Customer service (benefit inquiries, claims, ID cards): 800-843-4876 Here is a brief synopsis of some of the highlights: This is a 3-year contract for Translate this website to your preferred language: California Commission on Disability Access, Office of Business and Acquisition Services. our 2005 contract; the new paid holiday is Juneteenth. Customer service: 800-446-5674 The panel also OK'd making Juneteenth a paid holiday for Michigan's 48,000 state employees and allowing eight hours of paid leave for workers to attend a funeral of a parent, spouse, sibling or child. color: #dd3333; Customer service: 888-389-6648, option 3 The below holidays are observed by the State of Michigan: For more information view Michigan Civil Service Commission Regulation 5.08. 12-Month Bi-Weekly (Calendar Year) 20242023 Bi-Weekly Calendar Archives 2022 202120202019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 9-Month & 9-Month Deferred (Faculty and Staff) 2024 (Fall 2023 and Winter 2024 Terms)2023 (Fall 2022 and W ORS will send you a copy of your 1099-R every . State of Michigan Employee / UAW Calendar UAW Local 6000: Michigan's State Employees. This is especially important for IRS limits associated with DC/PHF contributions on a Detail 4 (DTL4) record. Payroll Calendars | NC OSC This is especially important for IRS limits associated with DC/PHF contributions on a . Nonunionized workers will also receive the 5% pay increase. Customer service: 800-524-0150 LANSING, Mich. (AP) Employees who work for the state government will get 5% raises next October under new labor contracts. Non-Medical Leave (Juneteenth is State employees can access the current year's holidayschedule and state payroll calendars. Judges Retirement System:Defined Benefit (DB) Plan. Civil Service Compensation Plan Section B If youre interested in a career that allows you to make a difference, check out the state of Michigan career portal for a list of current openings in state government. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. UAW Local 6000 Chief and Job Stewards will be having a meeting on Friday Ordinarily, if we receive your request by the first day of the month, your next payment should be deposited to your new account. 2022 Payroll Calendars | NC OSC State Employees In Michigan Will Get 5% Raise; Juneteenth Is Paid Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Since in 2022 this falls on a Sunday, this will be a We negotiated the biggest one (1) year October raise since the 1980's: a 5% raise for October 1, 2022 that will be followed by a 2% raise the following October; Pay Periods 2022 2022 Off Cycle Schedule Vendors News About OSC Addresses Physical Address 3514 Bush Street Raleigh, NC 27609 Map It! 2021. Employees may be paid ahead of the holiday or weekend date but you must use the holiday or weekend date for your detail report header when reporting to ORS. Convenient branch hours. All products and services available on this website are available at all MSUFCU full-service locations. All changes to a payroll calendar at any time of the year must be made by ORS. Visit the Premium Holidays page for more information. Off-Cycle Pay Frequency 2023. Customer service: 800-662-6667 State Salaries - Michigan Customer service: 888-803-4960 Michigan Office of Retirement Services ASEM concurs with the OSE's proposal for FY 202 ASEM further argues that state 2. employees, including NEREs, are not the cause of any financial problems faced by the state. years. Faculty and staff salary report for 2021-22 now available Non-Medicare and Medicare Retirees Carrier, Non-Medicare and Medicare Retirees *When a holiday falls on a Saturday, Holiday Credit provisions apply. All Rights Reserved. This statement shows how much was paid to you during the year in pension benefits, as well as how much was withheld in taxes. The new added insurance benefits are too many to note here (but OSC Primary Contact Number 919-707-0500. Mailing Address 1410 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1410 State Courier: 56-50-10 OSC Training Center 3514 Bush Street Raleigh, NC 27609 Map It! Telephone Numbers: 2023 State Payroll Calendar; 2022 State Payroll Calendar; Contact. How to Do Payroll in MichiganStep-by-Step Instructions You must accept your report by the fifth business day of the pay cycle, and you must submit payment to ORS by the seventh business day after your pay cycle end date. Merit salary increases for executive officers averaged 2.5 . Listed below are some federal and state forms needed to produce accurate pay for employees and compliant payroll reporting and tax remittance for businesses. Our state services support residents, businesses, and visitors to the Great Lakes state. Carrier We will be Carrier, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan (BCBSM) in partnership with New Directions State Behavioral Health/Substance Use Disorder Plan (SHP PPO), Non-Medicare Retirees Should there be discrepancies between the information reflected here and the actual law, the provisions of the law govern. Email: Michigan State Employee Salaries | Open The Books HR Gateway Scheduled pension payment dates are listed in the tables below. Due dates for reports and payments are based on your reporting unit's pay cycle and the pay cycle end date. Michigan Employers State State Salaries Highest salary at State in year 2018 was $164,519. ***Per RCW 42.16.010 (1), "Under no circumstance shall the paydate be established more than ten days after the pay period in which the wages are earned except when the designated paydate falls on a Sunday, in which case the paydate shall not be later than the following Monday. Schedule. Michigan General Schedule (GS) Pay Scale for 2022 If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look about you. Michigans official state motto holds many truths our state is a land of great splendors. Phone: 800-381-5111 or 517-284-4400 determined. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). State of Michigan Employees | MSU Federal Credit Union PO Box 30171 Notify the Michigan Office of Retirement Services (ORS) after three days if your regular direct deposit payment is not deposited to your account. Payroll Calendar 2023; Payroll Calendar 2023 Pocket Size 4 to a page; Payroll Calendar 2023 Small 2 to a page; Payroll Calendar 2022; Payroll Calendar 2022 Pocket Size 4 to a page; Payroll Calendar 2022 Small 2 to a page; Online Google and Outlook Paydate/Cutoffs Calendar; Biweekly Pay Frequency 2023; Off-Cycle Pay Frequency 2023; Monthly Pay . Non-Medicare Retirees Michigan Retirement System | Pension Info, Taxes, Financial Health these will be explained when we have the contract explanation meetings. Also in regards to time off (12 week paid parental leave), which was agreed Number of employees at State in year 2018 was 1,849. HR Gateway. | We use your pay period start and end dates to create your payroll calendar. ORS requires that you report wages when they are paid, not when they are earned. 2023 (January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023): 2022 (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022): 2023 (January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023) : 2023 (January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023):Vision, 2022 (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022):Vision. Qualified Transportation Fringe Benefits (QTFB). Department of General Services Contact Us OSC Primary Contact Number 919-707-0500 At least a third say each of these were major reasons why they left. 7.00.01 Payroll calendars and due dates State of Michigan Employees Advocating for Office, Technical and Professionals Workers. 284 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[271 23]/Info 270 0 R/Length 81/Prev 268769/Root 272 0 R/Size 294/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The retirement plan information that appears on Office of Retirement Services (ORS) websites is intended to summarize basic provisions of Public Acts 300 of 1980, 240 of 1942, 182 of 1986, and 234 of 1992, as amended. Carrier microsite -, Non-Medicare Retirees: Your UAW Local 6000 bargaining team has come to a Tentative Agreement with the 2017 Payroll Calendar. .site-description { Carrier, Non-Medicare Retirees Carrier, Medicare Advantage Retirees Wages. To view your payroll calendar or check your report begin and end dates, click View Payroll Calendar on the Things To Do menu. Over 135 ATMs in the Greater Lansing area (many inside State of Michigan buildings) $25 Referral Offer. include improvements in Health, Dental, Orthodontics, and Vision plans); UMSTU (University of Michigan Skilled Trades Union, Inc.) Contract and wage schedules through 5/31/23. UPAMM (United Physician Assistants of Michigan Medicine) Contract provides rates through 6/2/2024 (For information about Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) and Lecturers Employee Organization (LEO) visit Academic Human Resources. State average salary is 9 percent lower than USA average and median salary is 6 percent higher than USA median. Pension Pay Dates New Year's Day (January 1) Martin Luther King Jr. Day (3rd Monday in January) Lincoln's Birthday (February 12) Washington's birthday (3rd Monday in February) Memorial Day (last Monday in May) Independence Day (July 4) Labor Day (1st Monday in September) Payroll Schedules . 2016 Payroll Calendar. Academic Attainment: Post-Bachelor's degree: Student is currently in an advanced degree program related to the work assigned and has completed a bachelor's degree. / CW50 Detroit. 2018 Payroll Calendar. paid holiday for the first time on Monday June 20, 2022.). We met that request as there is no increase in the premium share percentage formula, deductibles or co-pays for the three (3) years covered by the contract beginning 1/1/2023. Fax: 517-284-4416, Address: Check public holidays in Michigan state for the year 2022. Carrier, EyeMed Carrier, Medicare Advantage Retirees State of Michigan Payroll 2023 | 2023 Payroll Calendar Michigan state government salary - Ballotpedia State of Michigan Payroll 2023. Michigan Gov. Bereavement leave for the day of the funeral of an employees spouse, Post-Bachelor's degree: Student is currently in an advanced degree program related to the work assigned and has completed a bachelor's degree. Biweekly Pay Frequency 2023. Base Minimum. 2021 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. (Due to COVID, your meeting may have to be via Zoom) Please contact Disciplinary Procedure Pay Calendar - Payroll - Wayne State University