Phone: 307-789-3464, ext. Phone: 206-598-4485 All time off requests must be approved by CTRS supervisor. 577 Jobs in Eichsttt, Bavaria, Germany (20 new) - LinkedIn Therapeutic Recreation Internship Opportunities Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 01/2005, Lake Pointe Woods Fax: 402-572-2528 Phone: 608-237-1397 Phone: 319-338-8100 E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Sue Ellen Clark, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 03/2005, Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs Medical Center Address: 715 SW Ankeny Rd, Ankeny, IA 50021 E-mail: Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 05/2004, Aptiv This is no compensation for this internship. Address:770 Tanglefoot Ln,Bettendorf, IA 52722 Phone: 941-929-2442 Select which audience you belong to and we'll display quicklinks and announcements tailored to you. Fax: 515-271-0933 Fax: 843-792-5582 E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Julie Martin RTTR 399-02: 12 credits/600 hours (15 consecutive weeks) Placement under the supervision of a qualified CTRS (PDF) P/NC only; Eligibility: 4:19 PM. Please call ahead to schedule a tour or an appointment. Agency Supervisor: Catherine Johnson (7/7/04) Therapeutic Recreation Program Asheville, NC *Summer internships only Different Populations - Children & Adults . Laundry is available on site. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 03/2018, Roger's Behavioral Health Address: 9225 Cascade Ave, West Des Moines, IA 50266 California Asian Chamber of Commerce. California Craft Brewers Association. Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 04/2018, Shirley Ryan Ability Lab (formerly Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago) E-mail: Agency Supervisor:Dayell Houzenga, CTRS Address: 200 Somerset Street,New Brunswick, NJ 08901 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 2022, OSF Rehabilitation Services Agency Supervisor: Christine Emkes, CTRS Address: 2701 17th St, Rock Island, IL 61201 Housing may be available on the hospital campus. E-mail: AppendixNCTRC Scope of Practice for the Practice of Recreation Therapy Phone: (773) 265-4346 Therapeutic recreation is a health-oriented and client-centered field of human services. I went camping, mountain biking, canoeing, snow shoeing, etc. E-mail: N/A E-mail: and THERAPEUTIC RECREATION AFFILIATE/INTERN MANUAL Western State Hospital STAUNTON, VIRGINIA 2014 . Agency Supervisor: Eryn Cronbaugh, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 03/2019, DuPage Care Center Address: 4833 N Francisco Ave, Chicago, IL 60625 Email: Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 05/2015, CJE Senior Life Adult Day Services Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 12/2019, Washington County Hospital and Clinics Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 2022, Saint Josephs Childrens Hospital - Ministry Health Care, Inc. Agency Supervisor: Heather Specht, MS, CTRS Summer 2023. Agency Supervisor: Melissa Gelfand, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2019, Little City Spring (January to April) September 29, 2023. E-mail: For more information, or to declare your major, contact the Interim Therapeutic Recreation Program Director, Laree Shanda, CTRS/R at or 509.359.6545. Phone:847-956-7912 ext. Address: 1350 E Lookout Dr, Richardson, TX 75082 Address: 7487 S. State Rd 121, Macclenny, FL 32114 Agency Supervisor: Kathy Waite, CTRS Agency Supervisor: Kristi Ruben, CTRS, ATRIC Address: 3000 South Ave, LaCrosse, WI 54601 E-mail: Intern housing is valued at $725/month with utilities included. Address: 8001 Excelsior Dr, Ste. Affiliation Agreement: RenewalAgreement, 2022, Sterlingshire of Coralville Bed linens and towels are provided for you, as is a kitchenette for . Address: PO Box 94949, Lincoln, NE 68509-4949 Internships | Eugene, OR Website Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2013, Ridgecrest Village This allows a student to better understand the structure and purpose of the department. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 06/2005, Childrens Specialized Hospital It provided great experience in assessment, planning community outings, and adventure outings. E-mail: Fax: 520-791-3125 Address: 2002 Holcombe Blvd, Houston, TX 77030 The student will demonstrate skills in providing therapeutic recreation services. E-mail: Phone: 410-323-0500, ext. The TR staff provides advocacy and inclusion support for individuals with disabilities to enjoy general recreation activities, as . Shifts range from 9:30am-5:30pm (when school is not in session), 10am6pm, or 1-9pm, working at least two evenings and one weekend day. Accommodation. Eichsttt, Bavaria, Germany Weather Forecast | AccuWeather Recreation internships can lead you to a municipal Parks and Recreation office; the USDA Forest Service; or the guest facilities of a community, golf, or . Agency Supervisor: Jennifer Hovey Phone:(p) 314-442-3249 / (f) 314-442-3497 Phone: 507-373-0683 Phone: 386/254-4080 E-mail: Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 11/2006, Kostopulos Dream Foundation Recreation Director Intern - Summer 2023 (Housing Available) Fairfax, VA 22035. 2001 Oriental Blvd. Internships - Eagle Crest Communities Address: 225 East Chicago Avenue, PO Box 10, Chicago, IL 60614-3394 Address: 3800 Commerce Blvd, Davenport, IA 52807 Address: 2004 W. Powers Ave.Littleton, CO 80125 Affiliation Agreement: 06/2015, The League at Camp Greentop Jo Ann Coco-Ripp. Phone: (952)-562-5718 (direct) Address: 2525 E Oakton St, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Agency Supervisor: Susan Coblentz, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 01/2010, Scottish Rite for Children Interns will lead or assist recreation staff in leading a variety of programs. (608) 833-4467 ext. Interns are also required to participate in a 2-week orientation course which includes: computer trainings, pedophilia, sexual harassment, clients rights, HIV, health issues and child abuse classes as well as other campus training classes. Fax: 651-686-6572 Phone: 815-320-3500 ext. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 03/2005, Healthsouth Chesapeake Rehab Hospital Recreation Therapy Internship. Address: 701 10th St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Sacramento. Phone: N/A When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Address: 3249 S. Oak Park Ave, Berwyn, IL 60402 Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 08/2011, VA Medical Center (St. Louis) Agency Supervisor: Anne Smith, CTRS Fax: 970-416-2100 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 05/2015, Lincolnway Special Recreation Association LITTLE ROCK - As a precautionary measure, the City of Little Rock has temporarily taken its network offline because of a security concern. Address: 19910 80th Ave, Tinley Park, IL 60487 Agency Supervisor: Susan Markey Email: The program is to be accredited by the National Recreation and Parks Association. Phone: 952-826-0433 Fax: 916/381-0209 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 05/2019, Brooks Rehabilitation Hospital 10. E-mail: Bachelor of Science in Therapeutic Recreation. Address: 1056 E 19th Ave, Denver, CO 80218 Agency Supervisor: Barbra Aronowski Address: 285 Memorial Dr,Crystal Lake, IL 60014 Phone: 415/206-1229 or415/206-1063 Phone: 352-374-5600 ext. Email: Affiliation Agreement: RenewalAgreement, 2022, St. Luke's Hospital - Unity Point Agency Supervisor: Margaret Goldbach, BS, CTRS, CCLS, CEIM Email: Address: 401 S Main St, Ste 108, Rockford, IL 61107-1321 To obtain an application for a practicum or internship see the links at the bottom of the page., South Suburban Therapeutic Adaptive Recreation (SSTAR) Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 03/2007, National Institutes of Health Address: 1301 Summit St, Marshalltown, IA 50158 Our Philosophy of Recreation Therapy is to utilize various recreational activities as interventions that promote change, wellness and independence in the areas of physical, emotional, cognitive and social impairments . Phone: 630-907-1114 Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2010, Albert Lea Good Samaritan Center 15. Phone: (319) 291-1353 Phone: 515-289-9628 Eichsttt, Bavaria, Germany Daily Weather | AccuWeather Address: 4801 W 50th, Edina, MN 55424 Agency Supervisor: April Stover, CTRS City of Tucson, Parks & Recreation, Northwest District Agency Supervisor: Beth Lucas Address: 900 S Randolph Wy, Tucson, AZ 85716 Phone: 520-791 . E-mail: Fax: 630-593-5501 Internship Certification Standard: A minimum 560-hour, 14-week internship experience in therapeutic recreation services that uses the therapeutic recreation process as defined by the current NCTRC Job Analysis Study under the supervision of both academic and agency internship supervisors who are NCTRC CTRS certified. Phone:(720) 857-6400 Agency Supervisor: Donna L.V. Internships conform to theNational Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification Field Placement Standardsand are offered Spring, Fall, and Summer semesters. Address: Child Life, 1000 Joe DiMaggio Drive, Hollywood, FL 33021 Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 05/2017, Special Recreation Services of Northern Lake County - Waukegan Agency Supervisor: Jennifer Battle, CTRS 3597 Therapeutic Recreation Services. Phone: 847-966-5522, ext. Northern Illinois Special Recreation Association Address: 3421 W 9th St, Waterloo, IA 50702 Address: 3 Russell Slade Blvd, Coralville, IA. Phone: 312-227-3452 Phone:563-396-2111 Agency Supervisor: Carla Roth, MS, CTRS Develops and oversees year-round fitness programs . A Therapeutic Recreation (TR) Internship is generally a 14 week/40 hour per week commitment, with a $100 per week stipend (budget permitting). Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 05/2019, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Childrens Hospital of Chicago E-mail: Spring 2024 Internship : Applications due August 28, 2023. Phone: 309-779-3121 Phone: 802-786-4991 Address: 8901 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20889 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 03/2017, Clive Behavioral Health E-mail: N/A Fax: 515-978-2436 Attendance at other department trainings, in-services and certification courses may be assigned by CTRS supervisor. Phone: 914-693-0600, ext. E-mail: Phone: 319-653-5481 E-mail: Each internship takes place at a single agency where interns are exposed to opportunities to develop skills related to the therapeutic recreation process encompassing 69 Job Tasks of a CTRS as defined by the current (2014)NCTRC National Job Analysisincluding: Students secure an internship through competitive applications and interviews with agencies featured on a pre- approved list representing diverse settings across the USA. Agency Supervisor: Lisa Kay Cox, CTRS, Director of Internship Program E-mail: Affiliation Agreement: 04/2011, City of Chattanooga Parks & Recreation Paid Internship. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 07/2019, Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital Agency Supervisor: Danielle Hermsen, CTRS E-mail: Address: 2705 Mullanphy Ln, Florissant, MO 63031 Agency Supervisor: Micaela Fedyniak, CTRS E-mail: N/A Recreational Therapist | Therapeutic Programming Coordinator. Address: 3000 W Central Rd, Ste 205, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 Please contact us at or 319-384-4664 if you need further information. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2012, Meth-Wick Community Youth Villages offers paid internships in our Recreation Therapy Program in Douglasville, Georgia, and Memphis, Tennessee. Mountainside: Student interns in Mountainside have the opportunity to work with infants, children, adolescents and young . E-mail: Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 12/2007, Shriners Hospital for Children Address: 312 Southbrooke Dr, Waterloo, IA 50702 231 If you share Leslie Knope's excitement for community involvement and project planning, then an internship in recreation is the first stop on your career path. Phone: 319-369-8252 SE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52403 September - December 2023, Spring 2024 Internship : Applications due August 28, 2023 Agency Supervisor: Kathleen Sachs, CTRS Therapeutic Recreation Internship Manual Joan L. Sutton, MS, LRT/CTRS/CDP AP Assistant Professor- Clinical Fieldwork Supervisor Department of Community and Therapeutic Recreation University of North Carolina Greensboro 211 Ferguson Building, 524 Highland Avenue Greensboro, NC 27412 336-256-8639 (office) 336-256-1156 (fax) Supervisors may be responsible for supervising more than one intern at a time. Address: 111 E Cold Spring Ln, Baltimore, MD 21239 Agency Supervisor: Amanda Baseler, CTRS E-mail: See internship descriptions for details. E-mail: Fax: 650-498-2455 Agency Supervisor: Hannah Lenth Affiliation Agreement: renewal, 04/2018, Dakota Communities E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Katy Ryan Interns are responsible for completing a minimum of 480 hours over 12 continuous weeks (maximum duration may depend on individual college or university requirements). Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Eichsttt, Bavaria, Germany. Programming is adventure-based recreation, sports leagues, clinics and camps located in the Denver Metro area. Email: In the therapeutic recreation/recreation therapy profession, while individual measures of accountability have been in place since 1956 ( e.g., registration, certification and /or licensure), the tie . Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 05/2014, The Rehabilitation Institute of Kansas City Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 10/2016, Halifax Health System 3919 Agency Supervisor: Laurie Freeman, CTRS Career Opportunities - NSCD 7.04 Internship: Application of the therapeutic recreation body of knowledge through experience .. 16 Visitor Review of Learning Outcomes - . The recreation therapy internship is available to students who have completed coursework through an accredited recreation therapy program and are deemed eligible to begin internship by their academic director. Agency Supervisor: Brenda Parrish For more information please contact: Emily Medema, CTRS. Fax: 563-875-6268 Fax: 314/894-6409 Address: 5804 Correctionville Rd, Sioux City, IA 51106 Address: 1775 Dempster St, Park Ridge, IL 60068 Address: 710 N Lake Shore Dr, 3rd Fl, Chicago, IL 60611 Internship Outcomes . Internship Semester. Therapeutic Recreation | Shirley Ryan AbilityLab Website: Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 2022, Northwest Special Recreation Association Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 04/2014, Fox Valley Special Recreation Association Colorado Veterans Community Living Center at Fitzsimons 2402 Agency Supervisor: Jonathon Mitchell, CTRS Phone: 847-556-8405 Address: 1760 West Algonquin Road, Palatine, IL 60067-4799 NOTICE: The University of Iowa Center for Advancement is an operational name for the State University of Iowa Foundation, an independent, Iowa nonprofit corporation organized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, publicly supported charitable entity working to advance the University of Iowa. Agency Supervisor: Sydney Lane, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 03/2019, Froedtert Hospital May - August 2023, Fall 2023 Internship : Applications due May 1, 2023 . Agency Supervisor: Kerry Zekert, CTRS, Internship Coordinator Address: PO Box 139, Killington, VT 05751 Agency Supervisor: Mike Mantia, Recreation Therapy Coordinator The CTRS supervisors responsibilities include: Physical, Drug test and Background Check Agency Supervisor: Renee Lee, CTRS Phone: Interns will be asked to provide the ASC . Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 03/2005, Eagle View Behavioral Health E-mail:, Oaknoll Retirement Residence By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Address: 3395 Plymouth Rd, Minnetonka, MN 55305 Fax: 954-967-2518 Fax: 503-823-4329 Recreational Therapist | Therapeutic Programming Coordinator Address: 27864 Irma Lee Circle, Unit 101, Lake Forest, IL 60045 Agency Supervisor: Felicia Barnhart, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 05/2004, Piedmont Healthcare, Inc. - Center for Rehabilitation Medicine 2310 Address: 2600 Center St. NE, Salem, OR 97301 The Adaptive Sports Center offers college students and/or recent graduates the opportunity to gain practical work experience through our summer or winter internships. Agency Supervisor: Dave Wisniewski, CTRS 4108 Winter interns are provided with a season ski pass, valued at more than $600. Agency Supervisor: Dawn Elliot, Director of Lifestyle Services Phone: 303-861-6979 Address: Psychiatric Associates, 7101 Newport Ave, Omaha, NE 68152 Email: Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 05/2017, County of Sacramento, Department of Regional Parks Address: 8727 N Pioneer Rd, Peoria, IL 61614 Phone: 507-255-7949 Application Deadlines & Important Date. . Agency Supervisor: Kelsey Blazo Agency Supervisor: Pat Junod Address: 4500 Belmont, Downers Grove, IL 60515 Address: 1421 S Bell Ave #104, Ames, IA 50010 The goal of the Therapeutic Recreation internship at Gios Garden is to offer the intern an opportunity, within a supervised setting, for the practical application of the philosophy, theory, and knowledge acquired in the academic setting. Youre part of a group of truly amazing people. Agency Supervisor: Rhonda Shrewsbury, CTRS Address: 3198 N Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304 E-mail: Address: PO Box 339, 65 Highland Ave, Peapack, NJ 07977 E-mail: Phone: 954-987-2020 Recreational Therapy Internships | Children's Specialized Hospital Agency Supervisor: Sandy Shankle (5/6/04) Internships encompass the delivery of therapeutic recreation services in one or more roles according to the requirements outlined in the NCTRC job tasks and knowledge areas. Wind Gusts 23 mph. Recreation therapy internship program | Veterans Affairs Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 9/2017. The program is approved by the California Board of Recreation and Parks Certification as a training facility. Agency Supervisor:Kylie Nickels, CTRS HHP YouTube. Fax: 303-413-7201 Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2006, Ranken Jordan A Pediatric Specialty Hospital E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Jenn Wilson, RTC, CTRS Address: 3915 Golden Valley Rd, Minneapolis, MN 55422 Phone: 907-344-7270 Internship Benefits. Fax: 515-287-9695 Address: 2001 S Lindbergh Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63131 Agency Supervisor: Kathy Davis, CTRS Internships | City of Winston-Salem, NC Affiliation Agreement: Craig Hospital Phone: +1 319 353 6672 Today's 577 jobs in Eichsttt, Bavaria, Germany. The outdoors, physical activities, and other forms of unconventional therapy. Neighborhood and Community Services. Its purpose is to prepare well-rounded professionals and leaders within the fields of public health and recreation who make a difference and have an impact on the . Address: 11937 US Hwy 271, Tyler, TX 75708 The St. Lawrence College Therapeutic Recreation curriculum has been successfully reviewed and determined to be in alignment with the Therapeutic Recreation Ontario (TRO) Essential Competency Framework (ECF). Agency Supervisor: Kendra Lerdal Phone: 301-496-8876 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 01/2012, Pathways Adult Day Health Center Phone: 303/413-7269 Community Partner List | Sacramento State Completing all forms and evaluations required by the interns university. Therapeutic Recreation Services | Neighborhood and Community Services Phone: 303-962-6489 The Therapeutic Recreation department's community outreach programs provide patients an introduction to adapted activities. Current Weather. E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Tabitha Scott, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 06/2007. Phone: 847-283-0908 Address: 1 S 450 Wyatt Dr, Geneva, IL 60134 Affiliation Agreement: New, 03/2014, Highland Ridge E-mail: and (Locations throughout Illinois) Behavior Services and Therapy Fax: 309-779-3141 Phone: 319-553-2219 E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Mary Geil, CTRS Fax: 970-453-3845 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 11/2020, Mercy Medical Center Phone: 630-909-6010 Agency Supervisor: Jessica DeYoung, Manager E-mail: 250 Bedford Park Blvd. Fax: 303/413-7272 E-mail: N/A Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 07/2015, Mayo Clinic Agency Supervisor: Carol Graziano, CTRS Sign in to create your job alert for Therapeutic Recreation Internship jobs in United States. Contact: Bethany A Berning,CTRS Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 05/2018, Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center Agency Supervisor: Lisa Fox, CCLS The EWU Therapeutic Recreation degree is nationally accredited through COAPRT and will provide you with a strong educational background. Address: 271 Willow Lane, Carbondale CO 81623 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 05/2012, Crittenton Childrens Center Agency Supervisor: Cara Navarro, CTRS Address: 611 St. Joseph Ave, Marshfield, WI 54449 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 05/2011, Special Recreation Association of Central Lake County (SRACLC) Agency Supervisor: Kathy Argyle, CTRS 3. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 08/2019, Northeast Florida State Hospital September - December 2023. Housing is not currently offered by this facility, but there are a variety of short-term lease options available in the area. The student is responsible for maintaining internship binder and following tentative weekly outline. Therapeutic Recreation Directors - Address: 1450 NW 114thStreet, Clive, IA 50325 Get notified about new Therapeutic Recreation Internship jobs in United States. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2017, Iowa Health - Des Moines The Clinical Therapeutic Recreation Program is an integral part of a patient's rehabilitation process while at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Agency Supervisor: Dave Wisniewski, MHA, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: Renewal Agreement, 2022, On With Life - Ankeny Rehabilitation Center Phone: 757-461-5001 Ext. Agency Supervisor: Susan Crisp Address: 701 Oaknoll Dr, Iowa City, IA 52246 Phone: 847-570-2845 At UWL, we are inspired every day by the driven, active and engaged students who make us so proud. Agency Supervisor: Erin Fernandez Address: 1668 Diane Rd, Mendota Heights, MN 55118 Affiliation Agreement: 04/2015, MacNeal Hospital 703-324-5532. The recreational services department offers field work internship opportunity to students from accredited college Therapeutic Recreation Programs. Address: 1015 Howard St, Evanston, IL 60202 Therapeutic Recreation Programs & Internships | Texas Scottish Rite E-mail: Website: Interns will be asked to provide the ASC with a refundable security deposit of $600 each. A $350/month grocery stipend is provided to all interns. Therapeutic Recreation Program (TRP) | City of Colorado Springs Address:2 Millstone Campus Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146 Fax: 816-751-7982 E-mail: E-mail: Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 04/2018, Jewish Community Center - The J Coordinator of Clinical Education: Donna Heinle, OTD, OT The Rehabilitation Services Department at MMHI provides year-round internship programs for students in programs such as therapeutic recreation, occupational therapy (OT/OTA), art therapy, and speech-language pathology. E-mail: 86 Therapeutic Recreation Internship jobs in United States (2 new) Fax: 301-480-0669 Internships | Greensboro, NC Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 08/2019, Elgin Mental Health Center Address: 3600 30th St, Des Moines, IA 50310 Phone: 815.387.2500 Affiliation Agreement: New Affiliation, 02/2020, Calvin Community Agency Supervisor: Kurt Wiger, CTRS Fax: 515-271-6600 E-mail: Agency Supervisor: Heidi Giese, BS, CCLS, CTRS, CIMI, Child Life Manager Internship requires 560 hours of experience over 14 consecutive weeks under a Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (introductory internship hours are . At UWL, we live out the Wisconsin idea of public service and community engagement. Contact: Chrissy Ropp, PT, DPT, GCS, Coordinator Clinical Internships and Residencies Agency Supervisor: Linda Ohnoutka Internship Details. Phone: 563-391-3430 E-mail: Recreational therapy internships allow students the opportunity to intern at one of our three locations which include Mountainside, New Brunswick and Toms River. Address: 3011 Baltimore, Kansas City, MO 64108 Agency Supervisor: Shauna Smith, CTRS Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 2023, Cheyenne VA Medical Center Phone: 303-433-6887 x116 Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 02/2011, Mt. E-mail: E-mail: Address: 1300 South Dr, Winnebago, WI 54985 Completion of minimum 120 hours of fieldwork or practicum. Affiliation Agreement: New Affailiation, 5/2019, Mayo Clinic Arizona HHP Instagram Fax: 307-789-4592 Agency Supervisor: Andrea Edwards Address: 1919 Quentin Street, Aurora, CO 80045 Fax: 801-583-5176 1407 the life changing support of these partners. Maintain intern binder. Affiliation Agreement: New Agreement, 08/2017, Easter Seals Wisconsin Phone: 414-357-5105 ext. Howard County's Therapeutic Recreation (TR) programs and services are designed to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities, enhance quality of life, and develop leisure and recreation skills such as socialization, decision making, independent life skills, self-confidence, and self-esteem. The Vandalia Recreation Coordinator performs a variety of duties. Address: Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, PO Box 356490, 1959 NE Pacific St, Seattle, WA 98195 Affiliation Agreement: Renewal, 2022, ChildServe Habilitation Center Providing the intern with information, support and feedback. The student will develop and implement a new program for the recreation department. Academic Internship manuals must be submitted if selected for an interview.