Making a splash: A deep dive into the live-action Little Mermaid with a new generation's Ariel. The shows ratings, which were so-so during the first season, took a significant nosedive during the second. Masters then realized Thompson had feelings for Carter and told him that killing her would make her a martyr, they needed to ridicule her. "We were hoping (assuming we could afford it) that the story would then lead us to London, where we would learn that Peggy's late brother Michael was not only alive and kicking, but involved in some very nefarious, super-villainous shenanigans.". Planting that seed in him is her hope that he will continue to be a good man. Eventually, Thompson had learned that Masters had been working with Whitney Frost and assisted in bringing them both to justice. As he opened the door, he was shot once in the chest and fell to the floor. Please do not make assumptions regarding confusing wording, other sites' speculation, and people's headcanon around the internet. Its a lame cliffhanger but forgivably so, since Agent Carter needs any and every trick to stay alive right now. We were meant to see how two similarly brilliant women could be pushed down divergent paths by sexism and circumstance. Carter reassured him that he already did. I love Sousa! Hayley Atwell has already been cast as the lead in a different ABC series. They also revealed that Leviathan had stolen weapons from Howard Stark. Eventually, they found the body of Leet Brannis and clues that a woman was somehow involved in his death.[2]. I think what makes it work is that she saw something in him thats the same quality she found attractive in Skinny Steve (Chris Evans), which was a man with great morals dealing with very real physical hardships. See the problem is that you and your commie friend, well, you killed the carrot.Dottie Underwood and Jack Thompson. Thompson said that all he wants to do is help. Shoot him.""No. I think its inevitable that they end up together. Entertainment Weekly may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Carter asked him who put him up to this and told her it wasn't true. Though, like most Marvel things, it's probably also related to Hydra. Thompson then invited Carter for some drinks.[4]. After observing Ivchenko communicating with someone across the street in Morse Code, however, Carter admitted the "confession" had been false and admitted to Dooley, Thompson, and Sousa the entire story of what had happened since Stark first approached her. Heres hoping for season three. He also tricked her and tried to point it at Frost, but because of Thompson, she knew it was a trick. Parting ways, Carter said goodbye to Dugan, and Ivchenko, having nowhere else to go, decided to go back with Carter and the others to use what he knew to help the SSR against Leviathan. After stealing Frosts research, Peggy and her allies collaborate on a machine that can open a Zero Matter rift. While there is very little evidence ether way about this I think it would be a cool connection if a season 3 does happen. Carter had faked his death and became involved in illicit activities. Marvels second TV serieson ABC tracks the exploits of Agent Peggy Carter, played by Hayley Atwell, last seen in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. So to lose him, I think she would grieve, but its not the same. Copyright 2023 However, in reality, Michael had faked his death, having joined an illicit organization during the war. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. She could probably lift Mjolnir, let's be real. [12], The City and the Country owe you a great debt. Thompson went over to another phone and listened on the other line. Is Jack Thompson dead on Agent Carter ? Agent Carter producer reveals season 3 plot and why revival won't The software that cloned Drake and the Weeknds voices is easy to useand impossible to shut down. Jetlagged' Jack Thompson is next, flying to London to wheedle out Peggy's S.O.E. Confused, Thompson told him that Carter had nothing to do with this. When Nikola attempted to bargain Sawyer for his freedom, Ivchenko shot and killed him. Everybody thinks that I'm this guy that I never was. The bench of memorable supporting characters gets deeper with every episode. I just didn't realize it until it was too late. The rope then untied and Carter caught it. Masters introduced Thompson to Calvin Chadwick, a club member running for Senate unopposed; Chadwick thanked Thompson for helping Isodyne Energy. During World War II, Thompson was part of the invasion of Iwo Jima, the United States of America's first attack against Japanese territory. From hair trends to relationship advice, our daily newsletter has everything you need to sound like a person whos on TikTok, even if you arent. Peggy and Wilkes never really address that time he threatened to kill her. Thompson's loyalties were tested as Vernon Masters attempted to dismantle the SSR while Thompson was working on an investigation with Daniel Sousa. The Season 2 finale of Marvel's Agent Carter ended on quite the cliffhanger, one that seems like its setting up a major mystery for Season 3. Maybe we've been going about this all wrong. In 1946, both of these men travel to this Nazi base and implant the triggers into Bucky. Hollywood Ending (Agent Carter) - Wikipedia Thompson then learned that during the chaos Stark had been kidnapped by Fennhoff. He made sure that everyone got individual assignments for the Howard Stark investigation. He told Thompson to dig up something to blackmail her with.[6]. The end of season one saw a lot of changes for Marvel's Agent Carter.Jack Thompson (Chad Michael Murray) was promoted to head of the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR) after the death of Chief Dooley (Shea Whigham), Soviet trained assassin Dottie Underwood (Bridget Regan) escaped, Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) finally asked Peggy on a date (to no avail), and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) saved . After Peggy (Hayley Atwell) expelled the Zero Matter from Whitney Frost (Wynn Everett) and essentially saved the world, she celebrated by making her decision between Sousa (Enver Gjokaj) and Jason Wilkes (Reggie Austin). She simply wanders over to the rift without any protection and immediately becomes a wide-open target for the S.S.R., which has arrived with a Zero Matterdestroying Gamma Cannon. As soon as Thompson came near him Sousa went into a murderous rage and attacked him, punching Carter and trying to strangle Thompson, only to be stopped when a police officer hit him, knocking him out.[12]. He picked it up and was sprayed a strange gas, he began to choke and cough so Thompson ran to his aid. Despite the death of Roger Dooley at the hands of Johann Fennhoff, Thompson, together with Peggy Carter and Daniel Sousa, managed to stop Fennhoff's diabolical plans. However, a new problem arose, the only way to shut of the rift was to hit the button on the machine. Thompson and Carter investigated the location of the shooter, only to find a gun that would automatically shoot at Stark, but was aimed above his head. He heard Masters getting orders from Whitney Frost. However, Wilkes and Frost both survived. Thompson sneaked up on her and hit her on the head. Carter tried to rush Sousa from her side of the room by asking him to leave; as he did, he noted a scar on her back near her shoulder. Peggy Carter revealed that Thompson did not have enough evidence to charge Edwin with a crime, so he was released. We'll handle the rough stuff," Agent Flynn spoke with a dismissive tone, from behind a pair of bespectacled eyes that looked down on Peggy Carter. Halle Bailey, Melissa McCarthy, and director Rob Marshall share the tale behind making their underwater musical with a groundbreaking Disney princess. Howard Starks vague reference to a big new idea could mean anything, but Id like to read it as a veiled reference to S.H.I.E.L.D., which he and Peggy co-founded after World War II. and a massacre? They were interrupted by Howard Stark's arrival and Thompson and the other Agents immediately put him under arrest. This week, Tom and Shiv get it on. Carter explained that she saw newspapers inside that showed that the members were rigging the Senatorial election; Daniel Sousa cited that when they listen to the eavesdropping devices that Carter planted, there will be proof, but Carter told him that that mission was a failure. He was the carrot and I was the stick, he spoke smoothly and I didn't speak at all. Not anymore, Peggy replies. And just like that, this season-long, apocalypse-threatening conflict has been handily resolved. I think she sees his faade and she understands why a lot of his bravado and his need to be liked and approved comes from, because hes harboring a very guilty secret about his past that he confided in her in season 1. During the interrogation, Thompson got a phone call from Chief Sousa, asking for another man to assist him in an investigation of a dead woman as he was understaffed. Following his sister Peggy and theStrategic Scientific Reserve's investigations intoIsodyne Energyand theCouncil of Nineproved troublesome, Carter shot SSR agentJack Thompsonbefore retrieving a file on his sister. [1], They ran inside to find Jason Wilkes, who had expelled the Zero Matter, causing an explosion. committed treason. After Thompson woke up, he learned that Carter had escaped from Agent Sousa as well. Unless that was bait and Masters was looking for a reason to off Thompson (or Peggy and Sousa), you'd think he wouldn't leave such a thing lying around in his office. He agreed, thinking that it's fair. She told them that she believed that Ivchenko was working for the enemy and communicating with them. Thompson was livid when Peggy Carter returned to the Auerbach Theatrical Agency, saying that she snuck into the Arena Club to further her investigation because he declared the case as closed. Thompson left while Masters yelled for him. Was agent carter season 3? Explained by FAQ Blog Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. It would be lovely to think that Netflix (home to so many awesome Marvel shows) would pick it up, but their shows all share a common universe and timeline that Carter doesn't share. And Marvels Most Wanted the long-discussed Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Masters told him that a woman met with Underwood and soon, she was out. In Russia, Carter and Thompson met up with the Commandos which consisted of Dum Dum Dugan, Happy Sam Sawyer, Pinky Pinkerton and Junior Juniper. As he packed his bags, he received a phone call telling him that Peggy Carter would not be accompanying him and wanted more vacation time; he was fine with the request. Thompson woke up to find Carter and Daniel Sousa, Carter asked him the last thing he remembered. We know that Dominic Fortune (played by Delroy Lindo) will appear in the upcoming Marvel's Most Wanted. Maybe Michael killed Thompson to cover up his own existence, and maybe we'll see more of him in the future. Jack waited patiently for her response. Agent Carter may sadly be no more, but one of its writers has teased what may have happened on season three had it continued. In Tueday's second episode, Jack Thompson betrayed Agent Carter at least, I think he did, and it definitely wasn't the Hydra-tastic way I thought he was going to. Fennhoff attempted to use his mind control powers to control Sousa. The person to do it would get sucked in. What's really. Also my brother is usually very good at predicting whats going to happen in many stories. We only saw their appendages. Shortly thereafter, the S.S.R. You dont have it in you, Jack scoffs as he prepares to set off the detonator. As a result, Thompson became the new chief of the SSR's New York office. Read at your own risk! Whatever happened last night . while we're really busy with your friend Stark, if you don't mind these surveillance reports need to be filed, and. Privacy Policy. Thompson volunteered to break the news to Krzeminski's girlfriend, while Dooley broke the news to his wife.[10]. That certainly seems to be the case. ""Don't be a boy scout Jack; I know you understand what I'm saying.Jack Thompson and Vernon Masters. Thompson gives the secret key to Carter, who is convinced to stay in Los Angeles to be with Sousa. They were coming to surrender. EW turned to Atwell to get the scoop. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The interrogation continued until Edwin Jarvis managed to bluff his way into the SSR office with a supposed signed confession from Howard Stark, accepting responsibility for the sale of his weapons and claiming Carter had been a patsy. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! When a report came that the Roxxon Refinery had disappeared after an explosion, Thompson and Ray Krzeminski were accompanied by Chief Roger Dooley to investigate. [15] Thompson called again the next day, wondering when Carter was returning, but Sousa did not know. The SSR, however, was aware of Dottie's plan, and Peggy is waiting inside the vault for her with a shotgun. Thompson told her that usually, Roger Dooley and he would play the carrot and the stick during an interrogation, but since Underwood and Johann Fennhoff had killed Dooley, this left Underwood alone with him. They came upon two prisoners named Nikola and Ivchenko who revealed that they had been kidnapped due to Nikola's intelligence and Ivchenko's status as a doctor to treat Nikola. The devolution of Whitney Frost is the finales first big misstep. Its a finale with so many stories to resolve that it didnt have enough time to do most of them justice. Agent Carter Quotes file that seems to implicate Peggy in a massacre. . [1], In the United States the episode received a 0.7/2 percent share among adults between the ages of 18 and 49, meaning that it was seen by 0.7 percent of all households, and 2 percent of all of those watching television at the time of the broadcast. Chief Thompson pulled rank and signed the report himself. Those clever writers! [17], I don't envy you, buddy. Later during the war, Thompson was involved in a military operation on Tsuken Island in Okinawa, Japan. With Dooley dead, Thompson was now the acting chief of the SSR. Peggy Carter wanted Thompson to watch the film reel that Jason Wilkes stole from Isodyne Energy Headquarters documenting the origin of Zero Matter. When Dooley flew to Nuremberg to question the Nazi war criminal Ernst Mueller about the Battle of Finow, he left Thompson in charge of the New York Bell Company. Masters told him that the Strategic Scientific Reserve was considered a wartime agency; with World War II over, it might be replaced since the department of war was being restructured. Jack Thompson | Disney Wiki | Fandom What Happened To Peggy & SHIELD After Agent Carter Ended Revealed He then cut the fuel lines to Sousa and Carter's car. He meets with Starkan old friend of hisand the others, and agrees to distract Frost while Carter and Sousa photograph the blueprints for Frost's machine, which Stark and Wilkes build themselves. "Hollywood Ending" is the tenth episode of the second season, and premature series finale, of the American television series Agent Carter, inspired by the films Captain America: The First Avenger and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the Marvel One-Shot short film also titled Agent Carter. It had been one year since she left the war.. file on Peggys allegedly horrific actions during World War II; the whereabouts of Dottie Underwood; the fate of Sousas onetime fiance Violet, who was very smart to dump him. When they returned, Ivchenko was gone and Dooley was in a Stark Heat Vest. [1] It was also revealed that the guest cast for the episode would include Currie Graham as Calvin Chadwick, Lotte Verbeek as Ana Jarvis, Lesley Boone as Rose, Dominic Cooper as Howard Stark, Ken Marino as Joseph Manfredi, Chris Coppola as Hank, Tina D'Marco as Nonna, Matt Braunger as Dr. Samberly and Malcolm Brock Jones as orderly. When Thompson took over the interrogation, he offered Van Ert a tree branch to bite down on as he beat the scientist in an attempt to get him to tell all he knew. Agent Carter Season 2 Finale: Who Killed [SPOILER]? Thompson went to visit an old friend in London. In 1946, Peggy Carter is relegated to secretarial duties in the Strategic Scientific Reserve (SSR). [4], By 1946, Thompson was still seeking employment when his father's friend Vernon Masters heard of his situation. He's real convincing, gets guys to spill their guts. If you don't mind, these surveillance reports need to be filled and you're really so much better at that kind of thing. Because he deals with it with such dignity in the way that Skinny Steve did, thats what attracts her to people. Thompson then apologized to his former mentor and pointed his gun at him. Thompson decided to intervene and walked into the interrogation room with a burger and a bottle of scotch. Its really exciting, and it changes a lot. Later, Thompson and Underwood negotiated a deal where she would get prison instead of the electric chair if she revealed who she was trying to steal a lapel pin from the bank vault and why. Jack Thompson, meet Calvin Chadwick.Jack Thompson and Vernon Masters, With only an hour left before his scheduled flight to New York City, Thompson went to the Arena Club to bid farewell to Vernon Masters. The love triangle between Peggy, Sousa, and Wilkes ends not because Peggy makes a choice, but because Wilkes steps away from the possibility of being with her. The Obama-Springsteen friendship continues on. As she was knocked down, he said it was nice to see her again, and then hit her on the face with his gun, knocking her out. While the show was controversially axed on ABC after just two seasons, Molina revealed that the team behind it would be up for a return if it was picked up. Eventually, Peggy nails his hand to the roof of the truck with his knife, and tells Jarvis and Brannis to get out of the truck. Appearances Agent Carter Agent Jack Thompson was one of the agents called by Roger Dooley to discuss the possible betrayal of Howard Stark to the United States. Shonen Jump: Why Was There No New Issue This Week? Before she could answer, an agent burst into the room and unshackled her from her restraints to the table. Otherwise, we may never know if Chad Michael Murray's character lived or died. A timeline of Justin Bieber, Hailey Bieber, and Selena Gomezs love triangle. Sousa asked if he could go to Frost and ask for more time, but Masters said he would have to do that in person, Thompson then agreed to talk to her himself. It sounds like a powerful, moving scene, and I wish wed had the chance to actually see James DArcy and Lotte Verbeek perform it. Industry professionals are tweeting their support of guild members. Agent Carter (season 2) List of episodes. (Read our full postmortem with executive producers Tara Butters and Michele Fazekas here.). Edwin Jarvis then placed explosives inside Stark's self driving Hovercar and sent it into the rift. He asked his friend if he got the info, which his friend gave him a redacted file. From 2015 to 2016, Murray appeared as Thompson in 14 out of the 18 total episodes of the ABC series Agent Carter, which focused on secret agent Peggy Carter from the Captain America movies. Thompson and Daniel Sousa went to Stark's penthouse and took his butler, Edwin Jarvis, into custody. SPOILERS for the Agent Carter Season 2 premiere follow. Thompson asked him about his research and found him learning the background of Agnes Cully from Oklahoma. The two men went out to drink and Thompson acted drunk to play along with his actually drunk friend. As Sousa asked about where Carter could have gone, Thompson began to look toward the window, outside which Carter was hiding. We know that Dominic Fortune (played by Delroy Lindo) will appear in the upcoming Marvel's Most Wanted. The translated message stated that Howard Stark would be in Belarus to receive a cheque for one of his inventions. Its really amazing, but I dont want to get too excited about it in case we dont get picked up again, so I cant really say anything. Thompson told Sousa that not all veterans returned home from the war wanting to be taken care of. The Russian organization called Leviathan was talked up a lot in the first season of Agent Carter, but we didn't actually see much of them. Well, maybe Netflix can make an exception in this case? Thompson quickly loaded up his shotgun, but was stopped by Sousa and Carter, who didn't trust him. Dooley gave a short speech expressing his desire to go after Stark as he blamed him for the deaths of the Agent. Im sworn to secrecy on it, but its really clever. Frank quickly agreed and explained he had seen a well dressed man and a dark haired woman enter the The Heartbreak. Graham, Verbeek, Boone, Cooper, Marino, D'Marco, and Braunger reprise their roles from earlier in the series. It features the Marvel Comics character Peggy Carter trying to defeat Whitney Frost, and is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films of the franchise. Peggy Carter is one of the most complex and intriguing characters in the MCU, and Hayley Atwells performance is as impeccable as it is reliable. Stark agreed to be used as bait to draw Ivchenko, or as he was originally named, Johann Fennhoff, into the open. [12], Sousa Look at me. [14], A Chief's work is never done.Daniel Sousa, Booking a flight back to New York City, Thompson returned to the Auerbach Theatrical Agency where he found Daniel Sousa working late into the evening. Thompson and the other SSR agents did all they could to try and work out a solution, but Alex Doobin informed them that there was no way to safely remove it. Privacy Policy and In earlier episodes this season, time was spent to carefully set up tragic parallels between Frost and Peggy. "I think the creative team would all line up to return the cast, the writers, etc it would just be a matter of finding an outlet interested in airing the show," he continued. HAYLEY ATWELL: Im so happy! Do you think Sousa could be the husband that Peggy was talking about in Captain America: Winter Soldier? In the workplace, her gender is considered a disability. Shes quite patient and wants to appeal to the good in him. Thompson's loyalties were tested as Vernon Masters attempted to dismantle the SSR while Thompson was working on an investigation with Daniel Sousa. (It didnt help that ABC aired back-to-back episodes over the past two weeks. The plan to stop Frost is laughably simple, and easily accomplished. They ran out of the building.[17]. After six months, Thompson set up an ambush for the Soviet operative in the Bowery Savings Bank. After those movie-length installments, the 42-minute finale was doomed to seem anticlimactic.). Jack Thompson | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom The shooter then walked into the room, grabbed the redacted file on Carter, and left Jack Thompson bleeding on the floor. Thompson & Peggy Are At Odds On 'Agent Carter' - Bustle It could be that what we dont know yet is that in the war, at one point, Steve Rogers did save Sousa, and Sousa wasnt telling me or didnt know it at the time. "Creatively, these shows tend to be very dark, and Agent Carter just doesn't have dark and brooding in its DNA.". The And Just Like That Trailer Teases Season 2's Release Date & Aidans Return, House Of The Dragon Season 2's Cast Includes 'Slow Horses' & 'Perry Mason' Stars, 'The Mandalorian' Season 4 Is Already In The Works, Everything To Know About 'RHOC' Season 17, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. Thats the kind of meticulous character building that lays the groundwork for a truly climactic standoff, and after circling each other all season, we couldnt be more primed to see Frost and Peggy go head-to-head. ""And what kind of thing is that, Agent Thompson? Thompson stepped outside and went to detonate the bomb, but it didn't work. A shot through the roof incapacitates Brannis, forcing Jarvis to take control of the car. I think she deals with him with a bemused tolerance. He twisted the pin and found that it was a key. Frost gets hit with the Gamma Beam, then loses her Zero Matter powers and gets arrested. Whitney Frost absorbs the Zero Matter released from Jason Wilkes, who is rescued by Peggy Carter, as Howard Stark returns and aids in their escape. Thompson received a call from Vernon Masters to come to Los Angeles as quickly as possible; Thompson left New York City and went to the Auerbach Theatrical Agency. Agent Carter may sadly be no more, but one of its writers has teased what may have happened on season three had it continued. Marvel's Agent Carter Season 2 1 | Marvel Database | Fandom Masters was forced to his knees while Thompson thanked him for teaching him his ways. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. Thompson revealed that he was not a pilot and therefore could not chase him down, same as Sousa, instead Edwin Jarvis volunteered. There must be a third season!! It basically gives us our core for season 3 if we were to go to a season 3. Thompson traced his step back to the phone and found notes taken by Thompson, which had coordinates to Frost. [2][3][4], "Hollywood Ending" was first aired in the United States on ABC on March 1, 2016. (Inside sources claim she could plausibly star in both, but for both scheduling and branding reasons, Im skeptical.) Fennhoff was arrested and Stark was convinced to fly back to the base. The Gamma Cannon that takes down Frost is fired by Howard Stark, not Peggy. After he left, Thompson took a tool where he could se ethrough the redacted information. Agent Carter (TV Series 2015-2016) - IMDb It's a shame, he and Peggy were finally starting to get along. When they reunited with Thompson's group, he asked what had happened. [9], Carter, we're going to be a little busy with your friend Stark. When they activate it, the sudden burst of energy draws Frost like a moth to a flame. He buried the white flag before any of his fellow soldiers could have seen it. The Roys continue their downward spiral into total desperation as Matsson and their dead father loom over every decision they make. Sousa came across a baby's pram, he looked inside and realized no baby was inside or had been killed. He discovered that they had to scan for Vita-Rays to know if any employees. If the rest of the year keeps up at this pace, podcasting will be in a good creative place. Offers may be subject to change without notice. I can imagine that he would get blinded by Vernon Masters, Whitney Frost and power, but she has sympathy toward that rather than sees that as something bad in him. He figured she was trying to decide whether it was worth it to keep arguing with him. Terms of Service apply. The next day the group arrived at the Red Room Academy where they split up. Is Jack Thompson Dead On 'Agent Carter'? A Mysterious Man - Bustle He then said he wanted a seat on the council. According to Daniel Sousa, his personality was shot off there during this campaign. Having had a bit too much to drink himself, Thompson asked her why she worked at the SSR, considering that men got to do more than take lunch orders. Rather than share it with Carter and Sousa, Thompson claimed all the glory for himself. When Thompson and Sousa saw the unconscious agent, Underwood told them that she found Carter like that. Peggy Carter said that he could help by taking their lunch orders. As an agent of the SSR, Carter helped former colleague Howard Stark clear his name when he was accused of being a traitor, and later traveled to Los Angeles where she clashed with Whitney Frost over the extra-dimensional Zero Matter. Jack Thompson Death Scene (Agent Carter) - YouTube Months passed without a lead to the whereabouts of the Russian assassin Dottie Underwood; in the meantime, Thompson replaced Roger Dooley as Chief in New York City while Daniel Sousa was promoted to the Chief position and sent to Los Angeles to open a branch of the Strategic Scientific Reserve there. The qualities that make this show a niche entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe are also what make it so special. 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