Yes, read this interesting guide. Likewise, you will find Schools that accept D7 in mathematics in Ghana in that list. As a matter of fact, according to the policy guidelines of the NCTE, universities in Ghana should not accept D7 and E8 for admission. Mathematics Anxiety among Ghanaian Students: A Case Study of Students of Kinbu Senior High / Technical School, Accra and Hermann-Gmeiner SOS Junior High School, Tema Rev. Core maths is required for almost all programmes aat UPSA, I recommend you rewrite and get a minimum of C6 the apply. Click here to see Top 15 Universities in Ghana that Accept D7. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'educareguide_com-leader-4','ezslot_5',147,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-educareguide_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[120,600],'educareguide_com-leader-4','ezslot_6',147,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-educareguide_com-leader-4-0_1'); .leader-4-multi-147{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:15px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:15px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:600px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Physics B3 sir I dont know what to do I apply for DELSU and I choose theatre arts as a course but I have d7 in maths plst what should I do. Yes, you qualify for admission to the Training College with D7. Almost all Universities in Ghana do not accept D7. But you cant read nursing in any university in Ghana. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Yes, certain category of universities accept D7 in English language. Mathematics E8 Also, there are many other contents we have available to help you in your Education. Please teacher training colleges dont accept E8. You can obviously gain admission without Jamb, with some of the methods I have highlighted here, but not without your O level result. commerce. You dont need WASSCE for this, Please I pass all my core but I failed two electives please can I apply. I asked them today and they told me its not possible. Thanks. However, colleges of Education accept D7 as an admission requirement from applicants. 15 Top Universities that Accept D7 in Ghana and How to Apply 2023. French E8 You should have contacted the registry of the school to find out why. It depends on your results and or certificate. You can apply to any university to offer a non-maths program like arts and humanities. In Ghana D7 , E8 and F9 are not accepted as pass mark , therefore any student who gets that grade has failed that particular exams. Office practice.C4, Can I study mass communication with d7 in mathematics in u.i. Universities and Science Courses Accepting D7 or E8 in English 1 . So u will get the admission but still rewrite the subjects?? CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. List Of Schools And Courses That Accepts D7 [O'Level Pass] In English Try other institutions, Can I study medicine with d7 in math and in which institution, Choose courses that dont require it or rewrite another SSCE. The one you find yourself qualified to study. English C5 crs b3 Dont do change of course. List of Universities that accepts O'level Pass (D7) in Mathematics and courses you can use D7 to study. Or should i cover up with NECO? I have deficiency in maths Thus, you need to write the paper again. Any/all written content and images displayed are provided by the blogger/author, appear herein as submitted by the blogger/author and are unedited by Opera News. DELSU Please i passed all i my subjects but i got F9 in elective maths can i do publishing studies if . However, you can easily get admission to any technical university to read a business program. Pls i had english c6, core maths b3, int science b3, social b3, biology c6 and chemistry d7, pls do i stand a chance, Can i go to university ,police or teacher traning with this wace result Can I get admission into any nursing training in Ghana, I had D7 in english can I gain admission in nursing training. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Universities that Accept D7, E8, or F9 for Accounting NILE accepts one subject from Accounting, Banking, and Finance, Commerce, Geography, Business Studies, Government or Statistics if you dont have Economics. Accra Institute of Technology. Please, check the JAMB brochure and/or read the above post to get your answer. F9 in literature Can you please provide the grades for the core as well? 13. Please, I had; Social A1, English C5, Core Maths E8, Int. 2. ABU as Local Government and Development Studies. Science c6. Gud evening. Sir i have d7 in maths and am going for English education in uniben, what are my chances. You can also look at NIITs programs which offer a 3-year degree from the University of Greenwich, UK. She is also a strong advocate for equal opportunity, and she works tirelessly to ensure that all students have access to quality education regardless of their socioeconomic status or race. Hostel Accommodation At Pwani University, Is There Residential Facility At The University? 11. Govt c4 Accra Institute of Technology. Business management C5 Maths c6 Christian Religious Studies F9 Sir I have d7 in math and Biology and I will like to study mass communication or marketing, I want to know the University I can apply for. Other Universities that Accept D7 DELSU accepts 'O' level pass in English Language for Agricultural Economics. Hi, you can apply for a degree programme in the University, you may just have to choose a non-science related programme due to the D7 in Science. Please call this number: 0249702055, Please I got E8 in math can I get an admission to study visual art in any university, Please I had maths D7, English e8, science C5, social C6, geography B3, economics C4, Elective maths C4, economics C4, government D7 . I got English d7, and maths c4, social studies c6, science c6, business management B3, financial accountingB3, costing A1, and economicsC5 can I get admission to nursing, technical University and teacher training. Please I had E8 in Maths can I get admission to TTU to pursue Graphics? Is D7, E8, F9 in Maths or English Accepted in Schools of Nursing? Sir I have E8 in mathematics can I study any science related course? Please am visual Arts I got F9 in social which University will accept can you help me out. These colleges of nursing will accept A1, B2, B3, C4, C5, or C6 in any of the five . I got E8 in maths and science I pass all my subjects but I afail only English with D7 can I go to school? Thank you. However, you wont be able to secure admission to a normal university with D7 in literature. However, some universities are friendly and lenient in their admission policies. Learn how your comment data is processed. Top Universities that Accept D7 in Ghana Ghana Communications and Technology University. English c5 List of Schools & Courses That Accept D7 [O'Level Pass] Is f9 accepted in nursing training? GIMPA. Please can i study law in UNN with an E8 in Mathematics. Sir I have e8 in maths and I want to study international relation in unicab .. Good day Sir/Ma, pls I applied for sociology in the university of Ilorin with D7 in Mathematics but was not admitted! But you can enter most universities through their pre-school program. MathsD7 (Ps. Please I had B3 in English, B3 in Social,D7 in Science and f9 in Maths please will I get admitted in any university or any nursing training college. Which school did you speak to? Think is my results can I go to teacher training college, Universities/Courses That Accept English D7 and E8 EngilsihE8 I got A1-core maths,b3-social studies,D7 English,D7 science,A1 Business management,A1 financial accounting,b2 elective maths..,how can you help me.??? Your email address will not be published. 7.7.NS.1.c Understand subtraction of rational numbers as adding the additive inverse, p - q = p + (-q). F9 in science Please Im an art student and I passed in all the subjects with the exception of Science ( D7) please what program and school can I apply for? //]]> Proceed to Login/Registerto submit your post. Most of the subject in which students fails are mathematics, English and Intergrated Science. Math c6 Thats why we are happy you are with us. Postgraduate printing technology education in Nigeria: A window of opportunity at Should a First Class graduate consider postgraduate degree or paid employment NECO reschedules 2023 common entrance exam, Kidnappers release 4 of 11 remaining Birnin Yawuri students with babies, NUC clarifies relevance of medical PhD, Medicine Fellowship, R&D: Covenant University partners OBTranslate, NYSC member arraigned for defrauding police officer, EFCC urged to involve forensic accountants in investigations, 4,359 out of 19,482 candidates gain UI admissions, With exception, only those with COVID vaccine can access JAMB. Social 5 Specifically, refer HERE to find the answer to this question. Your chances are slim, if at all there is any chance. For this reason, there is a slight alteration of the policy when it comes to technical universities in the country. Integrated science C5 French d7 Can I enter unvisersity with d7 in English, English is a major requirement for almost any course but you can still apply to the university and when demanded you can re-write through NovDec and graduate. We provide you with accurate and reliable news and info straight from the sources within the education sector. Check an alternative course you can study if Theatre Arts doesnt accept a D7 in Mathematics. Can I Gain Admission With D7 In Mathematics? Applicants must be holders of a Diploma in Nursing from a recognized university, with a Final Grade Point Average (FGPA) of 3.00 or better. Tag Archives: Ghana Police Service Now Accept d7 In Core Mathematics I had science C6 You can secure admission through the Matured applicants Entrance Examination if you are 25 years or above. Can E8 go to university in Ghana? As a matter of fact, you qualify for recruitment into Ghana Police Service as recruit if yo have D7 in your wassce result. Choose among the above mentioned courses with institutions, Sir can i be given admission in ebsu with D7 in mathematics for medicine. I didnt take this serious because it was remarked as pass Now my parents want me to buy form but i now got to know D7 is not allowed And my parents also thought i have passed .. Can someone let me know any university the accept D7 please. Below is the list of available courses, according to the official JAMB brochure you can consider for admission with an ordinary pass. IXL - California seventh-grade math standards C6 in history It is possible youve been denied admission in the past on account of your poor result in Mathematics. List of Universities & Courses That Accepts D7, E8, or F9 In Chemistry F8, Literature Can I go to technical University to become a teacher. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. You do not qualify to enter any University in Ghana. Please sir can I study electrical engineering with E8 in math ,B3 in further math and B2 in other subjects, Please I had E8 in maths 4c and one B can I apply in any of the universities or college, Can I get study a degree program with this results Assuredly, Educareguide will explain every detail of the National Council for Tertiary Education policy on D7, E8 and F9. But that depends on each institutions requirements. How can I get admission to the university with D7? List of Universities & Courses that Accepts D7 [O'Level Pass] - Allschool Contact him via pls can I offer distance learning Therefore, you will get every answer you seek concerning Ghanas grade policy. English E8 Which institution accepts this . pls can one study English at u.I with E8 in maths, Please can I go to any university with E8 in maths to do marketing or media. Can I Get Admission With D7 In Literature? But if the subject that you got the E8 is required for your cause then you will have to consider a private university. UNN as Public Administration as and Local Government Administration, BSU as Public Administration, UNIABUJA as Public Administration, FUAM (A candidate with a pass in Mathematics but credit in Physics will be accepted. Computer..C6 AAUA Health Education, UNICAL : with options in: General maths d7 I want to go to the nursing training bt I had D7 in maths but de rest of de subjects I passed can I be admitted into the nursing training. Pls, Im new on this site. Very unfortunately, no university accepts E8 for admission. These are my result Whats matured entrance exam like please? E8, mathematics IS D7 ACCEPTED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF GHANA - Raph Sark That is, D7, E8 and F9 are not accepted in KNUST. Universities and Courses that Accept D7, E8, or F9 in Biology for Admission; Universities and Courses that Accept D7, E8, or F9 in Chemistry for Admission; Before we proceed, this information is extracted from the official JAMB brochure. Biology. Biology c5 It's accurate and reliable! Do schools like Valley View and Central University College allow you to get through their institution yet write Novdec to clear the f9 or E8 even as you study there, if yes how ? Accounting C6 If you write NOVDEC and fail again, the university will require you to apply and re-write the paper till you pass. sir I have d7 in mathematics can I study mass communication at AAUA with it ?? However, candidates must have a minimum of 5 subjects at C5 or better including English and Mathematics. Ghana Police Service Recruitment General Duty Recruits In addition to the general requirements, Applicant must not be not less than 18 years and not more than 27 years by 1st January, 2022 and must possess a minimum of six credits (A1 to C6 at WASSCE, E8 for Mathematics) including English Language and Mathematics.