LEGAL NAME: SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT; BEDS CODE: 280252070000; INSTITUTION ID . It is the vision of Our Christian Academy to engage students in a quality Christ-centered education that equips and challenges them to reach their unique potential spiritually, academically, socially, and physically. Weve already emphasized the importance of a shared goal in your vision statement, and the same rule applies when thinking of the ways you will accomplish it. Have a separate list of values, goals, or beliefs, Come up with an acronym for your vision or mission. With a national debate going on about racially insensitive mascots and professional sports team names, the Sewanhaka School District was called out during a July 7 Board of Education meeting about Sewanhaka High School's mascot, which is a Native American Indian. 79 Examples of School Vision and Mission Statements Maybe you can give them a statement checklist they can complete along with providing their opinions on it. `cK^vfOAj1n Get the ideas you have collected from your districts stakeholders and start outlining your mission statement. Our Mission is to provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning. Our Christian School will be a compassionate community where knowledge is pursued with excellence, where faith is rooted in Christ, and where character is exemplified through service. Sewanhaka High School - Wikipedia x[JUvMvFE54S6y01& Each community supports a component elementary district and sends two trustees to the Sewanhaka Board of Education. Subscribe to be notified when new data is added to this site: Copyright New York State Education Department, all rights reserved. -Yh PuvY}xZ V$@k6[:X1f ' As a result of brainstorming, you will probably have a bunch of elements you want to cover. Additional classrooms were completed in 1936. Our Christian School believes that each child is a treasure, bearing Gods image. Copyright 2023 Sewanhaka Central High School District. Learn about the, Students who are unprepared for college-level work may find themselves in. A school mission statement is an integral part of an educational institution. Manhasset, Sewanhaka pressured to change Indian mascots Bonus ideas you can try out when writing and putting your mission statement on your schools district website are: If you fear your vision or mission statements wont be easy to memorize, you can come up with a motto for your school districts core principles that will eliminate the problem. Students are assigned a performance level based on how well they do on the tests, with 4 being the highest level a student can earn. # 387 in New York Middle Schools. . Sewanhaka High School. A clear vision and mission for your school district is key to having a. schools for this district. Studentsshould always cross-check any information on this site with their course teacher. The Sewanhaka Central High School District is a central high school district located in western Nassau County on Long Island, in New York State. Our statement DREAM, BELIEVE, ACHIEVE reflects our understanding and beliefs. We will prepare all students to be college and career ready by providing a challenging curriculum (rigor) that connects students lives and their futures (relevance) in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment (relationships).. Our Christian Academy works together with parents and their local church to provide a Christ-centered spiritual, academic, and physical foundation. We also desire to have strong families through parent support/fellowship and skills training. When you have a rough draft of your mission, distribute it to the mission statement teams you have gathered previously. Sewanhaka Central High School District - New York - Niche After all, you didnt give your best to create a memorable mission only to hang it on the wall of your office and hope people in your school community will remember it. The school was established first in the district. PDF Examples of Mission Statements from Districts, Schools and Non-Profit Located in the western portion of Nassau County, bordering the New York City borough of Queens, the District is the residence of roughly 135,000 people in four local communities: Floral Park/Bellerose, New Hyde Park/Garden City Park, Franklin Square and Elmont. 23-24 Calendar 22-23 Calendar Budget Information . # 2,719 in National Rankings. Plus, they will foster the pride your students and educators have in your school district. Our early learning center exists to provide a safe, developmentally, inclusive environment for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten and school age children. Can you notice anything different in it from the previous examples weve looked at? Seekprofessional input on your specific circumstances. Its name translates to "Island of Shells" in English. Our mission is to provide exceptional care to children while fostering each childs intellectual, social, physical and moral development in an academic-rich environment. District Name: SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT. Sewanhaka Central High School District . Our vision is to forge strong, positive connections with students so they can achieve independence, build confidence, and gain academic knowledge. For example, if the sole reason why youre writing a district mission statement is to introduce the much-needed innovations in schools, working together on this process will: You might think outlining is a writing strategy you can do without when creating your schools mission statementbut we would argue otherwise. [6] Visit our website to learn more about what happens if your childs school is identified as a CSI or TSI school. Perhaps your school counseling program is what makes your district unique. /Rotate 0 >> The graduation rate is the percentage of students who entered grade 9 in the same school year who earned a local or Regents diploma four years later. Great Neck 2023_04_21 by The Island 360 - Issuu Our vision is to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them, as life-long learners, to participate in and contribute to the global world and practise the core values of the school: respect, tolerance & inclusion, and excellence. . : When it comes to setting a goal, your worst enemy is vagueness. Apple Distinguished Schools are centers of innovation, leadership and educational excellence. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. It has an annual revenue of $195,541,000. Christian 2. stream They provide parents and the community a brief but clear overview of the overall ethos of the school. Understand what. A good idea is to infuse your mission statement into the school curricula. Sewanhaka High School Unclaimed. School vision statements outline a schools values and objectives. Mottos are amazing for school districts because they can be hung anywhere and included in brochures, websites, or even on T-shirts. To be focused on accomplishing a task, however broad that task may be, you need to have a clearly defined vision for the future of your school district, : Everyone involved in your school community should be able to measure their individual progress, : You want to have a goal that is realistic and can be accomplished easily. Use jargon or vague phrases. The most common words in school vision and mission statements are: 1. (Photo courtesy of the Sewanhaka Central High School District) See Board PolicyCommunity Relations: 0100. Students are empowered to meet current and future challenges to develop social awareness, civic responsibility, and personal growth. For this reason, you want to begin your statement with your school districts full name. Underserved students at this school are performing about as well as other students in the state, but this school may still have achievement gaps. In partnership with families and community, our goal is to create relevant learning opportunities for students both inside and outside the classroom that help them develop the knowledge, critical thinking skills, and character necessary to succeed in a technologically advanced world. State School ID: NY-280252070000-280252070006. district's schools, 300 kids didn't have graphing calculators for a previous test - an unacceptable disparity between students. The resources outline benchmarks and frameworks for educators to implement Social Emotional Learning practices in their schools and classrooms. Sewanhaka H.S. /XObject << /Im1 6 0 R /Im2 7 0 R >> >> The accountability system classifies schools into one of three categories: In Good Standing, a Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) school, or a Targeted Support and Improvement (TSI) school. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The clearly set, reachable goals in it will determine what you want to put in your mission statement. Image 3. Our schools vision is to provide student-centered educational programs that challenge all students to perform at their highest potential. Overall Score 84.76 /100. 77 Landau Avenue | Floral Park, NY 11001 | 516.488.9800 Its time to get your mission statement to that point of perfection we have mentioned before. The following elementary school districts graduate to attend schools in the Sewanhaka Central High School District: Sewanhaka High School was the first high school in the district and also the first in the district to receive the Blue Ribbon Recognition (It was nationally prominent in the 1930s as America's #3 school.). Administrators and staff presented an update on the status of Prestige Academy, the Sewanhaka Central High School District's newly . Statements of a schools vision and mission are important for keeping a school focused on its core purpose. Safe 4. Your email address will not be published. PDF Supporting individual learners with tech - Jamf You should also write the statement in the third-person plural so that it unequivocally reflects everyones involvement. Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. [ ] indicates that the data are missing. His hiring comes eight months We will prepare all students to be college and career ready by providing a challenging curriculum (rigor) that connects students lives and their futures (relevance) in a safe, supportive, and nurturing environment (relationships). `T{B@ @@?+MUw\ @ @n\Z;h =/;k4H% ATuzCYw- [r/ ``++ o G]C@N~+ g Hz.wa{jqA@ @ D t?r'0{|f E}Cq$Y@ Created Date: Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. Find Sewanhaka High School test scores, student-teacher ratio, parent reviews and teacher stats. To educate all students to the highest levels of academic achievement, to enable them to reach and expand their potential, and to prepare them to become productive, responsible, ethical, creative and compassionate members of society. Beliefs and values of your school community, Steps youre taking to achieve the long-term goal established in your vision, The component of your school community that makes it unique, Next to the beliefs your school district holds, your statement should outline the practical ways in which the schools foster those values. It complements your schools visionwhat you want your school to achieve in the futureand explains how you run your establishment. , which is why well break it down for you. We can see that this school has a benevolent vision for the future it wants its students to be a part of. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) reports the percentage of students who earned a local or Regents diploma by June, four year after they entered grade 9. We aim to ensure that the children at our school are provided with high-quality learning experiences based on a broad and balanced curriculum. Required fields are marked *, This Article was Last Expert Reviewed on January 12, 2023 by Chris Drew, PhD. Students at this school are making far less It is the only high school in its district to offer career vocational courses on Long Island. Overall, the district spends $14,854.6 million on instruction, $6,498.1 . Our focus is to provide a stimulating early learning and child care experience which promotes each childs social/emotional, physical and cognitive development. Ask the school what its doing to help students who are behind. Sewanhaka students perform in one musical per year, during the spring. The school's sports teams are known as The Indians and the team colors are purple, gold, and white. Your email address will not be published. Having acknowledged that, you should not forget that the core reason your educational institutions exist isnt to attract buyers but to provide effective and fruitful education. Faculty Quick Links. SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT Last Date of Birth: Month First Year Grade: (7-12) Phone: Middle (optional) Day The answer you give below will help the district determine what services you or your child may be able to receive under the McKinney-Vento Act. Since the growth and development of every member within your school districts community should be gauged according to the standards you established in your vision, coming up with the ways in which you will realize it isnt easy. As of the 201819 school year, the school had an enrollment of 1,669 students and 119.1 classroom teachers (on an FTE basis), for a studentteacher ratio of 14.0:1. MetaSearch Notice. This district's or school's Financial Transparency Report outlines how much is spent per student and the source of the funds. We aim to develop well-rounded and thoughtful students prepared to cope with a changing post-modern and globalized world. The Sewanhaka Central High School District is a central high school district located in western Nassau County on Long Island, in New York State. Use the constructive criticism you got and polish up your first draft. A good place to start is checking your vision to see if it has the elements of the SMART method of goal-setting. Best Middle Schools in Sewanhaka Central High School District District [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Our Mission. The five district high schools are home to over 8,100 students and 700 professional staff. Our school empowers all students to embrace learning, achieve their personal best and build their emotional, social and physical well-being. GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, How do high schools help students succeed in college? Maybe you can give them a statement checklist they can complete along with providing their opinions on it. PDF SEWANAHAKA HIGH SCHOOL - Relying on your community this way will benefit you and everyone else belonging to your schools culture. best practices of College Success Award winning schools. They use Apple technology to inspire . The five district high schools are home to over 8,100 students and 700 professional staff. A school mission statement is an integral part of an educational institution. Each community supports a component elementary district and sends two trustees to the Sewanhaka Board of Education. 1 0 obj The final example is from the Napa Valley Unified School District: Transforming lives by instilling 21st-century skills and inspiring lifelong learning in every student.. Recent shows include: Another play which is not a musical is performed each autumn by Sewanhaka students in the Drama Club. This classification system is all about achieving equity. Our mission is to work together to build a safe, respectful and nurturing environment focused on maximizing each childs sense of wellbeing and acquisition of skills for life and learning. School district in New York, United States. School District Mission StatementThe What and the Why. To be dedicated to the advancement of learning and ennoblement of life. Our Christian School is a loving community that spiritually and academically equips, challenges, and inspires students to impact their world for Christ. You are on the right path. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) continues to promote initiatives to foster student engagement and thereby increase student achievement, safety, and wellness. The University will become a national leader in collaborative career-focused liberal arts education and will equip its graduates to visualize and achieve excellence in a dynamic global community. Mission statements provide the students and the teaching staff in your school district with a purpose to believe in. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. from the attitude your students have towards school and their learning practices to the administrative body and the decision-making processes that affect everyone within your school community. Title IX inquiries may be referred to Ms. Regina Agrusa, Assistant to the Superintendent for Pupil Personnel and Special Education andthe School Districts Title IX coordinator (contact information below), or to the Office of Civil Rights (OCR). Our vision is to prepare young women to pursue their aspirations and contribute to the world. [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Successful schools understand how to. James Grossane will be the Sewanhaka School District's new superintendent at the end of this school year, the Board of Education announced at its March 12 meeting. The team participated in the Sewanhaka Interschool District Model UN competition. Youre not done yet. Your mission needs to stand out and be unique to your institutions, but it doesnt hurt to analyze the existing ones to get ideas on the structure and the content. There are many team sports, organized clubs, and student activities at Sewanhaka. It is true, unfortunately, that many schools write mission statements only because its expected of them. 770. Image 5. This is how you can combine vision and mission into one sentence, but you will probably want your mission statement to be a bit more elaborate than that. Community 3. According to state test scores, 76% of students are at least proficient in math and 74% in reading. School district financial transparency reports, which display per pupil expenditures for individual schools, as well as district averages, inform conversations within districts about whether equitable resources are being provided at the school level. We are committed to the families we serve, providing support and encouragement. Before you draft your mission, get together several teamsof students, educators, and administrator boardsand have each work on the mission statement. Maybe you can complement your statement on your school district website with such a list. More recently, in 2016, the team took home the trophy for Outstanding Small Delegation from the Rutgers University Model United Nations (RUMUN) conference. A good idea is to infuse your mission statement into the school curricula. Students who are protected under the McKinney-Vento Act are Its name translates to "Island of Shells" in English. SEWANHAKA CENTRAL HS DISTRICT 2020-21 School Year Financial Transparency. `3}6450rZ d@ @do.63/lO`G_1.v !po}w@Al)Ul\ # 8Zs |?3F. PDF Immediate Employment ODDortunities SOC H S.D S EWAN H AKA CENTRAL HIGH By the late 1950s, the post war baby boom had changed the single high school into a Central High School District with five buildings, serving students in grades 7 through 12. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. Global 8. Find Us . The Model United Nations Debate Team at Sewanhaka starts with participation in the 1/2 credit World Issues class, and then upon completion, the students become members of the club. The Sewanhaka Central High School District was founded in 1926 as a Central High School to serve the then sparsely populated communities that made up part of Nassau County. For more information about the graduation rate by student subgroup, or to compare graduation rates for your school or district to the state graduation rate, please refer to your school or districts full report on graduation rate data. Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District. Search for Public School Districts - District Detail for SEWANHAKA Franklin Square/Elmont Herald 04-27-2023 - 1998-2023 All Rights Reserved. Learn more about our academic and editorial standards. % The district is pleased to announce that Sewanhaka High School has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished School for 2022-2025 for its innovative teaching and learning empowered by its iPad 1:1 program. The list below is a sample of available courses at this school. fmN>;%SpO>]f&Ktq8= 3gwXw=? A school district represents not one but a group of schools under the same administrationwhich is why your district mission statement has to be nothing short of perfect. FTE basis), for a student-teacher ratio of 14.0:1 Our vision is to prepare and motivate our students for a rapidly changing world by instilling in them. Our vision is to develop well rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential. We seek to partner with Christian families who are committed to our vision and mission. MISSION: Hartford's system of schools exists to provide all students with access to participation in a global economy through attainment of Academic Standards of the State of Connecticut and readiness for post-secondary education. Not unlike mottos, acronyms are a fun way to instill pride in your school community. Vision and mission statements tend to explore themes that are important to a schools community. NCES District ID: 3626520. A Sewanhaka High School student dressed as an Indian, the school's mascot, at their 2017 homecoming parade. Menu . The most common words in school vision and mission statements are: Read below for our full list of the best school statements from around the web. Why You Need a Memorable Mission Statement, Students to learn with a clear aim in their heads, Teachers and administrative staff to contribute to the realization of your shared goal actively and consistently. Image 4. How To Write a School District Mission Statement To impact society in a transformative way regionally, nationally, and globally by engaging with partners outside the traditional borders of the university campus. Universities tend to focus on inspiring future leaders. Our school creates a pathway to assist students in achieving their educational and personal goals leading to a fulfilling future within the greater community. Those eligible to join this program include students from the other four high schools in the district. Our school will foster an environment to nurture individuals academically, socially, and emotionally so that they are equipped to tackle academic challenges and become productive members of society. Support our mission. On the other hand, school mission statements explain what the school is currently doing to achieve its vision. New Hyde Park Memorial High School is located in North New Hyde Park. This school is above the state average in key measures of college and career readiness. Search for Public Schools - SEWANHAKA HIGH SCHOOL (362652003630) To contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence. School mission statements have to resonate throughout the entire community and lead all the people involved toward their shared goals. You are on the right path. August 5, 2020. Amherst-Pelham Schools promises a better tomorrow with its district mission statement. endobj You need a memorable mission statement because its a starting point in order for your: Here is how a powerful mission statement influences your school district: If you are writing a school district mission statement for the first time, you should check out some examples before you get down to work.