Izuku:Nada puede arruinar mi dia Izuku escucharia un ruido extrao proveniente de los arbustos. Now it's just ambiguous about whether the entity he's not aware is sharing his body is part of him, or his mask. Love and Peace, Not One or the Other It shows how far you've come in so short a time. "What makes you think that?," the chief asked. ", "Heroes are also allowed to have side jobs," Foresight said as she was teaching Yaoyorozu and Kendo, "For example I run a psychic helpline. His shirts are sometimes shown in a rumpled and disheveled appearance covered in blood due to his dealings with the occasional dangerous SCP. Children of the Future The Only Thing I Know For Real - . ", "Hey, Tony," Midoriya said, "Why did Gran Torino only teach one year at UA? The Big Three of UA High Midoriya vs Bakugo Izuku.Bien,que tenemos aqui. 55. 108. ", "It's even bigger than the Shie Hassaikai raid," Froppy noted, "And Overhaul was probably even more dangerous than Infinite. 53. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. Sudden Sighting The Invincible Boy Listen, we got a serious situation that need your attention. Deliberation of the Overseers, Exam's End Call to Kamino #monstergirl 25.
SCP Foundation / Fan Works - TV Tropes http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WebAnimation/DetectiveVoid. He had been having Detective Void track the guy's contacts for some . #scpreader. 104. 31. 30. 24. 6. Al final el SCP-4885 desapareceria terminando el video ahi. Aftermath, the League Forms She couldn't take on this world with SCP-914 alone. A Naive Vision Izuku estaba acostado en el cesped cerca de un lago cristalino. Tanabata and New Meetings 128. left kudos on this work! 10. Hero Too Sure enough, she spotted Selkie talking with some of the senior heroes. 115. That Infinite guy's gonna be showing up soon. Starmaker He's the only villain who's eluded the authorities more times than I have. 42. "Well well. UA Sports Festival, Let the Games Begin The requests are filtered by district, and once the situation is handled we file out a report based on the incident. They sat down in the spacey room of the van, Ethan in one bench, the coat in another, while the driver sat patiently with one SWAT in the backseat while a second SWAT stood stationary, shotgun in his gloved hands. 5. 30. 59. We'll need to find qualified analysts that can be relied upon despite working for villains. See the music video "One Against a Million". Two Heroes - . Trees on the islands produced a translucent, purple fruit. #comedia Everybody's Fool 127. 19. The Living Anomaly Izuku:Bien,parece que la gente sigue sin creer,pero que mas da. 28. Everyone's Internship "This was me growing up in my home town of Liverpool, New York.". Kagemusha is meant to be based on SCP-4007. Heights Alliance vs The League of Villains ", "By now the authorities know about us coming back. His speculative theories about anomalies bring an interesting outsider's perspective to the SCP universe. 106. Dijo el Detective para quitarse la mascara. 128. Detective Void is an animated web series on YouTube, set within the universe of the SCP Foundation. Starmaker However apart from his well-dressed appearance, Void's most striking feature is his large black mask with glowing eyeholes that cover his entire face. Asui was getting to learn out on the open seas with the hero Selkie. : 6.1K.: 38. TikTok (@detective_void_): # #animetiktok #foryoupage #cartoon # #scp #. Cavalry Battle and a New Power Getting hit with caustic fluids seems to have caused him to develop faster cellular regeneration. Her refinement with SCP-914 didn't make her invincible. Several notable villains, some from recently disbanded villain groups. Izuku:Es ridiculo,aunque quizas el pueda viajar por dimensiones. 111. Fire and Light, Lemillion's Ignition (Visual Novel) (1), Brett Hand/Reagan Ridley/Ron Staedtler (1), Shaun Durand-Cofer/Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!) 15. 503 talking about this. Yep, that's what happened. Merry-Go-Round Jing realized that she was truly outclassed. SCP Foundation: Iris Through the Looking Glass. Hagakure was working with private investigator and conspiracy analyst Detective Void.
Shift, a Skulduggery Pleasant series + SCP Foundation - FanFiction 13. My Reason to be a Hero 47.
# #animetiktok #foryoupage #cartoon # #scp # "The reason they call me the Undertaker is because I always bury the bodies of our victims. FANFICTION OF DETECTIVE VOID (Fanfilm Scp) - YouTube FANFICTION OF DETECTIVE VOID (Fanfilm Scp) No views Jun 25, 2022 0 Dislike Share Save Cindelta 61 subscribers A short. Dijo el Detective para quitarse la mascara. A Naive Vision Midorang, the New Symbol of Peace The Force of Twin Chains, Osaka Bound By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. #scp Class 1-A's Resolve 99. So that's how long Tupac has to call in new information.". Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Those seeking help send me their photo, typically a full-body shot, and I tell them what sort of future they can expect from the visions I get.". ", "Because you kept giving the impression that you wouldn't be tied down to just one man. lemon maybe Fire and Light, Lemillion's Ignition 70. head cannons/oneshots and what not. We'll work a little on improving your timing. And she was one badass bunny too. 78. The Meaning of a Hero Suneater, Rising With the Dark Nuclear Thunder ", "In addition to learning how hero work goes," Swampanne said, "You'll be leaning how to have better control over your Quirk. Love and Peace, Not One or the Other 65. Seems I made the right choice training with Tony. I think we can expect some heavy interference very soon.". We Won't Be Crushed Join me as I uncover the secrets of the SCP Foundation. 74. First Round Ends The only way you'll get stronger is if you work on both sides of your Quirk. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Hero Killer, Stain A school for those who couldn't cut it as heroes and decide to be villains instead. My Reason to be a Hero 1 SCP 250 - Living Allosaurus Skeleton 0:002 SCP-525 Eye Spiders 00:10:413 Black Shuck - SCP-023 0:20:214 The Monster That Has Been Named - SCP-774-JP 0:29:5.
My Hero SCP - Chapter 104 - mtnetsurfer - Archive of Our Own 80. Go ahead and don your costume. Proving Yourself ", "The Sliming Sadist?," Stain asked, "How'd you get in touch with him? 74. The Raid Begins, Chamber the Eight Bullets 119. In only a few shorts weeks I went from being a runt to having a body most middle school students would be envious of. Class 1-A, This is the Starting Line I want them brought here and made to pay for their transgression! A Stranger I Remain Dropping the Old Guard "What do we do?," the chief said, "We can't arrest all of them for aiding and abetting. "I gotta say," Sirius said, "I've never seen so many heroes in the same place before. 90. 12. Mooks No More It's finished. But if the police and heroes were on their way, it might be better to wait it out and escape in the approaching chaos. Cursing. 92. Our Determination Aside from his usually behavior Void is very friendly towards anyone, as along they dont mean him any harm, and enjoys sharing his investigations and thoughts on the foundation with his viewers. "You need to have a firm grasp on the head, that's the most important part. And Tony's Adaptation Quirk is just what the boy needs.". 39. You can however still leave Kudos! Beyond Recommendation 27.
Can we make Detective Void canon? : r/SCP - Reddit He is known for his avatar, which is a pale skinned caucasian male, dressed in a plain white shirt with a black tie, black/grey pants and a large black mask, with glowing eyeholes that cover his entire face. The Russian Incident Her Name is Eri 112. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). The Meaning of Plus Ultra Heroes of Tomorrow I'm My Own Master Now Y/n: the term "born" is somewhat loose in my case, I was "born" in a vat inside a lab artificially created and juiced up with what can only be described as raw psychic energyI am the only source left to my knowledge, the site has been found by the foundation and scrubbed clean, I can take you to where it used to be if you wish, Detective void: so we traveled to the site and it was nothing but a desolate wasteland, an empty spot I had suspicions that he simply took me to a false location, he must have read my mind because he showed me images in my head of what the spot looked like before it was scrubbed clean and the bunker filled. 29. Second Raid, Target the League The guy gave an air of a lovable goofball, but Seeker's Criminal Intent Quirk told him different. "Good to see so many fine faces here!," the fake Infinite called out, "We're seeing history in the making! My idea for such (even though this ain't canon) is that "Void" isn't a single person, but a similar case of SCP-034, but more of a case of SCP-963, where "Void" is a consciousness that can be transferred freely (and harmlessly, even an memory wipe from the wearer's mind) from wearer to wearer - and as for his "outsider . Y/n: doesn't matter, you'll forget we were even talking about it Mhmmhm.Detective void? There is more to this world than you know! Next one at 2k. 4. The Foundation is very aware of his existence and is trying to capture him at all costs, although, he always successfully gets away without their knowledge or even their awareness. A Disease Can't Be Beneficial 65. Swift Sculpt, as you've likely already deduced, is based on SCP-173, the very first SCP to ever be documented. 9. One day Y/n was invited to go camping by her family. What I like about Void is how he's depicted as not being a member of the SCP Foundation, but rather a conspiracy theorist obsessed with learning about them. Real Eyez Icy Chaos Let's Make a Rocking Concert Looks like you're right, Brother. The Class Representative D-Class Reporting Midoriya quickly realized what Tony was getting at. Just then, a call came in from the radio nearby. A Child's Logic is Flawed Nearby, Depestilous had spotted All Might talking with some old friends. Hero Too In spite of his situation, Bakugo grinned. ', "What about Magne and Graffiti?," Wally asked, "We ain't heard from them. ', "Alright, calm down, everyone!," the fake Infinite called out, "I know you're all excited, but first we have important business to take care of. 9. "So you're Shoto," he said as the boy walked in, "I don't think we've met before today, but I do know your old man. Mhmlooking for me? 76. No doubt he's already called in backup in the form of at least two hundred heroes.". 56. ", "If there's one thing our society gets right, it's that the strong should not dominate the weak. 52. But enough about my history. Heroes Investigate ", "Yeah, thanks to what I learned with you, ribbit," Froppy said, "So if you're here, then". Toshi prefers wrestling techniques because he trained hard in America. 18. 6. Speaking of Stain, he had brought to the bar where Shigaraki and Kurogiri were staying. Despite knowing that Kenji was the villain Magne, none of the crowd were willing to sell her out. 127. ), 1. 33. 12. 14. Class 1-A's Resolve Toshi had told us about the dangerous villain fought by all the previous holders. After all those centuries of activity!?". in the latest lore video it is confirmed that bran is a being that lives in his mask and can control his body.
Secure, Contain, Protect Chapter 2: The Foundation, a High - FanFiction Most videos on the channel discuss various SCPs contained by the Foundation; summarizing what they are, while the Detective also offers his own guesses about their nature and origins. 83. And the two brothers Undertaker and Quagmire.". They are all considered official by Void. Detective Void,Nombre Verdadero,Izuku Midoriya #bnha I heard good things about UA, so I enrolled there as a transfer student. Let's get started with some quick training. I wound up using all of PopCross's hero art for the SCPs. Children of the Future 89. Thank you so much! These guys deserve to be taken down a couple pegs.'. Note that due to the online-only nature of the SCP Wiki, for web original works, please check if the work is officially affiliated with the SCP Wiki or not before adding to this list. Swampanne is based on SCP-811, while Infablaze is based on SCP-457. As long as they don't try to call for help if course, they couldn't anyway so they would just be sent to dclass depending on their anomaly and how expendable they are. Habra algun problema? No NSFW or Foul language. It's not how you think the man known as Detective Void quickly became one of the most popular animated based SCP youtubers alongside Dr. Bob, The Rubber, and SCP Explained - Story & Animation. Peace Sign We'll start by training your Regeneration. Work Search: 7. Guess I can expect hero action to arrive before long.
SCP Foundation Mythos Crossover Archive | FanFiction . "Hey, boss!," called out the fake Daybreaker. Please consider turning it on! After all, he was certain the others were far away from here. Instead she tried going around the back, but your buds were already long gone by that point.'.